Dimension X The Lost Race Date: May 20 1950 CAST:
CAPTAIN, of the freighter
DANTON, engineer; unbalanced, disgruntled employee
HOWELL, archeologist
LANGSTON, communications
WILLIAMS, slightly Southern
KELLY, slightly Irish
FATHER, Howell's (3 lines)
PATROL (2 lines)HOST: Adventures in Time and Space ... told in future tense. MUSIC: ACCENT, CLIMAXING WITH CYMBAL CRASH ANNOUNCER: (HEAVY ECHO) Dimension X - x - x - x .... (TRAILS OFF) MUSIC: OMINOUS, TENSE ... THEN IN BG HOST: (SLOWLY) When man first crossed the vast distances of outer space to land on strange worlds, he found that someone had been there before him. The ruined canals of Mars, the smashed cities of Titan and Centaurus Two and Three -- all these were evidence that one hundred thousand years ago, a race of intelligent beings built their cities across the galaxy. They knew space travel, atomic power, astrophysics, and engineering. And then they destroyed themselves -- completely, so that, of all the cities on a thousand worlds, only dust and rubble remained. Why? Why did these beings obliterate all record of themselves? That is the mystery of the Lost Race. MUSIC: WEIRD ACCENT ... THEN IN BG HOST: (MORE BRISK) The freighter Carilya, bound out of Earth for Cetis Alpha Two, came into normal flight after one hundred three days in overdrive. The stars were unfamiliar; the constellations known on Earth had disappeared. But there was a yellow sun off to port, and about it revolved three planets. MUSIC: UP AND OUT SOUND: SPACESHIP BACKGROUND CAPTAIN: What do you make of it, Briggs? BRIGGS: It isn't on any of the star charts, Captain Wharton. I checked through. CAPTAIN: One and Three are dead, all right. Have to take a closer look at Number Two. Turn up the vision scale. SOUND: CLICKS! OF SWITCHES CAPTAIN: Hmmm, polar ice caps. She's green around the belt. Let's take her down to a five-mile orbit, swing around her for a look. Alert for deceleration. BRIGGS: Aye, sir. SOUND: ALARM BELL RINGS CAPTAIN: Throw in the manuals. SOUND: CLICKS! OF SWITCHES CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) Power room? DANTON: (FILTER) Power room. Aye? CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) We're going down to have a look at something. Give us just enough power to keep her under control. (TO BRIGGS) All right, Briggs, hang on to your stomach. SOUND: SPACESHIP DESCENDS, CONTINUES IN BG ... HATCH OPENS HOWELL: You sent for me, Captain Wharton? CAPTAIN: Come in, Mr. Howell. HOWELL: I-- (EXHALES, FEELS ILL) Do you mind if I sit down? CAPTAIN: Freefall sickness? HOWELL: Well, I'm afraid I'm not an old space hand. (AS HE SITS) Oof! CAPTAIN: We'll level out in a minute. HOWELL: Do you want something? CAPTAIN: (GRIM) Yes. We've come out of overdrive smack in the middle of a new planetary system. Briggs says it's unreported. HOWELL: Well, that's rather good news, isn't it? CAPTAIN: Depends. First report's pretty common. Well, we'll stake a claim on her -- in case there are any mineral discoveries. HOWELL: Why, I meant the possibility of archeological finds. CAPTAIN: (WITH CONTEMPT) I'm afraid I'll leave that to you, Mr. Howell. You're the expert. BRIGGS: Coming up five, Captain. CAPTAIN: Level off. Hang on, Howell. SOUND: SPACESHIP LEVELS OFF ... BUZZ CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) Power room? Hold her steady as she goes. We'll orbit at slow cruising speed. SOUND: BUZZ CAPTAIN: All right, clear the scope, Briggs. BRIGGS: Aye, sir. SOUND: BUZZ CAPTAIN: Hmm, nice-looking piece of real estate. Well, the Space-Guard requires I check her for radioactives, gold, and Lost Race ruins. HOWELL: You're landing? CAPTAIN: (WITH CONTEMPT) Landing? I've got a schedule to keep, Mr. Howell. I can't set down on every lump of dirt I run into. We'll do a spectroscope check and I figured you'd spot any ruins. HOWELL: (PEERS INTO SCOPE) All right. (PAUSE) Wait a minute. CAPTAIN: Hm? HOWELL: There, in the lower quadrant. CAPTAIN: What? HOWELL: That bald spot in the vegetation. (PLEASED) Those are ruins, all right! CAPTAIN: (UNHAPPY) Are you sure, Howell? HOWELL: Yes! I've seen the Lost Race rubble on Centaurus Two. There! You can see it plainly. Dust and rubble! CAPTAIN: (DISGUSTED) Ohhh, that's what I get for calling in an expert. Briggs? Stand by to take her down to five thousand feet. BRIGGS: Aye, sir. CAPTAIN: Of all the stinking luck. There goes my schedule. MUSIC: TRANSITION SOUND: SPACESHIP BACKGROUND CAPTAIN: (IMPATIENT, SHARP) Seen enough, Howell? This is gonna set me back five hours. HOWELL: (THOUGHTFUL, SLOWLY) Interesting. (SEES SOMETHING) Wait a minute. CAPTAIN: What's wrong? HOWELL: (STUNNED, EXCITED) I - I don't believe it. Marvelous. Incredible. CAPTAIN: Stop sputtering, Howell. What is it? HOWELL: Look over that rise in the ground! CAPTAIN: Hm? HOWELL: It's a section of the city -- still standing! CAPTAIN: (LOW, SURPRISED) Hey, you're right. HOWELL: That hill must have shielded it from the blast. Captain, you've got to land. CAPTAIN: Land? HOWELL: You've got to. This is the first Lost Race site that's ever been spotted; of course you'll land. CAPTAIN: (TRIES TO BE REASONABLE) Howell, we get a thousand-dollar bonus for every day under par for the run. HOWELL: But you don't understand. It's the biggest find in the century. CAPTAIN: (QUICKLY) We can chart it and you'll have to get back somehow. HOWELL: But-- CAPTAIN: That's all! I'm not setting down to rake over old dust heaps. HOWELL: Captain Wharton, I'm on commission to the Space-Guard. You may have to answer to them. CAPTAIN: (SHARP) I'll think up one. (REASONABLE) Look, Howell -- strictly speaking, you're a passenger-- HOWELL: But you've got to land-- CAPTAIN: You don't belong on the bridge. I'm not landing down there and that's that. SOUND: EXPLOSION ... ALARM SIRENS WAIL, THEN IN BG CAPTAIN: Briggs? BRIGGS: Emergency, from the power room. Something must have blown. SOUND: BUZZ CAPTAIN: (INTO COM, TO NO ANSWER) Power room? Power room? Danton, what's wrong down there? Danton? (TO BRIGGS) He doesn't answer. HOWELL: Anything serious, Captain? CAPTAIN: If it reaches the fuel locker -- that five pounds of bessendium will go and kick us right out of space. SOUND: ALARM SIRENS STOP CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) Danton? Danton?! DANTON: (FILTER) Power room. Aye? CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) What happened? What blew? DANTON: (FILTER) Main tube coupling. She's secured now. CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) What's the damage? DANTON: (FILTER, TAKING STOCK) The main tube's burned out -- the bearing, the coupling, the injector valve, and the needle gauge. CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) Can you make repairs? DANTON: (FILTER) Not in flight. CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) Can you raise enough power to land? DANTON: (FILTER) I don't know, Captain. The wiring's shot. Spat like a tomcat. I might be able to get something from the deceleration auxiliaries. CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) Get a jury-rig on her. We'll try to set her down. DANTON: (FILTER) Aye, sir. CAPTAIN: Briggs? BRIGGS: Yes, sir? CAPTAIN: Alert for crash landing. SOUND: ALARM FOR CRASH LANDING CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) Signal room? Signal room? LANGSTON: (FILTER) Signal. Aye? CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) Langston? Get off a position fix, an SOS standby. LANGSTON: (FILTER) Aye, sir. CAPTAIN: Well, Mr. Howell, I guess you're going to join your friends in the Lost Race. I just hope it's not permanently. MUSIC: BOOM! ACCENT FOR PUNCTUATION ... TRANSITION FOR LENGTHY DESCENT OF SHIP TOWARD PLANET SURFACE ... CROSSFADES WITH-- SOUND: SPACESHIP BACKGROUND ... A SLOW BEEPING BEGINS, THEN CONTINUES IN BG BRIGGS: Leveled off now, Captain. CAPTAIN: Turn her up a point. (BEAT) That's it. BRIGGS: She's bucking bad. CAPTAIN: Five more minutes and the hull plates'll shake loose. SOUND: BUZZ CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) Power room? Stand by for bow-blast on signal. DANTON: (FILTER) Power ready. CAPTAIN: (TO BRIGGS) I'm gonna try for that clearing. BRIGGS: Too narrow. CAPTAIN: Two-to-one, for a dollar. All right, hang on. SOUND: BEEPING OUT ... LONG BUZZ ... LENGTHY CRASH! AS SPACESHIP LANDS ON PLANET ... SKIDS TO A STOP BEHIND-- BRIGGS: That's it, Captain! SOUND: CLATTER OF BROKEN GLASS AS BRIGGS' HEAD HITS INSTRUMENT PANEL BEHIND-- CAPTAIN: Briggs? Briggs?! BRIGGS: (GROANS) CAPTAIN: You all right? BRIGGS: (DAZED, WEAK) I hit my head on the panel. HOWELL: (UNEASY) I - I seem to be all assembled. CAPTAIN: Well, we're down. Guess our luck hasn't run out yet. SOUND: BUZZ CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) Calling power room. DANTON: (FILTER) Power room. Aye? CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) All right down there? DANTON: (FILTER) Yeah, I'm all right. CAPTAIN: (INTO COM) Danton? I want a complete damage check and repair estimate. Get up here as soon as you got it for me. (TO BRIGGS) Briggs, you all right now? BRIGGS: Yes, sir, I guess so. CAPTAIN: As soon as we get Danton's report, get a detail aft; help him with repairs. SOUND: HATCH OPENS ... LANGSTON'S STEPS ONTO BRIDGE LANGSTON: Captain Wharton? CAPTAIN: What is it, Langston? LANGSTON: My speaker line's out. Sending circuits blew. CAPTAIN: Spare tubes? LANGSTON: That was a pretty rough landing, Captain. They're gone. I can't replace 'em this side of Lunar Space Station. CAPTAIN: I see. Well, the SOS ought to do it. When the Space-Guard monitor reports our position-- LANGSTON: They aren't going to, Captain. CAPTAIN: Why not? LANGSTON: Sending circuits went out when the blast went off down there. I didn't get the SOS out. CAPTAIN: (BEAT, GRIM) Thank you, Langston. Get back and see what you can salvage. SOUND: STEPS TO HATCH, WHICH SHUTS AS LANGSTON EXITS HOWELL: (PUZZLED) Does that mean - bad news? CAPTAIN: We were in overdrive, Mr. Howell. It would take forty years to search the distance we've traveled in one day. Consequently, when a ship doesn't make port and doesn't transmit a position fix, they forget about it. HOWELL: Oh. I see. CAPTAIN: And with the radio out, we blast off on our own power -- or we don't get off. SOUND: HATCH OPENS ... DANTON'S STEPS ONTO BRIDGE DANTON: (COULDN'T CARE LESS) Got yer damage report, Captain. CAPTAIN: Well? DANTON: Here. SOUND: RATTLE OF PAPER AS REPORT IS HANDED OVER DANTON: It's on a B-Twenty-Three checklist. CAPTAIN: (STUDYING LIST) Hmm. That bad? DANTON: Worse. CAPTAIN: Danton, uh, how long will it take you for repairs? DANTON: I don't know. CAPTAIN: An estimate. DANTON: I ain't no Gypsy fortune teller. CAPTAIN: How 'bout the lifeboat? DANTON: (ARE YOU CRAZY?) For deep space? What are they teachin' at Sands Point now, basket weavin'? CAPTAIN: (GETTING MAD) Danton, I-- DANTON: Lifeboat couldn't lift a half a light-year off this here mud heap. CAPTAIN: Danton, I'll take just so much--! (BEAT, CALMS DOWN) Look. Can it be converted to bessendium drive? DANTON: The converter links were mashed when we came down. CAPTAIN: (SNAPS) How long is it gonna take you to repair the main drive? DANTON: Look, Captain, I got two hands. You want me to hold a lug wrench in my teeth? CAPTAIN: See here, Danton, I--! DANTON: (EXPLODES) You see here, Captain! The whole lousy crew's been spittin' all over me ever since we blasted off! Now ya can all wait on me! CAPTAIN: Who do you think you are, Danton?! DANTON: The only power man on this ship, that's who! If ya ain't satisfied with the way I'm workin', go hire yourself another boy! The woods are lousy with 'em. I'll take my own sweet time. SOUND: STEPS TO HATCH, WHICH SLAMS SHUT AS DANTON EXITS CAPTAIN: What's the matter with him? Got a bug in his ear? BRIGGS: Space fatigue, Captain. He's been locked up in the power room four days. CAPTAIN: (WITH DISGUST) Oh, we don't have enough trouble. Briggs? Remind me to slug the psycho-technician when we get back. Don't tell me nobody gets into deep space who isn't emotionally stable. BRIGGS: What are you gonna do about him, Captain? CAPTAIN: (QUIETLY) Nothing. Stay off his back. BRIGGS: Oh, but you can't-- CAPTAIN: Danton's the only man who can get us out of here. We want to hit the cradle at New York Space Port again, we've got to keep him happy. HOWELL: Captain Wharton? As long as we're landed and we do have to wait for the engines to be fixed, I suppose we can explore the Lost Race ruins. I'm particularly-- CAPTAIN: Look, Mr. Howell, I can't spare the men. We are now stuck tight -- until Danton gets those engines fixed. And if he can't -- which is entirely possible -- we are stuck period. HOWELL: (MUMBLES AS THE SITUATION SINKS IN) Oh, I-- Oh. CAPTAIN: (LOW) Briggs? I want you to keep a careful eye on the men. Space fatigue is nothing compared to what we might run up against now. SOUND: HATCH OPENS ... LANGSTON'S STEPS ONTO BRIDGE LANGSTON: Captain Wharton? Captain, I've got it. CAPTAIN: The sending circuits? LANGSTON: No, uh-- No, sir. But I picked up the incoming video band. CAPTAIN: (HEARTENED) Well, that's something. Eh, can you get the mail call through? The men could use a little lift right now. LANGSTON: Well, the scheduled one-way personals are due at Twenty-Three Thirty, Greenwich. CAPTAIN: Good! That ought to help morale. Langston, er, rig the receiving booth. LANGSTON: Aye, sir. CAPTAIN: Howell, this is a break. Seeing the folks at home may be enough to keep everybody on an even keel. I know I'll be glad to see that kid of mine. MUSIC: TRANSITION SOUND: EXPECTANT MURMUR OF CREW WILLIAMS: Mr. Langston? Get Hanson out of the booth. He'll wear the glass right off the tube. LANGSTON: Now, take it easy, Williams. Everybody gets three minutes. WILLIAMS: Hey, Kelly, I bet that dame of yours burned up the circuits, huh? LANGSTON: How'd you know it was his girl? Ya can't tell through the booth. WILLIAMS: Who else would call that ape? What'd she say, Kelly? KELLY: Oh, nothin'. She don't have to. She just stands in front of the pickup tube