The Big Hand Episode #1 Date: Oct 01 1951
In his late 40's or early 50's. Main Character. Here is an educated man who scorns civilization for the peace of mind in the jungles. Hard drinker. Strong personality. Natural leader of men. Ruthless, bold, masculine. Likes his women to bend. He loves 'em and leaves 'em (as many as he can) between expeditions.
Slightly older than McAllister. An archaeologist who is slightly naïve about hard and cruel facts. Understanding type. A true student but not introvertish. Can lead men to a certain trough but can't make 'em drink McAlli---
Possesses Keen interest in people as well as places.
Brilliant student, an associate curator of the Museum. Cynical, Bitter about not advancing, extrovert, persuasive. A natural snake-in-the-grass. About 35.
The coward, the follower, with typical frustrated white collared approach. 30 years old. Would like to advance but hasn't enough starch. If he hadn't met Corwin he'd have been frustrated today.
BARBARA -The calypso darling of Rand McAllister. Sultry, dark, petite, but every wiggle is well-calculated. Lush voice. A one-man woman, and as masochistic as a broad can be.
JOHNNY - the extent of his scientific training is the fastest way to remove a cork from a bottle of hooch and short-change the customer at the same time. Typical Portuguese bartender about 40 years old.
WOMAN - A high-class adventuress, somewhat faded, 45, and she doesn't care either. Just a shade bush-worn but she knows her trade like an artist.
MUSIC: UP AND UNDER FOR: ANNCR: Eternity is the beach and a man a grain of sand upon it. MUSIC: BIG THEME UP AND UNDER FOR: ANNCR: Man is the superior animal, endowed with intellect and instinct. But there comes a time when all that man can do is done - when all that he can say is said - and like a grain of sand he lies exposed in the palm - of the BIG HAND. MUSIC: THEME UP AND OUT FOR: ANNCR: ABC, in cooperation with the editors of SAGA, the true adventure magazine for men, brings you to the threshold of a man's destiny at the moment when the line of fate in many hands intersect - that moment when the final answer lies only in the line of fate - in the palm of - THE BIG HAND! MUSIC: UP AND UNDER FOR: SOUND: DELIBERATE FOOTSTEPS (2) ON MIKE OVER BG OF OCCASIONAL AUTO HORNS -- NATIVES HAGGLING IN BG -- TYPICAL SOUTH AMERICAN STREET SCENE VOICE: (PORTUGUESE HAWKER) (FADES UP AND OUT QUICKLY) Pagamos duzentos escudos pelo cavalo e porque? (TEMPER) Porque?! Gosto de via jar - FRANK: (ON) Dave--Dave, will you listen to reason. DAVE: (ON BLASTING) No! I don't want to talk about it. FRANK: (PLEADING) But we've come this far and - DAVE: For what...for a stinking board of directors cooped up in a museum 5,000 miles away! Huhn. FRANK: It's a job, isn't it? DAVE: Sure, sure. FRANK: Well, what are you - DAVE: Frank, don't be a sap. How many guides have we talked to now. There was Forsythe, and Krauss, and Markowitz, to mention only a few - FRANK: But Dave--Dr. Becker said-- DAVE: Look, Frank. Becker's an archaeologist. He's just like the rest of the monkeys in their plush offices with their red-headed secretaries, their rows of little push buttons and their padded expense accounts. FRANK; Well?? DAVE: Sure. Here we are, 5,000 miles away in a dump of a town looking for a guide. There's 1,700 miles to go and when we get there we'll probably have to dig 1700 miles to get it - straight down. SOUND: FOOTSTEPS ONLY OUT ON CUE WOMAN: (FADING UP) Pardon me. Do you know where----oh---- DAVE: Where--what!! WOMAN: (ECSTATIC) You are English, aren't you? FRANK: (BRIGHTLY) We're Americans-- WOMAN: Well, Villa Andos isn't very large, but I--I'm lost-- my hotel is over on Via Renaldo and for the life of me I (SHEEPISH) Oh, dear, do you suppose that--well-- DAVE: Two blocks down and one to the left. WOMAN: Oh, thank you so very much. Well, toodle doo-- DAVE: Wait a minute! WOMAN: Yes? DAVE: We're looking for a joint called