episodes of Jack Oakie College

Jack Oakie was a big name in the 1930s and 40s, even though he's not well remembered today. Perhaps best known now for his parody of Benito Mussolini in Chaplin's The Great Dictator, Oakie made some 87 films, and starred in early television, and had a number of guest appearances as well as his own radio show. "Jack Oakie's College" was certainly in tune with it's youth theme, featuring the rising star Judy Garland on several shows, and breaking away in the middle of it's hour-long (!) format for an extended remote set from the incredibly hot Benny Goodman band.

A collection of scanned scripts of "Jack Oakie" broadcasts from 1936- 1938 can be found through a search of the industrydocumentslibrary.ucsf.edu/tobacco/ website.

Click on a script title below to view it:

May 11 1937 with Robert Benchley, Judy Garland, Benny Goodman
Date Unknown Episodes of Jack Oakie's College from tobacco industry archives
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