and "Oh, brother!" (LAUGHS) WILLIAMS: (LAUGHS) I can just see that. SOUND: BOOTH HATCH OPENS ... HANSON'S STEPS IN HANSON: Hey! Hey, it's a boy! KELLY: A boy? HANSON: Alice had a boy! They're gonna show him to me in the circuit tomorrow! KELLY: Congratulations! WILLIAMS: That's marvelous. SOUND: CREW MURMURS CONGRATULATIONS WILLIAMS: Who's next, Mr. Langston? LANGSTON: Ah, the last call's comin' through now on ticker. It's for Williams. WILLIAMS: (PLEASED) Well--! DANTON: (UPSET) Hey, wait a minute, Williams. WILLIAMS: Well, let go of my arm there. DANTON: What happened to my call? LANGSTON: Uh, no call today, Danton. DANTON: You're a liar, Langston! LANGSTON: (OFFENDED) Hey-- DANTON: My girl calls in every scheduled circuit. That must be mine. HANSON: Aw, let go, Danton. Maybe Janie was busy waitin' tables in the lunch room. DANTON: (JEALOUS, ACCUSING) What do you know about her, Hanson? KELLY: You kiddin'? She's a swell kid. Everybody at New York Space Port knows her. DANTON: Yeah? I've seen you hangin' around Jane, too! WILLIAMS: Now, wait a minute, Danton-- HANSON: Take it easy, Danton. DANTON: (PARANOID) You and Williams made this up between ya, didn't ya? You're gonna take my call, huh, Williams? WILLIAMS: You're space happy. DANTON: You used to hang around with her before I cut you out. WILLIAMS: Now, listen, Danton, you were lucky enough to get her. Let well enough alone. DANTON: You bet I got her, all right, and you're not gonna steal her back! Williams, I'm gonna--! SOUND: DANTON SMACKS WILLIAMS IN FACE ... DANTON AND WILLIAMS SCUFFLE, CONTINUES IN BG WILLIAMS: Are you crazy? Danton! (TO CREW) Get him off of me! DANTON: (WITH EFFORT, TO WILLIAMS) You lyin' four-flusher! BRIGGS: (ENTERS) What's going on in here? KELLY: Let 'em fight! DANTON: (WITH EFFORT, TO WILLIAMS) I'm gonna kill ya, ya double-crossin'--! KELLY: Let 'em fight! DANTON: --behind my back! BRIGGS: Grab him, Hanson! Get his arm. DANTON: Let go o' me! HANSON: Nobody took your call; now calm down, Danton. DANTON: All right, chumps! I'll fix all o' ya! LANGSTON: Look out, he's got a wrench! DANTON: (GRUNTS WITH EFFORT BEHIND--) SOUND: SCUFFLE ENDS AS DANTON SHATTERS GLASS TUBE WITH WRENCH ... CRASH! BRIGGS: Danton! KELLY: He's nuts. DANTON: Now nobody gets a call! Nobody! How do you like that, Williams?! Ya ain't gonna hear from Janie no more! (MOVING OFF) How do you like that? SOUND: DANTON'S HURRIED STEPS AWAY BRIGGS: After him! Kelly! Hanson! SOUND: AIRLOCK HATCH SHUTS BRIGGS: The airlock. He's left the ship. HANSON: Let him go; the jealous screwball. BRIGGS: (UNHAPPY) Sure, but that's the only man who can get us off of here. MUSIC: TRANSITION CAPTAIN: I warned you, so help me, Briggs. I warned you to keep an eye on Danton. BRIGGS: Well, I didn't think he'd go off this way. WILLIAMS: Well, it's that girl o' his, sir. He's crazy jealous about her. CAPTAIN: Any reason for it, Williams? WILLIAMS: No, sir. She's a good kid. Too good for Danton. I guess he's just so afraid of losin' her to some other guy, he - he's gettin' psychopathic about it. CAPTAIN: Well, we've gotta get him back. I want every man equipped and ready for search parties immediately. WILLIAMS: Aye aye, sir. CAPTAIN: Williams? Rig some portable searchlights, and issue hand blasters and radiation tickers. Kelly? KELLY: Aye, sir? CAPTAIN: You have the second party. You find Danton, send up a signal flare. KELLY: Aye, sir. CAPTAIN: Unless we do find him, we'll be on this planet until the next freighter stumbles on us -- maybe ten thousand years from now. MUSIC: TRANSITION SOUND: SEARCH PARTY'S STEADY ECHOING FOOTSTEPS ON STONE SURFACE ... THEN IN BG, IN AGREEMENT WITH FOLLOWING ... SLIGHT ECHO ON VOICES CAPTAIN: Hold that light up, Hanson. HOWELL: (BEAT, IN AWE) This is amazing, Captain. Lost Race buildings actually standing. HANSON: (STARTLED) Hey! SOUND: EVERYONE STOPS CAPTAIN: What is it? HANSON: Oh. It's nothing. A shadow. BRIGGS: This place gives me the willies. SOUND: THEIR FOOTSTEPS RESUME, IN BG HOWELL: (MUSES) To be able to find out so much about them -- their science, art, what they looked like. Perhaps even why they destroyed themselves. CAPTAIN: I'm beginning to wonder about that, Howell. You sure they destroyed themselves? Maybe they lost a war to another race. HOWELL: (DISAGREES) Mmm, the winners would have left traces. Genghis Khan, the Mongol emperor, left a pile of skulls as a monument after he destroyed his enemies, but there's been nothing like that found. CAPTAIN: No clues at all, eh? HOWELL: Nothing. When they decided to wipe themselves out, they did a thorough job. But why? That's what we've been asking for fifty years. They wanted to end like that. HANSON: (OFF) Captain? There - there's a rise ahead. CAPTAIN: Keep going. (BEAT) Anything on your side, Briggs? BRIGGS: (OFF) No, sir. SOUND: ZAP! OF BLASTER ... CAPTAIN'S HURRIED STEPS TO HANSON, BEHIND-- CAPTAIN: Hanson? What is it? HANSON: I don't know, sir. Funny kind of a glow. I - I guess I shot without thinking. CAPTAIN: Don't get trigger-happy. (BEAT) Howell? HOWELL: Yes? CAPTAIN: Where do you think the light is coming from? HOWELL: Down there. It's an amphitheatre. Stone seats and a hood. SOUND: THEY TAKE A FEW STEPS CAPTAIN: It looks like a bandshell. BRIGGS: (APPROACHES) What's up, Captain? CAPTAIN: Wait a minute. SOUND: EVERYONE STOPS CAPTAIN: Well, Howell? HOWELL: I don't know. That's the Lost Race sign on the hood. CAPTAIN: The what? HOWELL: A sort of hieroglyphic -- the only thing we'd ever found before; one in each ruin. CAPTAIN: What does it mean? HOWELL: Some kind of a warning, I think. CAPTAIN: Come on. We're going down there. SOUND: THEIR STEPS CAUTIOUSLY DOWN TO THE AMPHITHEATRE DURING FOLLOWING-- CAPTAIN: Careful now. (BEAT) There's a platform of some kind down here. BRIGGS: Looks like a lecture platform, doesn't it? HOWELL: Or an altar. This might have been a temple. Perhaps the Lost Race sign had a religious significance. CAPTAIN: Looks like a throne to me. SOUND: THEIR STEPS SLOW TO A STOP BRIGGS: A throne five feet high? CAPTAIN: Briggs, climb up there. See if there are any controls for this machinery. BRIGGS: Aye, sir. SOUND: BRIGGS CLIMBS UP BEHIND-- BRIGGS: (WITH EFFORT) This wasn't meant for any man to sit on. (BEAT) There's a lever up here! Shall I try it? CAPTAIN: (OFF) Sure, go ahead. SOUND: SQUEAK! OF RUSTY LEVER PULLED ... MACHINERY HUMS EERILY, THEN IN BG BRIGGS: Hey! What the--? What's that mist? Like a steam bath. I wonder if Kelly and Williams ran into anything like-- WILLIAMS: (FILTER) Hey, Kelly, hold that light up. KELLY: (FILTER) Shut up and keep lookin' fer Danton. CAPTAIN: (OFF) What? HANSON: (OFF) Look there! In the hood. CAPTAIN: (OFF) It's Williams and Kelly. WILLIAMS: (FILTER) That crazy jet jockey. When I find him, I'm gonna beat his brains out. CAPTAIN: (OVERLAPS WITH ABOVE, OFF) Briggs, pull the lever. SOUND: SQUEAK! OF RUSTY LEVER PULLED ... MACHINERY STOPS HUMMING HANSON: (BEAT) You could see 'em. A three-dimensional image. CAPTAIN: Some kind of television. Get down, Briggs. BRIGGS: (OFF) Aye, sir. SOUND: BRIGGS SLIDES DOWN, STEPS ON STONE FLOOR BRIGGS: Did you see it, Skipper? I was just thinking about him and there he was. CAPTAIN: We all saw it. SOUND: CAPTAIN CLIMBS UP BEHIND-- CAPTAIN: Out of the way. I'm gonna try it. (WITH EFFORT) If this thing can pick up Earth, it'll replace the receiver Danton smashed. (OFF) Just throw the lever, eh? SOUND: SQUEAK! OF RUSTY LEVER PULLED ... MACHINERY HUMS EERILY, THEN IN BG MUSIC: CHILD'S PIANO EXERCISE (FILTERED) ... THEN IN BG CAPTAIN: (ASTONISHED, MESMERIZED) Why-- That's my son! I'll be darned -- his music lesson. Say, it reaches Earth, all right. Why, imagine -- television without a transmitter! HOWELL: Looks like the Lost Race was ahead of us in more ways than one. MUSIC: PIANO FADES OUT WITH-- SOUND: SQUEAK! OF RUSTY LEVER PULLED ... MACHINERY STOPS HUMMING ... CAPTAIN SLIDES DOWN CAPTAIN: Go up and try it, Howell. SOUND: HOWELL CLIMBS UP BEHIND-- HOWELL: It's amazing, amazing. Television without a transmitter. This - this machine may be the clue to the mystery of the Lost Race. (BEAT) I'll try it. SOUND: SQUEAK! OF RUSTY LEVER PULLED ... MACHINERY HUMS EERILY FATHER: (FILTER) Mary, I've told you. I like my paper first in the morning. If that youngster wants to know how the Tigers did, let him wait until I am-- SOUND: SQUEAK! OF RUSTY LEVER PULLED ... MACHINERY STOPS HUMMING HOWELL: (AMAZED) My father in Detroit. Remarkable, Captain! You could see the whole room clearly. HANSON: Say, how 'bout me, Captain? Let me get up there. I'd like to see my baby. Alice told me all about-- SOUND: HANSON STUMBLES OVER WRENCH, WHICH CLATTERS ON STONE HANSON: Ouch! CAPTAIN: What's the matter, Hanson? HANSON: (PUZZLED) I - kicked something. A wrench. CAPTAIN: Hold it up. SOUND: HANSON PICKS UP WRENCH CAPTAIN: Wha--? It's Danton's. (REALIZES) That means he's been here. We're on his trail, all right. Come on, Howell; let's go. HANSON: Yeah, but the baby--! It wouldn't take a minute, Captain-- CAPTAIN: Later, Hanson. We've got to find Danton first. All right now, let's get moving. SOUND: DISTANT SIGNAL FLARE ROCKETS INTO SKY AND BURSTS OVERHEAD CAPTAIN: Hold it! HOWELL: What's that? CAPTAIN: The recall flare. Kelly and his men have found Danton. Oh, I hope that crazy fool is in one piece. SOUND: THEIR STEPS TOWARD SHIP, IN BG BRIGGS: We