FORMAN: Good health to all from Rexall! MUSIC: REXALL FANFARE, THEN OUT AT [X] FORMAN: It's the Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show. Presented, transcribed, by the makers of [X] Rexall drug products, and ten-thousand independent Rexall family druggists. DRUGGIST: Good evening. This is your Rexall family druggist, here to welcome you, for all ten-thousand of us. The ten-thousand independent druggists who have chosen to make the word REXALL part of our own store names. We've done that because we believe in the two-thousand or more drug products made by the Rexall Drug Company. And we've put the orange and blue REXALL sign on our windows to let you know we recommend and sell them. Bismarex is a good example of the quality of these products. This famous Rexall antacid often brings relief from acid indigestion within five minutes, neutralizing excess acidity, and leaving a soothing protective covering on irritated stomach membranes. Quality like that of Bismarex is what we family druggists are talking about when we tell you, you can depend on any drug product that bears the name REXALL. MUSIC: REXALL FANFARE UP, THEN UNDER FORMAN: Good health to all, from Rexall! MUSIC: THEME UP, THEN UNDER FORMAN: And now, your Rexall family druggist brings you the Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show. Written by Ray Singer and Dick Chevillat. With Elliott Lewis, Walter Tetley, Robert North, Jeanine Roose, Anne Whitfield, Walter Scharf and his music, yours truly Bill Forman, and starring Alice Faye and Phil Harris! MUSIC: "ROSE ROOM" UP, THEN OUT FORMAN: Next week, Phil and Alice are sailing for Europe, where Phil and Jack Benny are playing a three-weeks engagement at the Palladium Theatre in London. Phil has decided to take Frankie with him. And, as we look in, Phil, Alice, and Frankie are discussing the trip. FRANKIE: (LIKE A KID AT CHRISTMAS) Curly, tell me once more. After we play London, where do we go? HARRIS: (DITTO) Paris! We'll be on the loose, just you and I-- FAYE: And me and my monkey-wrench. HARRIS: What monkey-wrench? FAYE: In case you boys get too loose, I'll be there to tighten you up! FRANKIE: (DOWN) Oh, that's right. You're going too. HARRIS: Hey, Frankie, you know somethin'? We're really gonna have a fine time. Look, we'll spend every the Louvre! FRANKIE: Ye-e-e-ah! We're gonna live it up! I heard a lot about the Louvre. FAYE: Oh, I'm glad to hear you fellas talk that way. Because the Louvre is one of the most famous museums in the world. HARRIS: A museum? FRANKIE: How do ya like that? The way people rave about it, I thought it was at least a burlesque house. HARRIS: You wanna know somethin', Remley? We gotta investigate these places before we go to see 'em. Cause if we ain't careful, we're liable to find ourselves educated. FAYE: You know, on second thought, maybe we better not go to Paris. HARRIS: Well, if you don't wanna go, dear, you-- you don't have to. FRANKIE: Well, yeah. Curly and me'll go, and we'll bring you back some presents. We'll get you some o' that famous French perfume. HARRIS: Yeah! Hey, yeah! We'll get ya a coupla bottles o' that Couvasiay. FAYE: Phil, that's a brandy. HARRIS: (FEIGNING INNOCENCE) It is??? FAYE: I can just picture myself dabbing Courvoisier behind my ears. HARRIS: (LAUGHS) Oh, honey, don't be sil-- (TAKE) Hey, Remley, we gotta try it that way sometime. FRANKIE: Hey, Curly, have ya made all the arrangements for the trip? HARRIS: Yeah. And I got somethin' to tell ya, Remley. (LAUGHS) Oh, man, we're travellin' First Class all the way. Now, we go east on the Santa Fe Chief; then we take the-- WILLIE: Good morning, everybody! HARRIS: Oh, hiya, Willie. (TO FRANKIE) As