the Crystal Bar. WOMAN: That place? It's right around the corner--but I promise you, you won't find the kind of liquor you're used to. Why don't you-- DAVE: No thanks. Maybe some other time. WOMAN: (FADING) Give my love to--(BEAT) Barbara, won't you. FRANK: (UP) Barbara? DAVE: (UP) Yeah, Barbara. (TO FRANK) C'mon-- let's go. SOUND: RESUME FOOTSTEPS (2) FRANK: Who's Barbara, Dave? DAVE: Barbara? How should I know? Probably some dame that drinks with the boys. Well, here's the corner - FRANK: And there's Dr. Becker standing out in front. C'mon, we'd better hurry-- DAVE: What's the rush? FRANK: We're late - DAVE: So what? It's just another interview with another phoney. Probably has the usual credentials-- recommendations from the Prince of Wales, the Ranee of Swat, and the assistant credit manager of Gimbel's. FRANK: Well, if we're going to last long in the Motto Grosso. DAVE: Forget it. Here's Decker. DOC: (FADING IN) (IRRITATED) Well, gentlemen-- SOUND: FOOSTEPS OUT FRANK: Good morning, Dr. Becker. DAVE: Hello, Doc-- DOC: Both of you men have watches of course-- FRANK: Sorry, sir - we - DAVE: The directions you left us for getting here were-- DOC: There was nothing wrong with the directions I left at the desk. And I was very definite on the time, David. FRANK: You got up early this morning, sir. DOC: I always rise early. This morning I was up and out looking for this--this Rand McAllister by 6 AM. DAVE: Seen 'im yet, Doc? DOC: No. It's better that we all meet at the same time. DAVE: Where'd you get wind of this bird? DOC: We've no time to waste on questions, men. The important thing is to line up a competent guide now. The Brazilian vice-consul told me about him. DAVE: Well, let's have a look at this character anyhow. DOC: Come along then. He should be inside. SOUND: FADE OUT STREET SOUNDS AND BRING UP OCCASIONAL CHATTER BOTTLES AND GLASSES CLINKING IN BG MUSIC: HONKY TONK PIANO IN BG PLAYING OLD AMERICAN TORCH SONGS DAVE: What a joint. FRANK: Smells like Caspers back in New Orleans where yeast is yeast and West is-- DOC: Any of 'em look like McAllister to you? DAVE: No, sir. BARBARA: (FADING UP) (LATIN ACCENT) Any more Scotch left, Johnny? JOHNNY: (JUST OFF) Mama Minha! He drinks it like water. (FADING) I go back and look. This is not on dee house-- BARBARA: (SORE) Do as I say. He's not in a good mood this morning. JOHNNY: (FADING) Alright, alright. DAVE: (UP)Oh, senor-- Johnny! JOHNNY: Si, Senor. (FADES UP) DOC: Better let me ask him, Dave. (UP) Johnny, do you know a gentleman named--Rand McAllister. JOHNNY: (CAUTIONSLY) Mc--Allister? Uh----- DOC: Yes, I was told that he usually can be found in your place. JOHNNY: No, senor, I haven't seen heem. Today. You are police no? FRANK: Police? Now, wait a minute. DOC: I'll handle the matter, Frank. (BEAT) Johnny, it's important that we find him - immediately. BARBARA (IMPATIENT) The scotch, Johnny. The scotch! DAVE: What's the hurry--Barbara? BARBARA: G'wan, copper, Beat it. DAVE: (LAUGHS) I like that bracelet you're wearing. Where'd you-- BARBARA: (VICIOUS) Let go of me! What d'ya want? DOC: (SHOCKED) David! DAVE: (LAUGHS) She knows, alright--don'tcha -Barbara? (SERIOUS) Where's Rand? BARBARA: I don't know. DAVE: Oh, yes you do. FRANK: You're hurting her, Dave. DAVE: She likes to be hurt. C'mon-- where is he? DOC: Corwin, if you don't behave like a gentleman, I'll - I'll - JOHNNY: (FADING UP) Here is ze scotch, senorita. Eet is all today - for heem. BARBARA: (SORE) Hey, you-- DAVE: Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. BARBARA: That's mine, you - DAVE: Rand doesn't want to drink all alone - does he? JOHNNY: Pleeze, gentlemen, pleeze. Johnny don' wan' trouble. Follow the senorita. DAVE: That sounds more like it. After you--Barbara. SOUND: FOOTSTEPS (4) ON BOARD FLOORING DOC: Corwin, your behavior is most unorthodox. DAVE: What's the matter, Doc? You want to see McAllister, don'tcha? DOC: Yes, but I also want