The Screen Guild Theater The Bishop's Wife Date: Mar 01 1948 CAST:
MICHAEL ROY, announcer
ED CHANDLER, announcer
MAN (2 lines)ROY: (COLD) From Hollywood, Camel Cigarettes present "The Screen Guild Players." MUSIC: SYMPHONIC CAMEL THEME FULL. AND FADE TO CONTINUE UNDER ROY: Our stars, Cary Grant, Loretta Young & David Niven. Our play, "The Bishop's Wife." Our host - Camel Cigarettes (MUSIC OUT) CHANDLER: Experience is the best teacher! ROY: Try a Camel -- let your own experience tell you why more people are smoking Camels than ever before! Yes, try a Camel on your "T-Zone"...that's T for taste and T for throat...your true proving ground for any cigarette. See how Camel's rich, full flavor pleases your taste. See how Camel's cool, cool mildness appeals to your throat MUSIC: (SHOW THEME) ROY: Tonight Camel Cigarettes takes great pride in presenting the Screen Guild Players in Samuel Goldwyn's smash hit -- which has been honored with five Academy Award nominations this year. And starring in their original roles, three of your very favorite people, Loretta Young, David Niven and Cary Grant. The Camel Screen Guild Players bring you....."The Bishop's Wife." MUSIC (FULL INTO PLAY THEME...AND FADE OUT INTO:) JULIA: Let's just suppose you were married to a Bishop. To a Bishop who was trying to build a cathedral...Suppose you saw him growing haggard with his cares, harrassed by the petty selfishness about him - irritable, frustrated, completely unhappy....And then suppose that suddenly - quite suddenly - he changed - became again the simple charming man you'd once fallen in love with.....Tell me, wouldn't you be apt to call that - (HARP RUN) - a miracle? MUSIC: (HARP RUN UP INTO ORCHESTRAL PUNCTUATION ... AND CONTINUE UNDER:) JULIA: I don't think - as long as I live - I shall ever forget that particular day. I'd been out shopping all afternoon. I'd forgotten my problems for a while, and when I got home -- (MUSIC CUTS) SOUND: (HEAVY DOOR CLOSES...OFF MIKE) HENRY: (CALLS, DULLY) Julia ... is that you? JULIA: (COMING IN) Yes, dear...(GAY BABBLE) Henry, I'm so sorry I'm late. I went down to get our Christmas tree - you remember Mr. Mannetti - and I stopped in at St. Timothy's - it's such a beautiful church, even if it is in the slums - and everyone asked for you, and I ran into Professor Wutheridge and -- Oh, yes, he gave me a contribution for the cathedral. Here you are, dear. HENRY: This? What is it? JULIA: It's an old Roman coin. Wasn't it sweet of him? HENRY: The old fool! What does he think I can do with this? JULIA: Well, it's a beginning. All you need is another four million. HENRY: (SHARPLY) Julia, please stop being flippant about the cathedral! JULIA: (SURPRISED) Why, Henry....(THEN SYMPATHETIC) What's the matter, dear? Did the meeting go badly? HENRY: Terribly. What a ghastly afternoon! JULIA: Mrs. Hamilton again? HENRY: What a ghastly woman! Just because she's pledged all that money, she wants the Memorial Chapel for her husband to dominate the entire cathedral! JULIA: You refused to allow that, of course. HENRY: I most certainly did - and she marched out of here like a wounded tigress...I had a most unchristian impulse to pick up the blueprints and whack her over her -- mink coat! JULIA: Henry, you mustn't let her upset you so. Especially now, before -- (IMPULSIVELY) Look, why not postpone the cathedral a while - at least till after Christmas? HENRY: That's impossible. If I'm to raise even part of the money we need, I must take advantage of the Yuletide spirit. JULIA: But, darling, if you could see your poor harrassed face -- HENRY: (SHARPLY) Well, you're