I was sayin', we take the Chief east. Then we take the Queen Mary to England. And in London, we stay at the Savoy Hotel. WILLIE: The Savoy? Oh, Philip, you're making a big mistake! (CONSPIRATORIAL) If you want to have a good time in London, stay at the Grosvenor House. HARRIS: (CONSPIRATORIAL) Yeah? Why, kid? WILLIE: Every afternoon, they have tea dancing! HARRIS: Well, bless you for the tip, you little crumpet, you! WILLIE: That's quite all right, Philip. By the way, Alice, I met your doctor on the street, and he's expecting you at his office at eleven, for the shots. HARRIS: What shots? FAYE: Oh, uh-- Well... Phil... You see, I'm having the children vaccinated before we go, and I want you and Frankie to go with me because, well, they might act up, and I want you to control them. FRANKIE: Yeah, but Alice, Curly promised to go down and shoot some pool with me. HARRIS: Well, I can't-- That's out, Remley. I can't do it now. Aw, that's the trouble with girls. They're such sissies about gettin' a little shot in the arm. FRANKIE: Hm. HARRIS: Okay, Frankie, come upstairs with me while I put a tie on. We'll be down in a few minutes, Alice. WILLIE: (QUIETLY) Alice, I don't understand. The doctor said that you, Francis, and Philip have to be vaccinated against smallpox, not the children. FAYE: Oh, I know. I just told Phil it's for the children, so I can get him down there. He's such a baby about those things. WILLIE: Well, suppose he refuses to go through with it when you get him down there? FAYE: Oh, I've got that all worked out with the children and the doctor. We're gonna trick him into it. WILLIE: Oh, Sis, you're so smart! No wonder you have money! You're a rare combination. You have everything: brains, beauty, and talent. FAYE: Yeah. I'm loaded, ain't I? Would you care to hear me sing, Willie? WILLIE: Oh, yes, Sis! By all means, do! FAYE: This boy knows which side his bread is buttered on. FAYE'S SONG: "WHO CARES?" FAYE: Hello, Doctor Brannigan. GIRLS: Hi, Doctor! DR: Hello, Mrs. Harris. I'm glad to see you're on time for your appointment. Hello, children. Well, Mrs. Harris, if you and your husband are ready, I'm-- FAYE: Oh, uh, Mr. Harris isn't here yet. DR: Oh? Where is the great big bundle of nerves? FAYE: Well, he's parking the car. Now, don't forget, Doctor, he doesn't know he's to have the vaccination. We're gonna trick him into it, like we planned, huh? DR: Mrs. Harris, why do I always have to play games with him? When I took out his tonsils, I had to dress up like a cowboy, pretend he was an Indian, and tie him to the operating table. And there was that time I took out his appendix. (SARCASTIC) That was fun. For that one, I was Dick Tracy, looking for a new character named No Stomach. FAYE: I know. But, Doctor, just go along with me, once more. DR: All right, but frankly, Mrs. Harris, I'm getting a little fed up, playing patty-cake with Old Yellowbelly. He faints every time I go near him. FAYE: Well, it's-- it's not his fault, Doctor. He-- he's a little squeamish. (SWITCH) Now, look, girls, when the doctor makes believe he's going to give you a vaccination, you start carrying on, something awful, and then Daddy'll get-- SFX: DOOR OPENS FAYE: Uh-oh! Here he is now. HARRIS: (APPROACHING) Hey, Frankie and me had a tough time parkin' the car. We couldn't find a place-- Oh, good morning, Doctor! DR: Well, if it isn't No Guts! Where have YOU been hiding? HARRIS: I ain't been hidin'. I ain't got nothin' to hide from. Nah. It's the kids who are gettin' the vaccinations. GIRLS: (HOWLING AND CRYING) PHYLLIS: We don't wanna vaccination! (CRIES LOUDLY) ALICE: We don't want the doctor to do it! (CRIES LOUDLY) HARRIS: Oh, for cryin' out