start back now, Captain? CAPTAIN: Yes. SOUND: THEY TAKE A FEW MORE STEPS ... THEN A BIG EXPLOSION FROM ANOTHER DIRECTION CAPTAIN: That came from the ship! HOWELL: Another flare? CAPTAIN: No, that was an explosion. That's all we need now -- something more to happen to the ship! MUSIC: TRANSITION SOUND: THE SEARCH PARTY'S RUNNING FOOTSTEPS APPROACH SHIP ... THEN STOP BEHIND-- CAPTAIN: (DISHEARTENED) Ohhh, it's the main jets -- smashed flat. HANSON: Of all the stinking, rotten--! CAPTAIN: (KEEPING COOL) Briggs? Check through the ship for further damage. BRIGGS: Aye, sir. SOUND: BRIGGS HURRIES THROUGH THE DEBRIS AND EXITS CAPTAIN: (UNHAPPY) Oh, look at those plates. Crumpled like an accordion. KELLY: (APPROACHES, FROM OFF) Captain?! Oh, Captain?! HANSON: Here comes Kelly's party! KELLY: We got him! Got Danton! SOUND: KELLY AND HIS PARTY STUMBLE TO A STOP KELLY: (SHOCKED) Holy--! What happened here? CAPTAIN: Somebody blew up the main jets. (SHARPLY) Danton, do you know anything about this? DANTON: No, sir. HANSON: Not much he doesn't. He's crazy enough to blow us all up. DANTON: Listen, Hanson, I admit I went off my head tonight, but I'm not crazy enough to commit suicide. If the jets are smashed, we're all marooned -- up the same creek. HANSON: I still think he's got somethin' to do with it. KELLY: Lay off, Hanson. We found him wandering up in the hills. And he was with us when the blast went off. CAPTAIN: (THOUGHTFUL) Yes, that's right. We saw your recall flare before the explosions. (DISCOURAGED) Oh, I guess that puts Danton in the clear. HOWELL: Then who did it, Captain? CAPTAIN: (GRIM, LOW) I don't know, Howell. Looks like somebody didn't want us to leave this planet. (UP) Well, we've still got one slim chance left. If we can repair the lifeboat-- BRIGGS: (RETURNS, APPROACHES) Skipper? It's gone! CAPTAIN: Gone? BRIGGS: The escape port is open; the boat's missing. CAPTAIN: (A HEAVY BLOW) Oh. What else? BRIGGS: The arms chest was cleaned out, sir, and the fuel locker was jimmied open. The bessendium bars are gone. CAPTAIN: You sure? BRIGGS: You can look for yourself, sir. She's clean. CAPTAIN: (SLOWLY) I see. There's only one answer left. There's something or somebody out in those ruins trying to get us. (QUICKER) Maybe that Lost Race decided they weren't going to stay lost. HANSON: Ya think some of them may - may still be alive? CAPTAIN: Who else could have blown up our ship? MUSIC: TRANSITION SOUND: CAUTIOUS ECHOING FOOTSTEPS ON STONE SURFACE ... SLIGHT ECHO ON VOICES CAPTAIN: Keep your blaster up, Howell. And be careful; it's a hair-trigger. BRIGGS: What are we doing back at the television machine, Captain? I thought we were looking for the lifeboat. CAPTAIN: We are. Whoever blew up the ship must be around here. Might as well try to use this machine to track 'em down. BRIGGS: Yeah. Yeah, catch 'em with their own gadget, huh? CAPTAIN: That's right. All right, Howell, you're the expert. Get up there and try to find 'em. HOWELL: (DOUBTFUL) I hope it works. SOUND: HOWELL STEPS TO LEVER, WHICH SQUEAKS WHEN PULLED ... MACHINERY HUMS, THEN IN BG CAPTAIN: (BEAT) Well? HOWELL: Trying, Captain. CAPTAIN: Nothing but mist. HOWELL: I don't understand it. It reached all the way to Earth before. I saw my father in Detroit. FATHER: (FILTER) Mary! My paper's all rumpled again! CAPTAIN: What the--? HOWELL: There it is again. My father in Detroit. FATHER: (FILTER) I've told him time and time again, I don't like a messy paper. HOWELL: Look at that. No selector control, yet-- All the way to Earth. You can see the whole room -- the goldfish bowl, the - the antimacassars on the chairs -- and yet we can't pick up something less than a mile away. CAPTAIN: Knock it off, Howell! We're wasting time! SOUND: SQUEAK! OF RUSTY LEVER PULLED ... MACHINERY STOPS HUMMING CAPTAIN: Come on. That gadget won't work, we'll have to comb these ruins inch by inch. SOUND: HOWELL SLIDES DOWN, STEPS ON FLOOR HOWELL: I don't understand it. CAPTAIN: (EXHALES) Neither do I. We'll cut behind the hood here and go on. Briggs? You take the lead with the radiation ticker. We might be able to pick up a reading on where the rocket fuel is hidden. BRIGGS: Aye, sir. CAPTAIN: All right, let's go. SOUND: THEIR STEPS ... THEN IN BG, IN AGREEMENT WITH FOLLOWING-- HOWELL: I can't understand why that machine can pick up Earth and not-- SOUND: ROAR! OF NEARBY CAVE-IN BRIGGS: (OFF) Captain! Help, Captain! SOUND: CAPTAIN AND HOWELL'S STEPS SCRAMBLE TO BRIGGS CAPTAIN: Briggs? What is it? BRIGGS: Captain, help! I'm falling! CAPTAIN: It's a cave-in! Hang on, Briggs! BRIGGS: (WITH EFFORT) I'm - slipping, Captain! CAPTAIN: (GASPS WITH EFFORT, TO HOWELL) Grab his wrist! HOWELL: All