to avoid bad publicity for the museum. After all, this is an archaeological expedition - not a - a tour de force. SOUND: FOOTSTEPS STOP BARBARA: He's in here. SOUND: SQUEAKY DOOR OPENS BARBARA: RAND - RAND: (OFF) C'mon, baby. All I want is the Scotch. (BEAT) Well? BARBARA: These - "gentlemen" want to talk to you. RAND: Yea? DOC: McAllister, I'm Doctor Becker from the International Museum. RAND: Barbara, where's my scotch? DAVE: Here it is, McAllister. It got a little heavy for your girl friend here.... BARBARA: That is not true, Rand, he took it away from me - RAND: Skip it. Bring some chairs. BARBARA: How many? RAND: Two, of course. BARBARA: (ANGERED) Two? I thought we were going to - RAND: (SNAPPING) Two chairs!! (SHOVES HER) go on. BARBARA: (REACTS) You don't have to push me. I will go. (BEAT) See you later. SOUND: DOOR CLOSES RAND: What a dame! DAVE: She looks OK to me, Mac. RAND: Yeah? - Just a bit of advice, she's private property! DAVE: No kiddin'! RAND: (A BEAT) No kiddin. DOC: Gentlemen. I hope we can get started. RAND: Right away. Right after we have a drink. SOUND: POURING OF DRINKS RAND: Now, what's this all about? DOC: Well, I'm Dr. Ernst Becker from the International Museum in New York. These are my two assistants, Dave Corwin and Frank Marcus. RAND: Gentlemen-- DOC: Now--do you know the headwaters of the Xingu River? RAND: I know all the rivers in Brazil, Doctor. DOC: Very good then. Here is a map. SOUND: RATTLE OF PAPER DOC: I'm pointing at the area between Cuiba and the Xingu river. Many centuries ago, an ancient Inca civilization built there. RAND: And you want me to help you find it? DOC: Precisely. RAND: (CLEARS THROAT) It's rough country, Becker. DOC: All the more reason to retain you, McAllister. If what the vice consul said is true-- RAND: (LAUGHS) Jose? He's always recommending me. DOC: There were others-- RAND: I hope they didn't tell you I work for nothing. DOC: I didn't ask. But if $5,000 interests you-- RAND: (CAUSTIC) Coming--or going? DOC: What do you mean, McAllister, coming or going? DAVE: (WHISTLES) Let's go-- RAND: Go ahead, if you want to risk your civilized necks in the jungle with some cut rate guide, that's your business. DAVE: And just what's your business, McAllister, wine, women, and insults? DOC: That's enough. What is your price, Rand? RAND: Ten thousand and expenses, Dr. Becker. I'll fly you to the farthest navigable point in the Xingu and from there on --- we'll paddle. DOC: (A BEAT) It's a deal. DAVE: Doc! Are you out of your mind? DOC: I said it was a deal, gentlemen. RAND: Let's drink to it then. DOC: Not now, Rand. I have to notify the Museum. RAND: Oh, Doctor--before you leave-- DOC: Yes? RAND: I will have full charge of the expedition. DOC: What do you mean? RAND: I mean that--what I say--goes. I give the orders. DAVE: How d'ya figure--for the love o'-- DOC: Is there any particular reason for that, Rand? RAND: Naturally, if I were only responsible to your museum for your safety, it wouldn't matter. But if something were to happen to you, the Brazilian government would investigate, and suspend my ticket. Then--there's the tribes. FRANK: Yes--what about them? RAND: Although I know most of the trial chiefs personally, they sometimes have strange ideas about who comes back--alive! MUSIC: STAB AND ESTAB MOD FADING OUT BEHIND: SOUND: PLANE (SEAPLANE) COMING IN FOR LANDING IN BG--IDLE MOTORS RAND: (OVER SOUND) Alright--drop the anchor-- SOUND: SPLASH OF ANCHOR AND CUT MOTORS FRANK: (FADING IN) Great Scott it's hot! RAND: Just wait. When you start paddling up into the marshes, you'll feel like peeling off every stitch. FRANK: And don't think I won't either! RAND: You won't. FRANK: No? RAND: No. You'll go back to the states with the worst case of malaria you'll ever have. DOC: (FADING IN) I suppose the first thing is unlashing the canoes. Any last minute instructions, Rand? RAND: Yes. First off, your rifles. Don't load them while