loud, kids! Stop actin' like children! Now, stop it! Stop it! (GIRLS STOP CRYING) HARRIS: There's nothin' to gettin' a vaccination. FRANKIE: No, of course not. All the doctor does is take a big, long needle, jab it in your arm, and-- SFX: THUD OF BODY ON FLOOR DR: Well, there goes Canvasback Harris again. FRANKIE: Hey, Curly, get up. HARRIS: (GROANS) Oooh... What round did he get me in, Frankie? (SWITCH) Remley, do ya have to be so descriptive? Now, what was I sayin'? FAYE: You were telling the girls there's nothing to getting a vaccination. HARRIS: Oh yeah. Now, look, kids... There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of. It doesn't hurt a bit. PHYLLIS: Prove it, Daddy. You have it done first, and show us it doesn't hurt. HARRIS: Okay, I'll go-- (TAKE) Whattaya tryin' to do, get me killed or somethin'? FAYE: Phil, honey, I agree with Phyllis. One of us should volunteer, and show the children that it's not painful. FRANKIE: Curly, Alice is right. We oughtta be ashamed of ourselves. HARRIS: Yeah, I guess so. After all, grownups should set examples for kids. (NOBLY) Doctor... Get your needle ready. And, Alice? FAYE: Yes, Phil? HARRIS: Hold still, while I roll up your sleeve. DR: For heaven's sake! Now, look, Harris, I don't have any time to coddle you! You're here to get a vaccination. HARRIS: Well, I know that, but I-- (TAKE) WHAT??? FAYE: Aw, that's right, Phil. HARRIS: (NERVOUS MOAN) FAYE: When you leave the United States, you have to get a vaccination; otherwise, they won't let you back in again. That's the law. HARRIS: Well, in that case, there's only one thing to do. I'll have the law changed. FAYE: Aw, Phil, please-- HARRIS: All right, Remley, take a letter to Senator McCarthy! FRANKIE: Right! HARRIS: (DICTATES) Dear Senator: It has been called to my attention that vaccinations are Communistic. I suggest you send them back to where they came from. And I demand that you-- DR: AW, SHUT UP! Now, hold still, and let me give you a shot in the arm, or I'll give you a shot in the head! (SWITCH) Now, Mrs. Harris, why don't you and Mr. Remley have it done first? Maybe if Snookums sees how simple it is, he'll let me do it to him. FAYE: All right, Doctor. Get the needle. Go ahead. DR: Very well. Now, this'll take no time at all. I just take this tiny little needle, and make a few pinpricks-- HARRIS: Please! Not in front o' me. Give 'em their shots in the other room. I wanna be alone to think this over. DR: All right, all right. Come along, you people. SFX: FOOTSTEPS, UNDER DR: (SOTTO) Great big blob o' Jello... (UP) In all my thirty years of practice, I've never seen anything like this. FRANKIE: Such a disgusting display of cowardice. I don't know how anybody could be like that. SFX: DOOR CLOSES ... FOOTSTEPS CONTINUE, UNDER DR: Well, let's go into my other office. Remley, I'll give you your shot first. FRANKIE: You said i--! (PAUSE) Me? Oh, I'd love to, Doctor, but I can't. You see, I left my arm in my other suit. DR: Now, stop stalling! FRANKIE: No, I mean I left my money in my other suit! DR: You won't need any money. This shot is on the house. FRANKIE: Oh, well, as long as the house is buying, I'll have one! Set 'em up, Doc! Alice, see what the boys in the backroom'll have! FAYE: Oh, why are men all such babies? I've never-- JULIUS: (APPROACHING) Hey, Doctor, I'm here again, and-- Oh, hello, Miss Faye! FAYE: Oh, hello, Julius! What are you doing here? JULIUS: Oh, I come here once a week. FAYE: What for? JULIUS: I dunno. Doctor said he just likes to study me. What are you doin' here? FAYE: Well, I brought Mr. Harris down for a vaccination. He has to be innoculated against smallpox. JULIUS: What for? No self-respectin' germ'd touch him with a fork. Where is he? FAYE: He's in the next room, trying to work up enough courage to take the shot. He's scared silly. JULIUS: Ehhh, the big marshmallow. Which room's he in, Miss Faye? I'll go in and, uh, comfort him. FAYE: Well, he-- he's in there, and, please, Julius, be gentle with him. Don't frighten him any more than he is. Please. JULIUS: Please, Miss Faye! I'd have to be a rat to do a thing like that. 