not helping it any! JULIA: (A PAUSE, QUIETLY) Henry, what's happened to you? What's happened to us -- to our marriage? We used to have so much fun -- you and Debby and I. We used to be happy - and we used to make others happy. That was your gift. You're not a financier. You're not a promoter. HENRY: Julia, you can't see beyond the end of your nose. The cathedral must rise. I want it to stand like a mighty beacon, I want it to shed its light to -- JULIA: (STIFFLY) Save that for your next committee meeting...I'll go and see if dinner is ready. HENRY: (QUICKLY) No, Julia -- wait -- JULIA: (COOLLY) Yes? HENRY: I - I'm sorry, dear. I've been so upset, I -- Maybe I can forget it for a day. Maybe I can take tomorrow off. Maybe we can go out together. JULIA: (HAPPY SURPRISE) Where? HENRY: Oh - just walk around as we used to do - go and see the Professor, perhaps, and then go out in the park and watch them skating - that sort of thing... JULIA: (HAPPILY) Henry -- ! HENRY: And perhaps we might have lunch - at Michel's. Do you remember, Julia? JULIA: Michel's! We haven't been there since --- (PHONE RINGS) HENRY: I'll get it, dear. (RECEIVER UP) Hello. Bishop Brougham speaking....Mr. Trevor?...Yes, how are you, I --- Tomorrow? For lunch? ....Couldn't we make it another day? I....Yes, I understand...Very well, I'll be there... (RECEIVER DOWN) JULIA: (QUIETLY) Tomorrow, Henry? For lunch? HENRY: (HARRASSED) I'm sorry, Julia. It's the Altar Committee. I promised them a week ago I'd -- JULIA: (STIFFLY) You needn't explain. (FADING) I'll go see about dinner. (DOOR SLAMS...OFF) HENRY: (DESPAIRING) Dear God -- what am I to do? Help me - tell me -- what am I to do....Please, God - help me - please! MUSIC: (FAINT HARP RUN...ON ECHO CHAMBER...VERY SHIMMERY) HENRY: (A LITTLE STARTLED) What? ....I thought I heard -- DUDLEY: Good evening - HENRY: (STARING) Good evening....Strange - I didn't see you come in -- DUDLEY: That's not strange -- you weren't supposed to. HENRY: What - uh - what can I do for you? DUDLEY: That isn't the question. It's what can I do for you? HENRY: (NERVOUS) I - I'm afraid you'll have to telephone my secretary for an appointment. I was just about to go in to dinner. DUDLEY: Oh, that's all right, Henry - the soup will keep warm. HENRY: But - but -- DUDLEY: Now first of all, you asked for help. HENRY: I? When did I -- Who told you I asked for help? (FRIGHTENED) Who - who are you? DUDLEY: I am an angel.....No wings at the moment - but.... HENRY: An ange ----- Oh, no - No! ..... I knew it! I've been working too hard! DUDLEY: (LAUGHS) Oh, I know, Henry. It's difficult to believe - even for you. You can't imagine an angel coming down to earth. HENRY: No - frankly - I can't ..... DUDLEY: Well, you needn't think we relish the trip. Not the way things are down here these days. (SHRUGS) But we go where we're sent. There's always work to be done.... For example...this cathedral of yours. It needs a --- Henry, you do believe me, don't you? You're big enough to know that I am what I say I am? HENRY: I - how can I be sure? I have only your word. DUDLEY: Well, surely a Bishop can trust the word of an angel. HENRY: I'd like to, but...What - what do you propose to do - perform a miracle? DUDLEY: (AMIABLY) If necessary. HENRY: Then - why don't you do it? Why don't you create the cathedral with one wave of your hand? DUDLEY: Oh, no, Henry - that would be a mistake. People would be puzzled. They'd write letters to the newspapers demanding an explanation. And you couldn't explain it. Because no man can ever admit he's been visited by an angel. (DOOR