we're in the canoes. There are alligators in these streams but they won't bother you. I keep a loaded automatic handy, and I know how to use it. DAVE: How're we going to split up in the boats? RAND: Dr. Becker and I will take the lead canoe, Corwin. You and Marcus follow. I suppose you're both excellent swimmers. FRANK: Sure are. RAND: Well, it won't do either of you a bit of good. These waters are the breeding ground of cannibal fish and they'll eat the flesh off a man's legs and body so fast he'll wish a real cannibal were at it instead. DAVE: The same thing could happen to you, to---couldn't it, McAllister? RAND: (CAUTIOUS) Sure, Corwin. In the jungle, anything is possible. But if that happened I wouldn't give a lead nickel for the chances of any of you getting back. (BOARD FADE) Well, let's go. SOUND: ESTAB JUNGLE SETTING--MOSTLY BIRDS--NO ANIMALS--PADDLING IN WATER UP FRANK: (LABORED) Judas Priest, how much longer are we going to paddle this boat, Dave? DAVE: (LABORED) I--don't--know, but he's gotta quit for the night pretty soon. SOUND: SWATS ARM FRANK: Mosquitoes! Flies! Bugs! They're driving me nuts! DAVE: Here's the mosquito dope. Catch it. FRANK: (GRUNTS SLIGHTLY) Thanks. (GRIMACES) Ugh. This stuff smells like the lee side of a New York garbage scow. DAVE: (DISGUSTED) Hold your nose while you put it on, then. (BEAT) Frank--look--look-LOOK! FRANK: Where? DAVE: To your right-- up on the bank. It's a gator. What a chance for a shot. Hold the boat steady, Frank. FRANK: Dave---McAllister said-- DAVE: Who cares what McAllister said. He gives me a pain in the neck. Where'd the shells go. Oh, here... FRANK: You're asking for trouble, Dave. DAVE: What's wrong with ya? Ya yellow? No tin-whistler's gonna throw his weight around in a boat, see. Hold 'er steady while I--- SOUND: CLICK OF PUMP ACTION LEVER DAVE: (BEAT) There. I've got my sights on--it - FRANK: Behind you, Dave. Another one. DAVE: (STARTLED) Where? FRANK: (FRIGHTENED) Watch the canoe, Dave. SOUND: RIFLE CRACK ON MIKE - PADDLING STOPS DAVE: (SORE) Will you watch what you're doing? FRANK: You weren't shooting at any alligator! That went right past my ear. - RAND: (OFF) Who fired that shot? DAVE: I did. An alligator tried to attack the boat. RAND: (OFF) Pull in to shore. FRANK: (SOTTO) Now we're in for it. DAVE: What did you mean by shouting that something was behind? FRANK: Because there was. DAVE: You're lying. FRANK: You think I rocked the canoe, don'tcha? DAVE: I know you did. SOUND: RESUME PADDLING FRANK: You're wrong, Dave. There was a 10 foot gator in the water. DAVE: Well, it's too late to worry about that now. We're almost ashore, and here comes McAllister. SOUND: PADDLING STOPS--BOAT SCRAPES SAND--WATER SPASHES RAND: (FADING UP) What's the idea, Corwin? I said there was no shooting unless I gave the order. DAVE: Aw, go pull in your horns. RAND: (TOUGH) You listen to me! That shot missed me by about 3 inches--- DAVE: (GRUNTIN) Hey, whatta doing--my finger--my finger--! RAND: (BRUTAL) Doesn't feel too good when it's bent in the other direction--does it? DOC: (FADING UP) Dave, what's the matter with you, anyway? DAVE: (MOANS) (DRAWS IN BREATH BETWEEN TEETH) It was an accident. DOC: Corwin, anybody who is as careless with firearms as you seem to be deserves to be put out of commission. That trigger finger of yours came close to ending your career. RAND: What about mine? DOC: And McAllisters. One more incident like this, and I'll send you back to the States. Do I make myself perfectly clear? DAVE: (BEAT) Perfectly. DOC: (SIGHS) Alright. Rand suggests that we camp here. There's a small clearing beneath the trees where we can pitch tents. FRANK: Good! I'm famished and ready to drop. C'mon, Dave. (BOARD FADE) Gimme a hand with the canoe. SOUND: FADE IN NIGHT JUNBLE SOUNDES - OCCATIONAL ANIMAL SCREAMS - A LOW WIND - A FIRE CRACKLING IN BG RAND: (SMACKS LIPS) Ahhh. Well sir. It didn't take long to finish that