'Scuse me. SFX: FOOTSTEPS, UNDER JULIUS: (CHUCKLES) Now, to find the big cheese, and start gnawin' on him... SFX: DOOR OPENS HARRIS: (SOBBING) I don't wanna let him do it. I don't wanna let him do it! JULIUS: (SINGS) Don't cry, Schmoe! Ya gotta go, ya gotta go, ya gotta go! HARRIS: Julius! JULIUS: Oh, it's you, Mr. Harris. What are YOU doin' here? HARRIS: I came down to get a vaccination. JULIUS: Oh, no! That's what finished my poor uncle. I hate to see ya go this way. HARRIS: What are you talkin' about? Nobody ever dies from a vaccination. JULIUS: They don't? I better dig my uncle up and tell him that. HARRIS: You mean, the-- the-- the vaccination killed him? JULIUS: No, no, it wasn't the vaccination that did it; it was the fall. HARRIS: What fall? JULIUS: He couldn't stand the pain, so he jumped outta the window. HARRIS: But, Julius, Doctor Brannigan told me it wouldn't hurt. JULIUS: Don't pay no attention to Butcher Boy Brannigan! He's the biggest liar in the business! HARRIS: Butcher Boy??? JULIUS: Yeah. He studied surgery in the Safeway meat market. HARRIS: Now, Julius, you stop that! You're just tryin' to scare me, and I-- SFX: DOOR OPENS DR: Well, Harris, I'm ready to give you your shot now. HARRIS: Drop that cleaver, Butcher Boy! DR: Come on, Harris. HARRIS: Oh, but, Doctor, uh, uh-- Doctor, you have no time for me. You-- uh-- Doctor, you've got a call. They want you in surgery. DR: Surgery? HARRIS: Yeah, they've got an emergency rump roast at Safeway. DR: I knew it. He's delirious. Here, Harris, drink this. It'll calm your nerves. HARRIS: Oh, a drink, huh? DR: Yeah. HARRIS: Thanks. I can use a drink. (DRINKS IT) FAYE: (QUIETLY) Will this put him to sleep, Doctor? DR: (QUIETLY) Yes. I just gave him a very strong sedative. It'll put him to sleep in a few minutes, and then I can give him the shot. (UP) Now, just sit down and rest, Harris. You'll feel better. I'll be back in a few minutes. HARRIS: Okay! Hey, Frankie? FRANKIE: Yeah? HARRIS: I feel better already. FRANKIE: Good! Soon as you get your shot, we'll go over to the poolroom. HARRIS: Oh, I don't feel like shootin' no pool. FRANKIE: No? HARRIS: I feel kinda light in the head, ya know? I feel like, uh... Like, uh... Like singing. FRANKIE: Just because he feels good, he's gotta make me feel lousy. HARRIS' SONG: "YOU CAN'T DO WRONG DOIN' RIGHT" HARRIS: Hey, Frankie, how'd ya--? Fra--? Hm. Even Frankie left me. (YAWNS) I'm all alone. Bet they're all in that other room, just plottin' against me. (YAWNS) This is gonna hurt awful. Nobody seems to care. Must be a doctor who wouldn't hurt me. Frankie could help. He always knows a guy. (YAWNS) Ah, but no. I wouldn't wanna go to any doctor Remley knows. (YAWNS) (ECHO EFFECT IN) HARRIS: Gee, I feel so sleepy. MUSIC: DREAMLIKE, UNDER HARRIS: I'd never go to any doctor Frankie knows. (YAWNS) MUSIC: OUT HARRIS: Where am I? Where am I?? Where am I??? NELSON: Hello, Wonga! (ECHO EFFECT OUT) HARRIS: Who are you? NELSON: I'm Frankie Remley's personal physician. HARRIS: But this is a-- a-- a poolroom. NELSON: This is where I have my office. I'm Doctor Painless Pearson, physician, surgeon, and Snooker expert. All operations done with one foot on the floor. HARRIS: You're Frankie's doctor? NELSON: Ye-e-e-s. I've been treating