Lights Out Pyramid Date: Oct 27 1937


SIR HUGH DENHAM...a charming old Englishman; the C. Aubrey Smith or "Phil Lord" type.
JANE...His daughter; just married to
DOUGLAS...a young happy-go-lucky American.
MINAELIUS...the Egyptian; deep portentious voice.
JENKINS (can be doubled)...a butler.

VOICE: Lights Out, everybody! TWELVE CHIMES - WIND UP ON NINTH - ALL OUT WITH GONG FADEIN DOUGLAS AND JANE LAUGHING HAPPILY SOUND OF SPOON AGAINST GLASS-- SIR HUGH: Now just a moment, you two! Just a moment, there! JANE: (LAUGHINGLY) All right, father, we'll behave! Now come on, Doug - stop that! DOUGLAS: (CONTROLLING HIS LAUGHTER) All right, dear, but one more joke like that out of your father, and I'm getting under the table! JANE: He's just showing off - trying to prove to you that Englishmen have a sense of humor! SIR HUGH: (IN MOCK PROTEST) Here now! I'm doing nothing of the sort! (CHUCKLES) You're already married to the man, daughter - there's no need of my saying anything further! DOUGLAS: Oh, now that she's got me, I can know the worst, eh? JANE: Exactly! Before you, you see my father - Sir Hugh Denham - notorious from the Aleutian Islands to Zanzibar as the world's greatest Egyptologist! SIR HUGH: Here! Here! JANE: Now are you sorry you married me? DOUGLAS: (LAUGHINGLY) That's hot news! I knew about Sir Hugh a long time before I even bought the ring! But how about the low-down on myself and my family? SIR HUGH: (PUZZLEDLY) Lowdown? Lowdown? What kind of an American phrase is that? DOUGLAS: That means dish the dirt - let down your hair - give you the inside dope! SIR HUGH: (LAUGHINGLY) Wha - a - t? JANE: Oh don't let him confuse you, father! He's just flaunting the fact that he's an American! SIR HUGH: But what an amazing language! By George, what he just said was as complicated as - as some of the earlier Egyptian hieroglyphics! DOUGLAS: Oh, no, sir! Not as bad as that! And speaking of Egyptians, Jane, have you told your father where we're going? JANE: Oh, no! Fathers aren't supposed to know where they're [sic] daughters honeymoon! SIR HUGH: What is this? What is this? DOUGLAS: Just the fact that one of the places we're going to is up the valley of the Nile. SIR HUGH: Not really! Jane, is it true? JANE: Yes, father. All my life I've heard so much about Egypt this and Egypt that, that - well, I decided I simply had to see Egypt and the Pyramids and the Sphinx and the sand and the camels and all the rest of it for myself! DOUGLAS: And what better opportunity than on our honeymoon! SIR HUGH: By Jove, I wish I'd known it sooner! I'd have made out a complete itinerary! In fact, I think I'll do so now! You two simply must see the Tombs of the first century, and Coptos, and the Benihasan Tombs, of the Feudal age near Akhetheon, and the copper mines at Wadi Majhra, and the -- JANE: (INTERRUPTING LAUGHINGLY) Just a moment, father, dear! Just a moment! Douglas and I are going on a honeymoon - not an expedition! SIR HUGH: But you can't miss the Gizeh Pyramid, and the Dashur Pyramid, and the tomb I did my research work in - the tomb of Minaelius! DOUGLAS: No tombs for me - no, thank you! I'm not getting myself into one of those family curse situations, no, sir! SIR HUGH: What's that? What's that? JANE: (LAUGHINGLY) Douglas has been reading those stories about the horrible things that happen to people who go meddling around Egyptian mummies! SIR HUGH: (CHUCKLING) Oh, has he? (CHUCKLES) Don't worry, my boy - all that sort of thing only happens in cheap fiction - the cinema! Now take myself for example - for twenty years I've devoted my life and my efforts to bring to the world a more detailed knowledge of the civilization of Egypt. In that time I have uncovered hundreds of Egyptian