bottle. Before we turn in, how about giving me the dope on those Inca ruins. DOC: Well, Rand-- it actually came to the attention of the museum through some research Corwin was doing. RAND: You mean--he found out about it first? DOC: Yes. He's darned clever--and a promising young archaeologist if he'd ever button his ears back. He deduced the whole yarn bit by bit over the year from old relics that had been lying around in storage waiting to be classified. RAND: A yarn? DOC: Well---a series of events, let's say. RAND: And how did you get into the picture? DOC: I'm coming to that, Rand. My job is a study of the ideas represented by words or word groups. RAND: That's pasigraphy, isn't it? DOC: That's right. It's a very limited field-- RAND: I know. DOC: (LAUGHS) i'm not surprised. But I'm going to be different Rand. I'm not going to ask you any questions. A man's private life is his own affair. RAND: And he becomes so bound up in it that he's a prisoner forever. DOC: You sound bitter. RAND: No I'm not bitter. Let's say I'm wiser. DOC: (PAUSE) When I first heard about Rand McAllister I expected to find a drunken, unshaven wreck of a man who lived simply by instinct--an animal that was even more at home in the jungle than he was in a bar. RAND: Well, that's what you found, isn't it. DOC: Let's say that it's what you'd like people to believe. RAND: But you know better? DOC: I'm still not going to ask any questions, but yes--I know better. RAND: Doc, I saw about as much of civilization as I wanted to see. I saw men talk about peace while they developed war in their labs and their testing grounds. I saw little groups of men struggling for power over their masses and then each was at the other's throat - all for-- peace in our time. I met a woman, beautiful beyond man's wildest dreams. She was the hand-maiden of the devil. I had a house - not a home. Acquaintances--not friends. I was a sap. Successful at everything I did--and as unhappy as a man could be. SOUND: OUT EXCEPT WIND RAND: A successful failure. So I tore the shackles off my wrists and decided that life had more to offer a man than that. For 15 years, I've.... DOC: (ALERT) What's the matter? RAND: Shhh. SOUND: SCREAM OF BEAST CLOSE DOC: (SOTTO, FRIGHTENED) Good Lord... RAND: A jaguar. But he won't attack unless he's hungry-- or wounded. DOC: Is he-- RAND: Close? DOC: Yeah. SOUND: SCREAM UP MUSIC: SNEAK IN MOOD OF SUSPENSE BEHIND RAND: We don't take any chances, Doc. Wake Corwin & Marcus and warn them not to fire under any circumstances. Got it? DOC: Right! Anything else? RAND: Here. SOUND: BREAKS BOTTLE ON TOP OF ROCK RAND: Here's a bottle of rum. The fire's too low to start another log. Stay close to it. If the cat jumps, it'll probably go for the grub over by their tent. It won't bother them. I'm going to move up wind and try to spot it. But if I don't--and he comes too close to you, throw the rum on the fire. It'll make enough of a blaze to scare 'im off, and maybe I can bag it at the same time. Got it? DOC: Good boy, Rand. I'll tell them. SOUND: FOOTSTEPS CAUTIONSLY CROSS TO TENT DOC: (LOUD WHISPER) Dave--Frank1 Frank! FRANK: Huh--huh--what's uh--ooooh. SOUND: SCREAM OF BEAST CLOSER FRANK: (STARTLED AWAKE) What is it? DOC: Dave...Dave! DAVE: (WIDE AWAKE) I'm awake--what's wrong, doc? The big cat gotcha scared? DOC: (IRRITATED) It's Rand's orders--don't fire any weapons. He says he'll account for the jaguar if. FRANK: Jaguar? (FRIGHTENED) Jaguar?? Becker, where is it? Where is it? Is it close? SOUND: SCREAM OF BEAST VERY CLOSE FRANK: I'm getting out of here. SOUND: MUFFLE OF CLOTHING AS HE STRUGGLES OUT OF HIS SLEEPING BAG DOC: Stay put, you fool. It's only looking for food. DAVE: What d'ya think Frank is? FRANK: (HYSTERICAL) Let me go--let me out of here! DOC: Don't be an old woman. I've got to go back to the fire. There's a chance the cat'll drop near the tent. If he does, I'll throw a-- SOUND: SCREAM FOLLOWED BY