him since he was a child. FRANKIE: Hiya, Doc! NELSON: Francis! Are you still alive? I could have sworn I polished you off three years ago. HARRIS: Now, wait a minute, Doc. Are you in the habit of losing your patients? NELSON: My dear sir, I'll have you know, in thirty years of practice, I have never lost a patient! I know exactly where every one of them is buried. FRANKIE: Ya see? He takes a personal interest. NELSON: Now, what are you here for, Sir? HARRIS: Do you give shots? NELSON: Oooooh, DO I! Well, what kind of a shot do you want? HARRIS: A vaccination. NELSON: Ooh, I just LOVE to do that one! HARRIS: Oh, you like it, huh? NELSON: Yes. It's the most dangerous operation in medical history. HARRIS: Well, why is it so dangerous? NELSON: I use a dirty needle. I'll get you ready for your vaccination. Oh, nurse! Prepare the patient for surgery. FAYE: (BRONX) Okay, Doc. Which table do yez want me to rack him up on? NELSON: The one near the window. I want people to see the kind of work I do. HARRIS: Hey, Frankie, why are they operatin' on me? I just came for a vaccination. FRANKIE: They're havin' a sale today. Vaccination and appendix removed for the price of one (DEEP, ANNOUNCER) plus a penny more. HARRIS: (MIMICS HIM) Good evening. NELSON: All right, Harris, lie down on the table here. Nurse, call the head surgeon, Doctor Safeway. FAYE: (BRONX) He's in surgery, but I'll call him. (FILTER) Doctor Safeway. Doctor Safeway. You're wanted on Table Three. You're wanted on Table Three. JULIUS: (FILTER) I can't come now. I can't come now. FAYE: (FILTER, BRONX) Why not? Why not? JULIUS: (FILTER) I'm slicing liverwurst. I'm slicing liverwurst. NELSON: Make mine on rye. Not too much mustard. HARRIS: CUT IT OUT! Gee whiz, all I want is a vaccination. JULIUS: Vaccination? Yez have come to the right place, Mack! Nurse, hold my sandwich. And get my instrument. FAYE: (BRONX) Very well. Here's your cuestick, all chalked up. JULIUS: Good. Now, stand back, everybody! I'm ready for the operation! NELSON: Just a minute, Doctor. Call your shot. JULIUS: His liver in the side pocket. HARRIS: My what? JULIUS: Your liver in the side pocket. HARRIS: Why don't ya put a little English on it, and kiss it off my appendix? FRANKIE: Better yet, let's play rotation. Start with his liver, and run him off til we get to the rye bread. HARRIS: Now, cut it out! All I want is a vaccination. JULIUS: Oh, okay. Nurse, blindfold me, and hand me my harpoon. HARRIS: Harpoon??? JULIUS: Yeah. I give ya a sportin' chance. I get back thirty feet, and throw it blindfolded. Here goes! SFX: WHISTLE OF THROWN SPEAR FAYE: (BRONX) Owwww! JULIUS: What's wrong, nurse? FAYE: (BRONX) Oh, Doctor, from now on, ya gotta open your eyes! That's the twen'ieth time you've vaccinated me this week! HARRIS: All right now, wait a minute! If you're gonna vaccinate me, do it the right way! Use a needle. JULIUS: All right, we'll do it your way. Nurse, hand me the vaccine. FAYE: (BRONX) Vaccine. JULIUS: Needle. FAYE: (BRONX) Needle in. JULIUS: Record. FAYE: (BRONX) Record on. (FAYE, FRANKIE, JULIUS, NELSON SING:) DA-DA DA-DA-DA-DA BOOM! PUT ANOTHER NEEDLE IN, JAB IT UNDERNEATH HIS SKIN! HARRIS: (PROTESTING, UNDER) Stop it! Stop it! Now, cut it out! ALL WANT WE WANT TO HEAR FROM HIM IS SCREAMING, SCREAMING, SCREAMING! HARRIS: You're hurting me! CRYING! YOU'D THINK HE'S DYING! HARRIS: Now, wait a minute! Stop it! MUSIC: DREAMLIKE, UNDER HARRIS: I don't wanna hear no more o' that! Stop it, you hear me? Stop it! Sto-o-o-o-o-p i-i-i-t! (GROANS) Ooooh... MUSIC: OUT HARRIS: (GROANS) Ooooh... What happened? Where am I? FAYE: You're in Doctor Brannigan's office. HARRIS: Huh? FAYE: Uh-huh. He gave you a sedative, and