tombs, ranging from lowly workmen to a great Pharoah himself! (CHUCKLES) And as you see, I'm in very good health. JANE: That's what I've been trying to tell him, father! DOUGLAS: But Sir Denham, surely there must be something to these stories I hear of - of - of - SIR HUGH: (HELPFULLY) Of eternal curses? No, my boy, nothing whatsoever! I doubt if the Egyptians themselves believe in the efficacy of the curses inscribed upon the entrances to their tombs! It was done only in an attempt to frighten off the grave robbers of their own times - (CHUCKLES) and it didn't even work with those rascals! DOUGLAS: What do you mean, sir? SIR HUGH: You may not know it, but there are extremely few Egyptian burial places which have not been violated time and time again! There are cases on record where a nobleman would be buried, the tomb and all its valuable contents sealed, and that very night robbers would break in and strip the place of every object of value. That's exactly what happened in the tomb of Tutenkhamon. You heard about that, of course? DOUGLAS: Why, no! SIR HUGH: Shortly after Tutenkhamon was buried, his tomb was entered by robbers, but they were caught in the very midst of their plundering and executed. Fortunately, however, the inner tomb was not opened, with the result that the archaeologists were able to find a veritable storehouse of the works of art and craftsmanship of that age. Yes, it's very rarely that we find a tomb that has not been meddled with -- I might say that my own discovery of the tomb of Minaelius was the only time when a tomb was found which had been left completely intact these many thousands of years! (CHUCKLES) And the inscription on that tomb no more stopped me than it would have stopped the plunderers of Minaelius' time five thousand years before had they discovered the secret burial place! DOUGLAS: Inscription? JANE: What inscription, father? You never told me about that! SIR HUGH: Oh, it was the usual thing - JANE: But what did it say? SIR HUGH: I remember the words distinctly! (PUTS ON FAKE PORTENTIOUS TONE) "Here I sleep - Minaelius the great ruler. Disturb my bones, and as you do to me, I shall do to you - even unto the endless generation!" DOUGLAS: (WHISTLES) Quite a curse! JANE: Right! SIR HUGH: Of course we archaelogists don't pay any attention to that sort of thing! We do our work and think nothing about those silly superstitions. DOUGLAS: Well, maybe that's all right for you scientists, but not for me - no thank you! I'm certainly not going to have any mummy disturbing my sleep! SIR HUGH: (LAUGHINGLY) Old Minaelius wasn't even a mummy! JANE: Father, what do you mean? SIR HUGH: The body hadn't been prepared properly - the elements did their part and by the time I got into the tomb all that was left of the terrible Pharoah was a handful of bones. DOUGLAS: W - what did you do with them? SIR HUGH: Oh, they're in one of the eastern museums. Yes, in your own United States! I kept only one small memento for myself. In fact, I keep it with me all the time! JANE: I didn't know that you carried anything out of Minaelius' tomb in your pocket, father. SIR HUGH: (CHUCKLING) By remaining somewhat of a mystery, a father retains his youthfulness, eh, what? DOUGLAS: You're not going to show us what it is? SIR HUGH: Eh? Oh, yes, yes, of course, I'll show it to you! The fob of my watch. Interesting, eh? DOUGLAS: It - uh - it looks like an elk's tooth... SIR HUGH: (LAUGHINGLY) Elk's tooth! Ha - Ha! Amusing, that! JANE: Well, then what is it? SIR HUGH: I - I - I wonder if I dare tell you--- DOUGLAS: Why not? SIR HUGH: Well...rather a macabre thing to talk about at the table, don't you know. Especially you two - honeymooners, and all that sort of thing. JANE: Father, don't be silly! After twenty years living among mummy wrappings and decayed things, do you think I could be squeamish about anything? Now what is that thing at the end of your watch chain? I've never paid particular attention to it before! SIR HUGH: Well....I hesitate.... DOUGLAS: Go ahead, Sir Denham! I can take it! SIR HUGH: Well...this bit of polished substance which you see is...part of the Pharoah Minaelius himself! DOUGLAS & JANE: (SIMULTANEOUSLY) What? SIR HUGH: I expected you to be shocked... JANE: Father, you - you don't mean -- SIR HUGH: I do... DOUGLAS: You - you mean to say that piece of - SIR HUGH: (CHUCKLING) Well, I warned you two! JANE: Father! - How - how fantastic! SIR HUGH: Come now! Nothing so particularly shocking about it! A small piece of human bone that has been exposed to the elements for over five thousand years isn't particularly venerable! DOUGLAS: He - he was a Pharoah? SIR HUGH: Yes, a man almost unknown to history, and certainly one civilization could have done without! JANE: What do you mean? SIR HUGH: My research has convinced me that Minaelius was easily one of the major criminal despots of all time! Cruel - proud - self-willed - unbelievably ruthless - (CHUCKLES) well, can you blame me for my little conceit of wearing a bit of his skeletal framework on my watch chain? DOUGLAS: Can I - can I touch it? SIR HUGH: Why not? DOUGLAS: (ALMOST IN AWE) To think this little bit of bone I hold in my hand was once- (CRIES OUT) JANE: (IN QUICK CONCERN) Douglas! What -- DOUGLAS: It - it broke! SIR HUGH: By Jove, so it did! DOUGLAS: Gosh, I'm sorry! SIR HUGH: Perfectly all right, my boy! Perfectly all right! The thing is bound to be brittle after all these years! Here - give me the broken bits! DOUGLAS: Glad to get rid of them! Gee, I'm sorry I broke it, Sir Hugh! SIR HUGH: (CHUCKLING) Well, if Minaelius doesn't mind, why should I? Now don't forget, you two - I want you to visit his tomb when you get over there! DOUGLAS: No, thank you! JANE: Well, why not, Doug? Father's told me so much about the place - I'd really like to go and see what it looks like! SERVANT: (IN FAST) Beg pardon, Sir Denham. SIR HUGH: Yes, Jenkins, what? SERVANT: The cab sir - it's waiting. SIR HUGH: Cab? DOUGLAS: Oh, my gosh! It's after nine! JANE: (LAUGHINGLY) Well, don't just stand there "oh my goshing"! The boat train - we'll miss it! Jenkins - our things! SERVANT: All packed in the cab, Miss Jane. JANE: Jenkins, you're a wonder! DOUGLAS: Right! Look - he's even brought my hat! Well, Sir Hugh, we're off! SIR HUGH: Have a good time, you two - remember honeymoons should come only once in a lifetime! JANE: Wish you could come with us, father! SIR HUGH: (CHUCKLES) Fortunately this lumbago of mine prevents me from making a nuisance of myself! (SIGHS) Ah, but I would like to see Egypt again! DOUGLAS: We'll say hello to it for you! That's permitted, isn't it? After all, I am one of the family now! JANE: (CRIES OUT) Ah! DOUGLAS: Jane! SIR HUGH: Daughter, what's the matter? JANE: (QUITE UPSET) It - it's nothing. DOUGLAS: Nothing! But the way you cried out - your face so white! SIR HUGH: Yes, tell us! What is it? JANE: I - I thought I saw...the bones...move on the table! GONG: JENKINS: (FADEIN)-(READING LETTER) ...and so today Douglas and I climbed all over the great sphinx of Gizeh, wore out two camels riding around, and decided that if, as you told us, the great sphinx was supposed to have been the portrait of the mighty king Kahfre, then he must have had larger ears than a certain American cinema star by the name of something that rhymes with "table." (CHUCKLES) SIR HUGH: (IMPATIENTLY) Go on, Jenkins! Keep reading! Keep reading! JENKINS: Yes, sir...