OPENS, OFF) HENRY: But still -- JULIA: (COMING IN ) Henry - dinner's ready. We're --- (STOPS SHORT) Oh, I'm sorry - I didn't know... HENRY: (HELPLESS) Julia, I - I - this is -- DUDLEY: Hello, Julia. I'm Dudley. Henry has engaged me to help him with his work. JULIA: (HAPPILY) You mean you're going to be his assistant? DUDLEY: That's it. I'm going to help him get some rest and relaxation. JULIA: Oh -- but that's what I've been praying for! DUDLEY: You, too? JULIA: For weeks!...Tell me, when will you start? DUDLEY: Tomorrow morning....Unless Henry wants to change his mind. HENRY: Well -- JULIA: Oh no, I'm sure he doesn't. Henry, I'm so happy! Let's have Dudley stay for dinner and -- (HARP RUN) That's strange...He's gone... HENRY: (SWEATING) I - I imagine he wasn't very hungry. JULIA: (WONDERING) But to disappear so suddenly... HENRY: It - it's a way he has. JULIA: (PUZZLED) Henry, why are you so nervous? HENRY: Nervous? Nervous? I'm not nervous, I -- Come on, let's dave our hinner - I mean hive our danner - I mean --- Oh, what's the use! Come on, let's eat! MUSIC: (IN FOR BRIDGE...AND FADE OUT INTO:) SOUND: (DOOR CLOSES...SLIGHTLY OFF) DUDLEY: Well! There you are!...Good morning, Henry! HENRY: (COMING IN) I - I see you're here already ... DUDLEY: Bright and early!...Thought I'd get busy while you finished your breakfast. HENRY: (DRILY) I believe that's my mail you have in your hand. DUDLEY: Yes, I was just looking through it. HENRY: (ACID) You are expecting a letter, perhaps? DUDLEY: One never knows. But if I should get one, the stamp will be worth saving....Now don't you worry about this mail. I'll get it all answered and filed and -- HENRY: Never mind the mail! That's work for a secretary, not for a -- an angel. DUDLEY: Oh! So you're beginning to believe that I really am one? HENRY: I don't know what to believe any more! But look here, if you've got a spare miracle about, I assure you I can use one! DUDLEY: For what? To get the cathedral built? HENRY: That's most important, of course! DUDLEY: Or to make Julia happy? HENRY: (DEFENSIVE) I don't know what you mean... DUDLEY: You know, Henry, it's difficult for me to help you, until I'm sure of what you really want...(A PAUSE, CASUAL) Tell me...what are your plans for today? HENRY: (GLUM) A conference at ten - committee meeting at lunch -- DUDLEY: At lunch? Didn't Julia want to go to Michel's? HENRY: (MISERABLE) I know - I suggested it - but what can I do? DUDLEY: Nothing, apparently...What is Julia doing about it? HENRY: (GLUM) She's told the maid she could have the day off - to get her Christmas shopping done...Julia's taking Debby to the park....(A BURST) Oh, I wish she could go to Michel's! I wish she could go with all my heart! DUDLEY: Well, if you really wish it, Henry....(SMILES) Don't worry, I'm sure it will all come out right. MUSIC: (ACCENT CHORD...AND FADE OUT INTO:) SOUND: (SHOUTING KIDS AT PLAY...IN LOW B.G.) DEBBY: Mummy, do you think I'll ever learn? Do you think I'll ever be able to skate? JULIA: Of course you will, Debby. It just takes a little practice, that's all....Now then, here we go. Just hold on tight to Mummy, darling, and - (HARP RUN) DUDLEY: You know, I think she's ready to skate by herself. JULIA: (SURPRISED) Why, Dudley! DUDLEY: (SMILING, ASSURING) Go ahead, Debby - try. DEBBY: Can I, Mummy? JULIA: Yes...I suppose so... DEBBY: Watch me, now!...