THUMP OF BIG CAT DROPPING TO GROUND. BRUSHES FADING UP BREAKING DAVE: Where's McAllister? Why doesn't he shoot? He's probably running so fast from here, 10 cats playing leap-frog couldn't catch 'im. I've got the rifle. An' it's loaded. DOC: Don't fire that gun, Corwin! Dave: There he is, Doc. Green-eyed little kitty. FRANK: Where--where??? DOC: Corwin! Don't! SOUND: BLAST OF RIFLE FOLLOWED BY SCREAM RIGHT ON MIKE FRANK: He's crouching (YELLS HYSTERICALLY) MUSIC: TO PEAK AND OUT FOR: SOUND: ANIMAL SPRINGS AND GROWLS AS HE CLAWS AND TUMBLES RAND: (FADE IN FAST) Roll, Frank--roll! FRANK: (SCREAMS OFF MIKE) SOUND: TWO PISTOL SHOTS FOLLOWED BY BEAST SCREAMING. TWO MORE SHOTS. SOUND OUT. RAND: (FADING UP) Frank1 Frank! Are you hurt? FRANK: (HYSTERICALLY SOUNDING) Get away--get away from me-- I'll kill you-- I'll kill both of you. DOC: Frank! You don't know what you're talking about. FRANK: (BREATHING HEAVILY NOW) Don't touch me! I've got a knife, Becker. Help me--Dave! (GROANS) RAND: He's fainted. C'mon. Get Marcus over to the fire. (FADE) I'll get my flashlight. DOC: I hope he isn't hurt badly. DAVE: (SNEERING) That's some guide you hired, Becker. DOC: We won't go into that-- DAVE: When the museum finds out about this-- (LAUGHS) RAND: (FADING UP) Here's the light, Doc. DOC: Where's the surgical kit? RAND: (SURPRISED) The surgical kit? DOC: Turn on the light. I want to look at the cuts. RAND: There's no cuts. DOC: McAllister! Are you completely mad? RAND: (COOLY) Maybe you'd be a better judge of that than I. See for yourself. SOUND: CLICK OF FLASHLIGHT SWITCH DOC: Wh--Why, you're right, Rand. But-- RAND: This isn't the first time I've seen a man think he was clawed--when he didn't even get a scratch. Good evening, gentlemen. There's a hard day's journey tomorrow. MUSIC: BRIDGE UP AND OUT BEHIND: SOUND: PADDLES IN WATER - SET JUNGLE SCENE AGAIN - RAND: Becker? DOC: Yes? RAND: Last night before that cat jumped us you were telling me about the Inca ruin. DOC: Yes... RAND: Is there more to the story? DOC: Perhaps. RAND: A treasure? DOC: I--I don't know. RAND: About what year did these Incas leave, Doc? DOC: 1533 is as close as we've been able to figure out. RAND: Pizzarro went through this country in 1533. There's a story the tribes talk about. Ever hear of the Sapa Inca? The eye of the Sapa Inca, according to legend, was a great precious stone. DOC: A diamond? RAND: (CHUCKLES) You knew it all along. DOC: That's true. But I didn't want to mention it because--because-- RAND: Because you thought I might want a share in the treasure. Is that right? DOC: Maybe. RAND: Decker, I wouldn't trade my freedom here for your veneer of civilization out there, no matter how thick it was. DOC: You haven't seen the diamond - yet. RAND: Neither have you, Doctor. There may be a reason. DOC: If I find it--the whole world will see it. RAND: Are you gonna take the stone? DOC: If it's possible without injuring either the stone itself--or the idol, yes----I'll have it. For the museum, of course. RAND: Does either Corwin or Marcus know about this stone? DOC: Why do you ask? RAND: Temptation, Becker--temptation. How simple would it be for a man---like Corwin---stubborn, ambitious, to choose the right moment and (RUEFUL SHRUG) AND get rid of us all..... DOC: Corwin is no murderer, McAllister. You're letting your imagination get away with you. RAND: You know me better than that, Becker. Look at the facts--the first day out he fired his gun. Why did the bullet almost hit me? DOC: An accident. RAND: Is disobedience an accident? DOC: No, but-- RAND: Why did he have his rifle loaded again last night when he knew I'd told him not to fire? DOC: He doesn't like taking orders. RAND: Especially from someone he considers to be a social outcast--- DOC: You're punishing yourself, Rand. RAND: Wrong, Becker. You're wrong. I drink because I like to--not because I have to. But back to last night--this sudden friendship between