right. CAPTAIN: (WITH EFFORT) Now, pull! Pull! (GRUNTS) Higher! SOUND: GRUNTING CAPTAIN AND HOWELL PULL BRIGGS UP CAPTAIN: What happened? BRIGGS: Huh, I was just walking along and the ground caved in. HOWELL: Wha--? It's some kind of shaft. Hold your light over it, Captain. (BEAT, HOLLERS "HELLOoooo!" INTO THE SHAFT) SOUND: HOWELL'S VOICE ECHOES BACK BRIGGS: (SOBERLY) Fifty feet deep and a stone bottom. I could have split my head open like a grapefruit. HOWELL: (INTENTLY) Something - down there. Hold that light steady. (BEAT) Amazing. Amazing! CAPTAIN: Looks like a pile of bones to me. Two piles. HOWELL: It may be the first skeletal remains ever found of the Lost Race. I've got to get down in there. CAPTAIN: We haven't got time, Howell. Come on. HOWELL: Let me have your binoculars. (PAUSE, PEERS DOWN, THINKS ALOUD) Wonderful. That small skeleton must be an infant. They've been laid out carefully. Burial chamber. The way they're lying, it's probably a mother and infant. Yeah. The tail. She's definitely anthropoid. CAPTAIN: Howell, you - you mean apes? HOWELL: Something like that. Yet they had atomic power and built cities across the galaxy. Amazing. CAPTAIN: Howell, we haven't got time. HOWELL: (CONTINUES, INCREASINGLY EXCITED) Hello, that's funny. The - the little one is different. The - the caudal bones are different. No tail! CAPTAIN: (IMPATIENT) Listen, Howell, what do I care whether they had tails or not? Come on now! HOWELL: (REALIZES) It's almost as if-- Well, they - they did have atomics, and radiation does funny things to heredity. They had that problem of mutations in Detroit when-- (REALIZES SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY) Detroit! That must be it! CAPTAIN: What? HOWELL: The new atomics plant at Detroit. They tore down my father's house to make room for it. Quickly, Captain! SOUND: HOWELL'S STEPS HURRY OFF WITH BRIGGS AND THE CAPTAIN CLOSE BEHIND CAPTAIN: Howell? Where are you going? HOWELL: Back to the machine! I've got a theory that may solve the whole mystery of what happened to the Lost Race. CAPTAIN: I don't care what happened to the dead ones, Howell. I want to find the living ones who wrecked my ship. SOUND: THEIR STEPS OUT WITH-- HOWELL: I think this machine may give us both answers. SOUND: SQUEAK! OF RUSTY LEVER PULLED ... MACHINERY HUMS, THEN IN BG HOWELL: There. There's the house -- Detroit -- down to the last detail. CAPTAIN: Howell, come on down; we know all that! HOWELL: But don't you understand? That house was torn down! I got a letter before we lifted off Earth! It's gone! CAPTAIN: But it's on the television machine. HOWELL: Captain, that machine isn't television; it's a thought projector! CAPTAIN: What? HOWELL: It only mirrors what's in your own mind. BRIGGS: But, Mr. Howell, we saw Earth. It was really there. HOWELL: But it was just because we imagined it, Briggs. SOUND: SQUEAK! OF RUSTY LEVER PULLED ... MACHINERY STOPS HUMMING HOWELL: It's a thought projection. I can produce any mental image that occurs to me on this machine. New York Space Port, a Space-Guard patrol, anything! CAPTAIN: Anything? HOWELL: Yes. And now I think I know what inspired the Lost Race to do what they did. It was fear! Fear of what was in their own minds. They could all see it with machines like this. CAPTAIN: But fear - fear of what? HOWELL: They foresaw the future. So they destroyed themselves -- every last one of them. CAPTAIN: Hold it, Howell. Are you sure they're all dead? HOWELL: One hundred thousand years ago. CAPTAIN: Then who blew up the ship? And stole our lifeboat? HOWELL: Danton. CAPTAIN: Danton? But why? HOWELL: He was pathologically jealous. CAPTAIN: Yes, but blowing up the ship was like committing suicide. He wasn't crazy enough to do that. HOWELL: The Lost Race was -- after they looked at this machine. CAPTAIN: You mean - Danton did, too? HOWELL: We found his wrench here. CAPTAIN: You're right. HOWELL: He must have looked at the machine and thought it was television. He must have seen all his fears about losing his girl confirmed. That was enough to make him completely unbalanced. BRIGGS: But he was with Kelly when that explosion went off. He's got an ironclad alibi. CAPTAIN: No, he hasn't. Wouldn't take a power man long to sneak back to the ship and rig a delayed-action fuse. Howell, we've gotta get back to the ship before Danton! DANTON: (OFF) Never mind, Captain! Stay right there! CAPTAIN: That's Danton! DANTON: (SLOWLY APPROACHES) I'm in the dark. You make a perfect target there! Drop your guns! I got a blaster set at wide-angle! CAPTAIN: (TO BRIGGS AND HOWELL) Drop 'em. He's got us cold. SOUND: GUNS DROPPED ON STONE ... DANTON'S STEPS APPROACH ... HE'S NOW COMPLETELY