(FADING, WITH SKATES) Watch me, Mummy!..... DUDLEY: (SMILING) You see? JULIA: Won't she fall?....Won't she scrape her shins? DUDLEY: Certainly. And she'll love it. (HARP RUN) DEBBY: (OFF, HAPPILY) Mummy, I fell! I fell, Mummy! JULIA: (TO HERSELF, WORRIED) Debby.... DUDLEY: She's getting up. She's quite all right. JULIA: Well, I suppose it's all part of learning to --- (SUDDENLY) Dudley, what are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be working? DUDLEY: (SMILING) Almost time for lunch, you know...I think everyone ought to relax at lunch. JULIA: I wish you could make Henry see it that way. DUDLEY: I'll try...(CASUAL) I thought I'd go down and have lunch at Michel's. Ever hear of it? JULIA: (DREAMILY) Michel's! It's a lovely place. Henry and I used to go there so often..... DUDLEY: (CASUAL) Well, why not come along with me? JULIA: To Michel's - you and I? Oh, no - I couldn't! DUDLEY: Why not? I'm sure that Henry wouldn't mind, I'd explain to him that - well, that we just -- JULIA: Oh, it isn't that. You see, I gave Matilda the day off -- to do her Christmas shopping - and so I have to take care of Debby and -- (HARP RUN) MATILDA: (OFF) Mrs. Brougham -- JULIA: Why, it's Matilda! MATILDA: (COMING IN) Mrs. Brougham, I thought I'd find you here. I can take Debby now, if you wish. JULIA: But, Matilda - your shopping -- MATILDA: Oh, I finished it. I finished it so fast - it was like a miracle! DUDLEY: (SMILING) Well, Julia - what do you say? JULIA: I - no, I'm afraid not. I promised Debby I'd teach her to skate and -- DEBBY: (OFF, EXCITED) Mummy, look! Look, Mummy, I'm skating! (HARP RUN) DUDLEY: (QUIETLY) Well, Julia? Any other reasons? JULIA: (SLOWLY) No...(THEN HAPPILY) No, not a reason in the world! MUSIC: (IN FOR BRIDGE....AND FADE OUT INTO:) JULIA: (HAPPY EXCITEMENT) Oh, Henry, the most wonderful thing! Dudley took me to Michel's! Isn't he an angel? HENRY: (DOURLY) Yes - I'm sure he is. DUDLEY: (MODESTLY) A-hem..... JULIA: And, darling, you know what? He ordered the entire meal in French! He speaks it beautifully! HENRY: (DRILY) No doubt he's spent a lot of time in France. DUDLEY: (HAPPY MEMORY) Ah, yes - especially Paris....I've had to do quite a bit of work in Paris. JULIA: And, Henry, then we met Professor Wutheridge! And you know that book he's been working on for years? Well, Dudley gave him some new ideas! DUDLEY: Oh, not new, really. They're very old. JULIA: Something to do with Caesar and Cleopatra...Honestly, Dudley, you know so much - sometimes you almost frighten me. DUDLEY: In that case, I'm sorry I ever learned anything. JULIA: And, Henry - for tonight - Dudley has the most heavenly idea! HENRY: (BEGINNING TO TURN GREEN) What, again? DUDLEY: Well - the ice on the lake will be solid by tonight - you need a little exercise.... JULIA: Henry, we're all going skating tonight! HENRY: (STIFFLY) I'm sorry, Julia - not tonight. I've made appointment for tonight. JULIA: (DISAPPOINTED) Oh, Henry - no! HENRY: With Mrs. Hamilton. It's very urgent. I've made a most important decision. JULIA: (DEFLATED) Well, in that case.... HENRY: Believe me, Julia, I'd like to see you go skating. I wish you could go with all my heart, but -- DUDLEY: Well, look - if you're busy - why don't I take Julia? JULIA: Oh, Henry - that's a wonderful idea! And you could join us later - couldn't he, Dudley? DUDLEY: Depends on how long he'll be kept at Mrs. Hamilton's. JULIA: (EAGER) What time is your appointment, Henry? HENRY: (SLOWLY) Eight o'clock sharp.... JULIA: Well, if you could sort of hurry it up.... HENRY: (GRIM) Don't worry, Julia. I'll be with you by nine. MUSIC: (ACCENT CHORD..... AND FADE OUT INTO:) MRS. HAMILTON: My dear Bishop, you can't imagine how your change has delighted me! Though I was sure that mature reflection on your part --- You do see it all as I do now? HENRY: (TIGHT LIPPED) Exactly as you see it, Mrs. Hamilton... And if I may ask - about the money? MRS. HAMILTON: I shall instruct my lawyers to turn it over to you. One million dollars.....Of course the memorial chapel will be placed -- HENRY: Just where you specified, I assure you. MRS. HAMILTON: And the dedication? I wouldn't want my husband's name on some little brass plaque. HENRY: It shall be incised in marble. Large letters. Gilded. MRS. HAMILTON: How nice. And about the large window depicting Saint George and the dragon -- HENRY: Yes? MRS. HAMILTON: If the face of Saint George might suggest my late husband... HENRY: Of course....Is there anyone you see as the dragon? MRS. HAMILTON: Oh - any dragon. We'll discuss the details when the new plans are drawn. HENRY: Thank you so much, Mrs. Hamilton. And I hate to be rushing, but Julia is waiting for me and -- (HARP RUN, MOCKING) Oh! My goodness! MRS. HAMILTON: (ALARMED) What is it, Bishop? HENRY: This - this chair - I seem to be sticking to it. MRS. HAMILTON: Why, how in the world could that have happened? (HARP RUN, MOCKING) HENRY: (GRIM) I have a very good idea! MRS. HAMILTON: (CALLS) Stevens!....Ste-vens! BUTLER: (COMING IN) Yes, Madame? MRS. HAMILTON: There's something wrong about the Bishop's chair! BUTLER: Oh, it must be the new varnish, Madame. (HARP RUN, MOCKING) The finisher should have warned us. HENRY: I trust I'm not damaging the chair? MRS. HAMILTON: Not at all...Stevens, call a furniture shop, call a plumber, get some turpentine - do something! BUTLER: At once, Madame. I'll have His Reverence delivered in no time at all. MUSIC: (ACCENT CHORD..... AND FADE OUT INTO:) MRS. HAMILTON: Really, Bishop - it hardly does any good for you to pace that way. HENRY: But it's almost ten o'clock, Mrs. Hamilton! And Julia's waiting!....If I could only shake this chair loose....(HARP RUN, MOCKING) MRS. HAMILTON: I'm afraid Stevens is having difficulty finding a workman. It's rather late, you know. HENRY: (GRIM) Yes, I know. (HARP RUN, MOCKING) MRS. HAMILTON: Well, don't be nervous. Have a chair. HENRY: Thank you very much. I have a chair....(FORMAL) Mrs. Hamilton, may I use the telephone? MRS. HAM: Of course. It's right here. HENRY: (LIFTING RECEIVER) You're very kind...(DIALS....PAUSES, THEN) Hello?....Matilda?....Matilda, this is Bishop Brougham. I'm at Mrs. Hamilton's and I wish to come home, so -- Matilda, you're going to be a little shocked. Will you please bring me over a pair of trousers? MUSIC: (ACCENT CHORD..... AND FADE OUT INTO:) JULIA: Henry, we waited and waited! Why didn't you come? DUDLEY: Yes, what kept you so long at Mrs. Hamilton's? HENRY: (GLOWERING) A chair - and other things! JULIA: Oh, it was wonderful out on the lake! And you should have seen Dudley!....Henry, he skates divinely - just as though he had wings! HENRY: (GRIM) I can just imagine. DUDLEY: (AGAIN MODESTLY) A-hem.... JULIA: Well, I'd better go up and see if Debby is covered. (FADING) I'll be right down. (DOOR CLOSES, OFF) HENRY: (GRIMLY) Now then, Dudley.... DUDLEY: Yes? HENRY: There's one thing I know - Julia is absolutely blameless. DUDLEY: (QUIETLY) Of course she is. HENRY: You deliberately stopped me from joining you. DUDLEY: Julia had a very good time.... HENRY: And you? DUDLEY: Delightful....Of course, I was only there by proxy - as your representative. HENRY: Is that included in the normal duties of an angel? DUDLEY: Sometimes, Henry, angels must rush in where fools fear to tread. HENRY: I haven't the faintest idea what that means - and I don't want it explained!...Furthermore, I've solved my problem and you can