you've been dreaming. HARRIS: Oh, thank goodness! Oh, honey, I dreamt I went to some guy Frankie recommended, and it was awful! (BRAVELY) Doc? You can gimme my vaccination now. I'm ready for it. After what I went through, I can take anything! DR: I gave it to you while you were asleep. HARRIS: You did? I didn't even feel it! Hey, that shows ya, I can take it! You people thought I was a coward. Why, I'm as brave as anybody! (COCKY) I'm BRAVER than anybody! And I guarantee you that I-- DR: Alice? Wouldn't you like to know how I did it? HARRIS: Yeah! How'dja do it, Doc? DR: Well, I took a BIG long needle, and I JABBED it in! SFX: THUD OF BODY ON FLOOR FAYE: Oh, Doctor! You made him faint again. DR: I know. Isn't it nice and peaceful with the big baboon unconscious? MUSIC: UP, TO A BIG FINISH, THEN OUT FORMAN: Alice and Phil will be back in just a moment. But first, here's your Rexall family druggist. DRUGGIST: Everyone knows that vitamins are necessary to life, but maybe you don't know that Plenamins, Rexall's famous multivitamin capsules, give you more than your daily minimum requirements of every vitamin for which such requirements have been established. Plus valuable liver concentrate and iron. And that's an ironclad guarantee from Rexall scientists. WOMAN: But how are they able to guarantee that? DRUGGIST: Because they take plenty of time and scientific care in measuring them. For instance, the Vitamin B1 and B2 in Plenamins is measured by seeing how brightly they glow. WOMAN: Glow! What on earth do you mean? DRUGGIST: Just what I said, Ma'am. First, the vitamin is treated with a chemical that makes it fluorescent under ultraviolet light. In other words, it glows. A photoelectric cell receives this glow, and transmits it in terms of electricity, to a special meter. And the amount of electricity is the exact measurement of the vitamin. WOMAN: What's the product called again? DRUGGIST: Plenamins. P-L-E-N-A-M-I-N-S. Remember it, the next time you buy a vitamin product. And remember also, you can depend on any drug product that bears the name REXALL. FORMAN: Good health to all, from REXALL! MUSIC: REXALL FANFARE, THEN SEGUE INTO "ROSE ROOM", THEN OUT HARRIS: Folks, this is Phil Harris. Before we sign off for the season, Alice and I would like to thank all of you listeners for being so kind to us. And we also want to thank the ten-thousand independent Rexall druggists for giving us the opportunity to come into your homes. FAYE: And we're very grateful to everyone behind the scenes who make this show possible. HARRIS: And don't forget to listen to Dick Powell, who is starting Wednesday, June the fourteenth, for Rexall. And remember, we'll be back in October, same time, same station. Until we're with you again in October, have a wonderful summer! FAYE: Happy vacation, everybody! HARRIS: And don't forget, tomorrow night, Jack Benny and I and our big stage show will see all of you folks in Scranton. Good night! MUSIC: CLOSING THEME UP, UNDER FORMAN: This program was produced and transcribed by Paul Phillips. MUSIC: OUT DRUGGIST: Once more, this is your Rexall family druggist, speaking for the makers of Rexall drug products and ten-thousand independent Rexall druggists, thanking Phil Harris, Alice Faye, and every member of the cast, for a season of grand entertainment. And now, friends, be with the Rexall family, on Wednesday, June fourteenth, when we bring you our new show. A real thriller, called "Richard Diamond, Private Detective". Starring Dick Powell. Remember the date: Wednesday, June fourteenth. The time: ten-thirty PM, Eastern Daylight Saving Time, on these same NBC stations. ANNCR: "The Saint" moves next Sunday, to NBC. NBC CHIMES