Dave and Frank. Doesn't it seem odd? DOC: Not especially. RAND: Becker--for the love of Pete's sake, wake up. Who is courting who in this little romance? Corwin is the suitor. DOC: Alright, McAllister. Supposing you're right---why Corwin? RAND: Because he needs an ally. He knows about the stone, alright, and already he can feel the sense of power and influence it'll get him in his civilized world. DOC: Rubbish! Frank would never be a party to any scheme like that! RAND: Why not? DOC: I've known the lad for three years, McAllister. He was in my classes in the university-- RAND: I seem to remember a similar case, Becker, where a great teacher was betrayed by one of his pupils... for 30 pieces of silver! MUSIC: STAB UP AND OUT FOR: SOUND: RE-SET PADDLING DAVE: What's wrong, old man? FRANK: (SORE) I--oh, I don't know. DAVE: Burned up about last night, huh? FRANK: Oh--that and a lot of other things. DAVE: McAllister? FRANK: (SNARLS) The hero of the hour, Jungle John and his faithful follower, Becker. Hah! You watch. When we get to the ruins, you won't see McAllister doin' any digging. DAVE: I'm not to sure about that, Frankie boy. FRANK: Don't make me laugh! DAVE: What if--what if he knew there was a treasure somewhere in the ruins? FRANK: Yeah-- maybe he would dig--then--(BEAT) Dave! You don't think that-- DAVE: Here--catch! FRANK: (SURPRISED) Your map case? SOUND: FLIPS PAGES FRANK: A map--but what are the X's? DAVE: Three mountain peaks. FRANK: Oh. DAVE: Now look over to your east. FRANK: Why--three peaks---just like on the map. DAVE: Now--look down front here on the map. By this river-- FRANK: It's - a--a village of-- DAVE: Do you see anything on the banks? FRANK: Nope. DAVE: Then--why is a village marked on the map? FRANK: You mean this is-- DAVE: Right, Frank--right. FRANK: But the map Dr. Becker's carrying says... DAVE: Who drew up the maps? FRANK: You did--Ahh--now I see it. You made up a complete set of wrong maps and kept the right one for yourself, eh? What else do you know that the rest of us don't? DAVE: With a little cooperation, Frank--both of us can come away from there very, very rich. FRANK: No kiddin! DAVE: It depends on one thing. FRANK: What? DAVE: That just the two of us--come back. MUSIC: A STAB AND UNDER FOR: FRANK: What about Becker and McAllister? DAVE: What about 'em--Frank? What've they ever done for you? FRANK: Well--Becker's OK--but-- DAVE: Don't be a sap. Why was he so eager to get McAllister for a guide? He knew about the ruins. He knew that there was a temple hidden somewhere and an idol with a gigantic diamond in the middle of its forehead. FRANK: Yes, but-- DAVE: But nothing! Nobody's allowed to carry loaded rifles, are they? FRANK: No, but-- DAVE: Why! Do you really believe all that junk about animals not attacking? What happened last night? That jaguar'd've made short work of both of us if I hadn't plugged 'im, and you know it. FRANK: (TERRIFIED) Don't talk about it-- DAVE: Well, it's the truth isn't it? FRANK: Yes. DAVE: Alright then----it could have been an accident--couldn't it, isn't that they way they'd have reported it? FRANK: (CRAFTY) Yes---I guess you're right. DAVE: Frank, there's more fortune in that temple. I know. I did all the research on the project. You know that. Now listen--carefully. We've been down here long enough to get malaria. I'll pretend I'm sic. And we'll go ashore--here. Tomorrow, I'll wander away from camp--delirious--with my map and stumble on the lost ruins. FRANK: And after the treasure's located? DAVE: (FACETIOUSLY) Somehow, Frankie, I have a feeling that two members of our expedition are going to be victims of a tragic turn of events. (LAUGHS) MUSIC: UP AND UNDER FOR: SOUND: ESTAB JUNGLE AT NIGHT RAND: Becker, it just doesn't add up. Here we are--several days short of our goal. The ruins are a few hundred feet away...practically at our feet the minute Corwin got sick. You still act like it was the hand