(GOING ON READING) "You certainly were right about the view, father - that view from the summit of the great pyramid, looking down that splendid line of pyramids stretching as far as one's eyes can see on the southern horizon, was a sight neither one of us will ever forget. By the time this letter reaches you, we'll be on our way to do our last bit of sight-seeing before leaving Egypt, and that is a visit to your own great discovery - the tomb of Minaelius. Doug isn't exactly enthusiastic about going, but since, confidentially, I have started to put on the trousers in this family, he'll do as I say. P.S. Doug is looking over my shoulder as I write this, and he denies the trousers part emphatically. But that's his story. Anyway we're going to visit the place where you found the bones of, as you put it, the monstrous Mr. Minaelius - I'll write and let you know just what happens there. All the love in the world, Jane." SIR HUGH: And that's all she writes? JENKINS: Yes, Sir Denham. SIR HUGH: (CHUCKLES) So young Douglas doesn't want to go near the tomb of Minaelius, eh? And Americans are supposed to be the nervy ones! Amusing that, eh, Jenkins? JENKINS: If I may make a suggestion, Sir Hugh - it's so late -- SIR HUGH: Oh, yes, it is past my bedtime, isn't it? Ah, that's the cruel part of senility - bedtime assumes the monstrous proportions it did in one's childhood! JENKINS: One would hardly call you senile, Sir Hugh - just your lumbago - SIR HUGH: (LAUGHINGLY) Well, whatever it is, I need help. Your arm, Jenkins. JENKINS: Yes, sir. SIR HUGH: (GROANS AS HE GETS UP), upstairs we go! SOUND OF TWO MEN WALKING SLOWLY UPSTAIRS, CONTINUING BEHIND-- SIR HUGH: (CHUCKLING) Amazing! JENKINS: What, sir? SIR HUGH: The superstitions of even the intelligent mind... My new son-in-law Douglas - (CHUCKLES) I don't imagine he'll forget what I told him about the curse of Minaelius until his dying day! (CHUCKLES) WALKING SOUNDS OUT - OPENING DOOR SIR HUGH: Brr! Rather chilly in here! JENKINS: I'll get you your robe, sir! SIR HUGH: If you would, Jenkins. The new robe - I left it in Jane's old room. JENKINS: I'll make a light here first, sir? SIR HUGH: No, no. Don't bother! I'll just sit here and wait for you to come back. JENKINS: Easy, sir. SIR HUGH: (AS HE SEATS HIMSELF - SIGHS) Ahh.... JENKINS: (FADE) Back in a moment, Sir Hugh... SIR HUGH: I'll be all right! (CHUCKLES) Not getting afraid of the dark in my old age...(CHUCKLES SOFTLY TO HIMSELF) Poor Douglas...the curse of Minaelius! (CHUCKLES) THERE IS A FEW SECONDS SILENCE - THERE IS A SOFT SOUND OF WIND [SIR HUGH]: Ha! Quite a wind.... THERE IS A SUDDEN UNINTELLIGIBLE MURMUR OF A MAN'S VOICE, BACK SLIGHTLY SIR HUGH: Ah! Jenkins, is that you?....So dark! Come, come, I'm chilly! Here - put the robe over my shoulder! I'm too tired to get up...Yes....that's right....Ah, you're [sic] hands are cold, Jenkins! (CHUCKLES) Feel like bones!...(JUST A LITTLE IRRITABLY) Well, take them off my neck, man. Come around the front of the chair and fix the fire!...Jenkins! What are you standing back there for! Don't you hear me? (AS HE TURNS AROUND) What are you - (AS HE SEES MINAELIUS)-(NOT A LOUD CRY BUT THE GASP OF A MAN WHO SEES THE UNBELIEVABLE) Ahhhh....