DERANGED DANTON: (CLOSER) I been followin' you, Wharton. I wanted to tell ya. I'm going back to Earth. I got the lifeboat hidden over that rise. CAPTAIN: It won't work in deep space. DANTON: (LAUGHS) You believed me when I told ya that, didn't ya? Well, I've got it fixed. And with that bessendium fuel, it'll be a milk run. I'll reach the Space-Guard station at Volta with a long, sad story about how the rest of ya exploded in mid-space. CAPTAIN: Danton, that's murder. DANTON: Yeah. Yeah, that's just what it is! And easy, too! CAPTAIN: Danton, you can't just leave us here! DANTON: Watch me! Sit in front of that machine and watch me! Yeah, I know what it is. I know it's a television without a transmitter. And I did some checkin' up. I've seen how you were stealin' my calls. Tryin' to steal my girl! CAPTAIN: Danton, you're sick! You can't poss-- DANTON: Pretty smart, that Lost Race! They built some machine! And it showed me plenty! Showed me enough to kill ya! CAPTAIN: Aw, you've got it all wrong. This isn't a television machine. DANTON: What are ya tryin' to pull, Wharton? I saw it! CAPTAIN: Those were your own thoughts, Danton. Those things you saw exist only in your mind. DANTON: Shut up, before I blast all of ya down! You're just tryin' to lie out of it, that's all. But I know the truth when I see it! And you're gonna die! HOWELL: All right, Danton, but you're not going to get away with it. SOUND: SQUEAK! OF RUSTY LEVER PULLED HOWELL: Look at the machine! SOUND: MACHINERY HUMS ... THEN IN BG DANTON: What's that? HOWELL: The machine. It's the Space-Guard Patrol, Danton. Look! They're coming! PATROL: (FILTER) X-Three to Command. Spotted the Carilya as reported. Preparing to land. HOWELL: That's the Space-Guard, Danton. CAPTAIN: (PLEASED) Yeah, a whole patrol! DANTON: (SHAKEN) You're lyin'! You're lyin'! They couldn't come! There wasn't any SOS! PATROL: (FILTER) X-Three to Command. Preparing to land. There's a clearing. CAPTAIN: That's enough, Howell. SOUND: SQUEAK! OF RUSTY LEVER PULLED ... MACHINERY STOPS HUMMING CAPTAIN: All right, Danton. They'll be coming over the horizon. Drop your gun and give yourself up. DANTON: (DISMAYED) Oh, no. No, they're not gonna catch me. I'll be away in that lifeboat before they land. (MOVING OFF) Stand still, all of ya! Stay where ya are! I've still got ya covered! CAPTAIN: Danton! Danton, look out behind you! DANTON: (DEATH SCREAM AS HE FALLS INTO SHAFT) SOUND: HEAVY ECHO ON DANTON'S VOICE ABOVE ... THEN DANTON'S BODY HITS BOTTOM CAPTAIN: (HORRIFIED) The burial shaft. He fell in it. SOUND: HURRIED STEPS TO SHAFT CAPTAIN: Hold the light down, Briggs. (BEAT) Well? BRIGGS: He's dead. Deader than the Lost Race. CAPTAIN: (TO HOWELL) And what about those Space-Guard cruisers? HOWELL: (QUIETLY) Out of my head. I just imagined them and there they were on the machine. Poor Danton believed they were real. BRIGGS: I wish they were real so we could get off this planet. CAPTAIN: Oh, it doesn't matter. We know where the lifeboat is now. We can send one man to bring back help. And it won't be Danton. HOWELL: Machine got him the same way it got the Lost Race. Through fear. CAPTAIN: But what was the Lost Race afraid of, Howell? HOWELL: Changing. CAPTAIN: Changing? HOWELL: Look at those skeletons down there. They had atomic energy, but they couldn't control it. Look. The baby's different from the other. The race was changing. By mutation. CAPTAIN: Mutation? HOWELL: Look at those skeletons. Now imagine a shifted hip socket so they could walk upright. The baby was already without a tail. CAPTAIN: But, Howell, that would mean they were changing into--? Into--? HOWELL: Yes, Captain. (BEAT) The Lost Race committed suicide rather than face the fear of seeing their descendants become such horrible creatures as -- men. MUSIC: CURTAIN ANNOUNCER: You have just heard another adventure into the unknown world of the future, the world of-- MUSIC: OMINOUS RUMBLE ... CYMBAL CRASH ANNOUNCER: (HEAVY ECHO) Dimension X-x-x-x-x- (TRAILS OFF) MUSIC: TENSE ... THEN IN BG HOST: And now -- about next week. William Travis and his wife thought they had escaped, but they were wrong. They were being searched out by men from another world -- men who wanted them to return. Where? I'll tell you - next week. MUSIC: WEIRD ACCENT ... THEN IN BG, OUT AT [X] ANNOUNCER: Tonight's drama was based on the Murray Leinster story, "The Lost" and was adapted for radio by Ernest Kinoy. Featured in the cast were Matt Crowley as Captain Wharton, Roger De Koven as Howell, and Joseph Julian as Danton. Your host was Norman Rose. [X] Tomorrow it's SAM SPADE. Now hear TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES on NBC. MUSIC: NBC CHIMES