of providence. DOC: Rand, why worry about it. We're here, the temple's only a stone's throw. The idol's inside with the diamond! It'll make the scientific world swarm with envy. We've done it--we've all done it. A whole new civilization--ready to be studied. As soon as I can make out what some of those hieroglyphics mean... RAND: How about those at the base of the statue? You copied them. DOC: Yes, here they are. SOUND: RATTLE OF PAPER RAND: Well, you've translated these already--what's this--? DOC: Oh, just a warning. The eye of the idol is actually a lever. Thieves trying to pry it out without first bracing the entrance with heavy timbers would find themselves in a sealed tomb because there's a great stone slab, about 12 tons, that drops straight down. RAND: Pretty clever-how was it raised? DOC: Originally, by water power---but the mechanism was crude and made from wood which rotted long ago. It'd take weeks to raise the door once the trap was sprung. RAND: Do the others know about it? DOC: Oh--no. I just completed the translation about an hour ago. They're both asleep and-- SOUND: RIFLE CRACK IN BG RAND: Down, Becker. (UP) Alright, Corwin--drop that gun and come out with your hands up. DAVE: (OFF) (LAUGHS) I'll pick you off, too, McAllister. SOUND: RIFLE CRACK RAND: Becker! Are you hit? DOC: No. But what--who's firing? RAND: Who do you think. They're both in the Temple. Corwin's covering us from the door. Frank's inside prying the stone loose, I suppose. DOC: (ALARMED) He--he mustn't do it, McAllister. Stop him. We've got to stop him! RAND: (SHOUTING) Corwin! DAVE: Why don'tcha shoot, McAllister? RAND: Don't pry the stone from that idol, you fool. Tell Marcus. It's a trap. DAVE: (LAUGHING OFF) McAllister's trying to tell us we're in a trap, Frank boy. How's the diamond coming? DOC: Corwin! For the love of heaven, man, tell Frank I've just... SOUND: BEGIN SLIDE OF STONE OFF MIKE DAVE: (SHOUTING OFF) No! No, no, no. (SCREAM) SOUND: SMASH OF ROCK AS TRAP CLOSES DOC: --de---ciphered---- RAND: It's no use, Doc. It's all over. DOC: (FRANTIC) No, it can't be, McAllister! We've gotta get help! SOUND: RUNNING DOC: Dave! (BREATHES HARD) David! David--- RAND: (FADING UP) Becker, don't be a bigger fool. DOC: (SAVAGELY) Help me, we've got to get them out. RAND: Becker! Keep your head on. You know they're done for. DOC: I'll shoot you--McAllister--help me. You've got to help me---lift that door! Get some lumber! Hurry! Maybe we can pry the door open! RAND: (DRYLY) All twelve tons of it. DOC: I'm warning you for the last time, McAllister. I'll--I'll--- RAND: Alright, Becker--shoot. DOC: I will... RAND: (SNAPS) Well, what are you waiting for. Your civilized associates are trapped inside by their own greed. And you're on the outside, trapped by your civilized conscience. If that's the best way out for your type of civilization - pull the trigger. MUSIC: A SWIRL IN SOFTLY THEN UNDER: DOC: I can't do it--Rand. I just--can't--do it! You win. RAND: Nobody wins, Becker. Nobody ever does. DOC: ONE TEARING SOB SOUND: A FEW PATS ON THE BACK RAND: Forget it. Here. (PAUSE) Have a drink. MUSIC: THEME UP FULL AND FADE FOR: ANNCR: THE BIG HAND, is presented by ABC in cooperation with SAGA, the magazine with brings you authentic and exciting true adventure stories. In the current issue of SAGA magazine, at all news-stands, you will enjoy reading: "Alone in the Wilderness," a story of prime interest to hunters and fishermen, on how to live in the woods with only a hunting knife. THE BIG HAND, produced in association with WILBUR STARK, was written by Bob Eklund and directed by Bob Woolson. Music, composed by Don Tiefenthal was under the direction of Rex Maupin. Listen next week at this same time, over most of these same ABC stations, for THE BIG HAND. MUSIC: UP AND OUT FOR: ANNCR: This program came to you from Chicago. (2 SECOND PAUSE) ANNCR: America is sold on ABC, the American Broadcasting Company!