(STARTS SOFTLY TENSELY, BUILDING UP UNTIL HE IS SHOUTING THE NAME IN A PAROXYSM OF HORROR) Jenkins! Jenkins, where are you! Jenkins, come back here! There's something here! Jenkins, come quickly! (UP IN GREAT TERROR) Jenkins! It's he! Minaelius! Dead bones around me! Crushing me!!! (CRIES OUT AS THE BONY ARMS OF MINAELIUS ENCIRCLE HIM - CRIES CONTINUE LONG ENOUGH TO SET THE SCENE, THEN SLOWLY DIE OUT AS THE MAN LOSES CONSCIOUSNESS FOLLOWED BY [...] SLOW CRUNCHING AND BREAKING OF BONES, CONTINUES LONG ENOUGH TO DEFINITELY PLANT THE PICTURE, OUT WITH [...] GONG: SOUND OF TWO CAMELS SLOWLY WALKING THRU SAND, CONTINUING BEHIND-- JANE: (CALLING) Oh, Doug! DOUGLAS: (BACK SLIGHTLY) What? JANE: Is this thing I'm on really a camel? DOUGLAS: The latest model! JANE: (JERKILY AS IF SHE'S BEING BOUNCED AROUND ON THE BACK OF A CAMEL) Well, - he must have broken springs - or something - DOUGLAS: (BACK SLIGHTLY) Gidday-up, old horse! (IN CLOSER) What did you say, Jane? JANE: This creature - don't they have any models with shock absorbers? DOUGLAS: Well, this was all your idea! JANE: And a good idea, too! I wrote father - told him we'd be sure and visit the tomb! DOUGLAS: Is it - much farther to go? This camel moves in more directions at the same time! JANE: You heard what the guide said - right over that ridge there. DOUGLAS: The guide - he was smarter than we were! Wouldn't go near this place for twice his fee! JANE: You mean he was as bad as you are! Just because old Minaelius was one of the worst despots that ever lived is no reason to be afraid of him dead! DOUGLAS: Come on - let's go back! JANE: We will not! Ever since my father excavated that tomb, I've heard nothing but Minaelius this and Minaelius that! Well, I'm going to see his last resting place if it's the last thing I do! DOUGLAS: (GROANS) This camel! I wish I'd taken a street-car! JANE: Look, Doug! DOUGLAS: I can't! - I've got sand in my eyes! JANE: That opening in that hill! That must be the tomb! DOUGLAS: I still want to go back! JANE: This is thrilling! The thing my father always talked about! Come on - off your camel, Doug! DOUGLAS: If I can stop this animal! Whoa! Hold it! JANE: Not whoa, you idiot! The guide said to say "Ada"! (TRIUMPHANTLY) See! Mine stopped! DOUGLAS: (OFF SLIGHTLY) Ada! Ada! BOTH CAMELS' SOUNDS STOP BEHIND ABOVE - ANIMAL SOUNDS AS CREATURES KNEEL DOWN AND REST JANE: Mine's kneeling! DOUGLAS: Mine is too! JANE: Mmm! On solid ground again! DOUGLAS: (IN CLOSE) Solid did you say? The sand seems to be going up and down! JANE: (LAUGHINGLY) Oh, you're still sea-sick! DOUGLAS: Not seasick, my dear - just desert sick! Sick of hieroglyphics, and tombs, and all the rest of Egypt! JANE: Now this last tomb and we'll be all through! DOUGLAS: I should hope so! SOUND OF FEET THROUGH SAND CONTINUING BEHIND-- DOUGLAS: If my feet hold up! JANE: Won't dad be thrilled when I write him and tell him we've actually been here! DOUGLAS: Say, how about those animals? JANE: Oh, they'll wait for us! You know what the guide said. DOUGLAS: Well, if the guide was as right as he usually is, that means that we'll have to hike back to town! JANE: My athletic American! DOUGLAS: I made the varsity in football, my dear - not marathon walking! JANE: Oh, Doug, this is thrilling! Just think - right there was where father uncovered what amounted to the records of a whole new dynasty! (BREATHLESSLY) It's quite a climb up these sand hills, isn't it? DOUGLAS: I'm glad you're finding that out!...Here - take my hand! JANE: Right! DOUGLAS: (WITH EFFORT) Up with you! SAND FOOTSTEP SOUNDS OUT JANE: (WITH A SIGH OF RELIEF) Whew! That's that! DOUGLAS: That's what? What're we going to do now? JANE: Go in! DOUGLAS: (UNBELIEVINGLY) Go in? You don't expect to go into that clammy-looking place? JANE: That's what we're here for! DOUGLAS: But look in there! It's like the entrance to the devil's hotel! JANE: We've got flashlights! Now look here, Dougie my boy - not afraid? DOUGLAS: Oh, well, come ahead! I see where I'm going to be henpecked the rest of my life! JANE: Poor man! DOUGLAS: Now watch where you're going - this angle's pretty steep! ECHO CHAMBER - FADE DOWN QUICKLY AS SOON AS PLANTED JANE: Oh, I'm all right! This is exciting! So dark! DOUGLAS: Yeah...when did your father clean this