The Adventures of Sam Spade was a radio series based (loosely) on the private detective character Sam Spade created by writer Dashiell Hammett for The Maltese Falcon. It was the rare show that ran on all three networks during the years from 1946 through 1951. The series starred Howard Duff (and later, Steve Dunne) as Sam Spade and Lurene Tuttle as his secretary Effie, and took a considerably more tongue-in-cheek approach to the character than the novel or movie.
Click on a script title below to view it:
Sep 06 1946 | Sam and the Corporation Murders |
Sep 29 1946 | The Blood Money Caper |
Feb 02 1947 | The Dead Duck Caper |
Sep 19 1948 | The Hot 100 Grand Caper |
Oct 31 1948 | The Fairley-Bright Caper |
Feb 13 1949 | The Attitude Caper |
Apr 30 1949 | The Jane Doe Caper |
Aug 28 1949 | The Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail Caper |
Date Unknown | Audition Script (The Persian) |