place out? JANE: Oh, about ten years ago! He told me it was perfectly safe to go down there - see all those timbers they put in! DOUGLAS: Cold-clammy! JANE: The entrance to antiquity! DOUGLAS: Don't walk so fast!...Take it easy.... JANE: All right... DOUGLAS: (RATHER NERVOUS) Uh -- what kind of a fellow was this Minaelius anyway? JANE: Just what father said he was - a devil on wheels! DOUGLAS: Yeah? JANE: Father found a record of his exploits - they went something like this - "I stormed and captured the city - six thousand of their warriors I put to the sword - three thousand captives I burned with fire - their corpses I formed into pillars - the young men and women I burned in the fire - the leader I flayed - his skin I spread upon the wall of the city - the city I destroyed - I devastated, I burned with fire!" DOUGLAS: Nice fellow! JANE: Hold your flashlight up! Then I remember father read me something about the dear man which went something like this - "Many captives among them I burned with fire, and many I took as living captives. Some I cut off their hands and their fingers, of many I put out the eyes. I made one pillar of heads --" DOUGLAS: (INTERRUPTING SHARPLY) That's enough of that, Jane! JANE: But you just asked me about Minaelius and I was only trying to -- DOUGLAS: For Pete's sake let's go back! JANE: We will not! Come all this way and - oh, Doug! Look! DOUGLAS: (TENSELY) What? JANE: That inscription! On the wall there! Turn your flashlight on it, too! DOUGLAS: Can't read it! JANE: Of course not! Hieroglyphics. Oh, Doug, that must be the inscription father talked about! DOUGLAS: Eh? JANE: You remember - "Here I sleep - Minaelius the great ruler! Disturb my bones and as you do to me I shall do to you unto the endless generation!" DOUGLAS: The curse! JANE: Right! Oh, what a thrilling thing to write to father! We actually saw it with our own eyes! DOUGLAS: (TENSELY) Come on, let's get out of here! JANE: Douglas, stop talking like that! We've got to go on and see the burial room! See down there - it's only a little ways further! DOUGLAS: Not me! JANE: You're afraid? DOUGLAS: Call it what you like! JANE: Well, I'm going on! DOUGLAS: Well, go ahead! Here's where I stop! JANE: Doug, come on! DOUGLAS: I told you - here's where I stop! JANE: Then stay there! (FADE) Superstitious infant! DOUGLAS: (UP) Call me what you like but if you get in trouble, here's where I'll be! JANE: (FAR BACK FADING) I won't need your help! DOUGLAS: If I want to do any underground exploring, I'll wait till we get to New York and go thru the subway! What fun is this dismal, smelly old--- GRINDING SOUND AS TIMBERS BEGIN TO GIVE WAY DOUGLAS: What in the - (UP) Jane! Come on back! RUMBLING SOUND BEGINS AS CAVE-IN STARTS DOUGLAS: (UP) Jane! The roof! Cave-in! Run! JANE: (SCREAMS FAR BACK - HER SCREAM IS BLOTTED OUT BY GRINDING AND ROARING AS ROOF OF EXCAVATION CAVES IN - BUILD THIS UP TO PAINT A PICTURE OF TREMENDOUS ROCKS AND TIMBERS CRASHING INTO THE PASSAGEWAY - HOLD REVERBERATIONS FOR A FEW SECONDS DOUGLAS: (THRU REVERBERATIONS) Jane! Jane, where are you? Jane! Jane!......(WEEPINGLY) Caved in! I'm shut off from her! Jane! Can you hear me? Jane!....Help! I've got to get help! SOUND OF RUNNING FEET CONTINUING BEHIND DOUGLAS: (AS HE RUNS ALONG PASSAGEWAY) The sunlight! I've got to get out to it! She's trapped in there! Shovels! Men! Got to dig thru! She'll die in there! She'll die! (HAPPILY) Ah! Someone's come into the passage! A man! (UP) Stranger! Stranger, help me! The roof caved in - my wife's trapped back in there! In the tomb! Come on! What are you standing there for hiding your face! Help me! Are you deaf, you fool! My wife - she's back there, behind the cave-in!....Blast you, come on! Help me! You're in filthy rags - I'll give you whatever you want! Tell me where I can get help - shovels - but don't stand there! What's the matter with you? Who are you? Take those rags away from your face! Let me look at you! (ANGRILY) All right then I'll do it for you! I'll tear - (CRIES OUT IN HORROR) Ahh! Skull! (UP IN GREAT TERROR) No! You can't be! Stay back from me! What are you opening your arms for! What are you going to - (AS THE BONY ARMS CLOSE UPON HIM) Ahh! Let go of me! You're crushing me! Bones - crushing me! Stop! I didn't want to come in here! What I did, I didn't want to do! Let go of me! (STRUGGLING FURIOUSLY) Let go! (IN GREAT PAIN) You're killing me! (CRIES OUT IN GREAT PAIN - CRY SHUTS OFF ABRUPTLY) CRACKLING OF BONES CONTINUES TO PAINT THE SCENE VIVIDLY, OUT, FINALLY WITH GONG: JANE: (FADEIN COUGHING HEAVILY) Dust - so thick - got to stay down near the floor - (COUGHS SOME MORE) so dark - my flashlight - dropped it some place....(BREATHING HEAVILY) Ahh.....better.....air clearing up...(UP CALLING) Doug! Douglas! Can you hear me? Douglas!....No...doesn't answer!........(BEGINS TO CRY) Oh, Doug...(STOPS CRYING WITH:) No...that won't do any good....Doug'll get me out of here, won't you, Doug?....(BEGINS TO CRY AGAIN).....No, no, I mustn't cry! I mustn't!.....Douglas'll get me out - he will!.....(SLOWLY - BREATHLESSLY) But - but what if Doug got crushed under the cave-in? (SUDDENLY - SHARPLY - UP HYSTERICALLY) DOUGLAS! DOUGLAS TELL ME YOU'RE OUT THERE! DOUGLAS, TELL ME YOU'RE ALL RIGHT! DOUGLAS! ANSWER ME! DOUGLAS! IT'S JANE! JANE! DOUGLAS ANSWER ME! (MADLY AS SHE BEATS AGAINST THE SIDES OF THE CAVE-IN) Answer me, Douglas! Answer me! (BEGINS TO CRY HEAVILY) AFTER A FEW SECONDS, BEHIND THIS CRYING IS HEARD A FAINT SCRATCH-SCRATCHING AS IF SOMEBODY'S CLAWING THROUGH THE ROCK PILE - THIS CONTINUES BEHIND JANE: (STOPS CRYING ABRUPTLY) Digging! Someone's digging! (UP) (IN EXUBERANT HAPPINESS) Douglas! I hear you! You're digging through to me! Oh my darling, you're getting through to me! I knew you would! I knew it! (CLAWING EFFECT IN CLOSE AS SHE STARTS DIGGING TOO) I'll help you! (UP) Doug, can you hear me! I hear you, Doug! Speak to me, darling! (CONTINUE AD LIB)-(UNTIL CUE) CLAWING SOUND CONTINUES - FINALLY SOUND OF ROCKS AS THE OTHER BREAKS THRU JANE: Oh my dearest! You're thru! It's so dark I can't see you! Let me help you! Oh, Doug! Your clothes, all rags! (LAUGHING HALF IN TEARS HALF LAUGHTER) But it's you - it's you! Get me out of this horrible place! Oh, Doug, Doug - you were right! You were right! I never should have come in here! That awful curse - it almost got us, didn't it, darling?.....Doug! Why don't you say something? Why don't you put your arms around me? I can barely see you - standing back there in the dark! Come closer, Doug! Don't - don't just stand there so silently! You - you frighten me! And I've been so terribly frightened already, darling! If I could only see you - if - ah! The flashlight! It was right at my feet! Now I'll see you! If it isn't broken I'll - no! It's all right! Now then Doug, what - (SCREAMS PIERCINGLY - HER SCREAM REVERBERATES FROM WALL TO WALL OF THE CAVERN) Doug! Doug, it's him! The bones you crushed! Standing there! Skeleton! Doug, come to me! Doug come to me! (CONTINUES TO BREATHE HEAVILY) MINAELIUS: (FADING IN CLOSE - SLOWLY - PORTENTIOUSLY) No....not he!.....Here I slept - Minaelius the great. They broke my bones...and even as they did to me...I did to them... JANE: (HOARSELY - IN TENSE TERROR) And - and me? What of me? MINAELIUS: (IN CLOSE - AVIDLY) And you - now you are my bride! GONG: ANNOUNCER: Lights Out, written especially for radio by Arch Oboler, comes to you each Wednesday from our Chicago studios.