go. DUDLEY: (QUIETLY) So Mrs. Hamilton is giving you the money for the cathedral...So you made a slight sacrifice of principles, Henry. HENRY: Look at that picture! Isn't that glorious edifice worth it? DUDLEY: I'm not so sure of its glory at a time like this. HENRY: Oh, you're not! DUDLEY: These are lean years for the world, Henry. So many people need food - so many need shelter. That one big roof could make many little roofs. HENRY: Well, it's done now! It's settled!...You came here so I could get a cathedral - and I've got a cathedral! And now there's only one more thing I want from you! DUDLEY: What's that? HENRY: Get out! I want you to get out of here - at once! MUSIC: (IN FULL...FOR CURTAIN) (APPLAUSE) (BREAK FOR COMMERCIAL) MIDDLE COMMERCIAL ROY: In just a moment David Niven, Loretta Young and Cary Grant will be back at the Camel Screen Guild microphone in Act II of "The Bishop's Wife."....Offhand, you wouldn't say that an angel, a bishop, and his wife are the best subjects for light, sentimental comedy, would you? It takes a deft director to mix these unusual ingredients properly....and the best kind of acting. Yes, it takes the kind of superior ability that can be attained only through experience. Experience is the best teacher, whether it's in making a motion picture or choosing a cigarette. Millions of Camel smokers know that. You know, more people are smoking Camels than ever before. Yes, millions of smokers choose Camels after trying and comparing different brands of cigarettes in their "T-Zones"...that's T for Taste and T for Throat...where you judge any cigarette. They compared the different brands for flavor, for mildness, and for all-round smoking pleasure. Yes -- experience has taught smokers everywhere that it's Camels for rich, full flavor and cool, cool mildness. CHANDLER: More people are smoking Camels than ever before. ROY: Experience is the best teacher. Try a Camel on your "T-Zone"...see if you don't agree with millions of other smokers that Camels suit your "T-Zone" to a T! And remember...Camels by the carton are the best buy. MUSIC: (SHOW THEME) ROY: Camel Cigarettes now present Act II of "The Bishop's Wife" starring Cary Grant, Loretta Young and David Niven. MUSIC: (FULL INTO PLAY THEME AND DOWN TO HOLD UNDER:) JULIA: It was a shock of course to come downstairs and find Dudley gone. But of course I know now he really wasn't gone. The very next afternoon - Christmas Eve - while Henry and I were out making calls, Dudley was busy in Henry's study. [Sometimes I think that Matilda's faith might possibly have been a little stronger than mine. Because it was Matilda who saw him next. Late that afternoon. While Henry and I were out making our Christmas calls.] (MUSIC CUTS) MATILDA: (RUSTLING PAPERS) Oh, dear.... Christmas Eve and the Bishop's study not cleaned up yet....I wish I had time to --. (HARP RUN) What?.... I thought --- DUDLEY: Hello, Matilda. MATILDA: Oh, it's you, Mr. Dudley! You did give me a start! I was just -- DUDLEY: Yes, I know - you were cleaning up....But it's Christmas Eve. You run along upstairs to Debby. I'll take care of the Bishop's study. MATILDA: Thank you, Mr. Dudley.... (FADING) Oh, thank you so much. (DOOR CLOSES, OFF)] DUDLEY: Hmmm...what've we got here? (PAPERS RUSTLE) Oh, Henry's sermon....(READS) Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to....(MUMBLES, TO SELF...THEN:) Same old stuff. Dry as dust. I think we can improve on this......(UP) All right, you old Remington, take a sermon!.... (TYPEWRITER CLACKS BUSILY FOR A MOMENT...STOPS) Yes - that's the general idea. Keep it up. (TYPEWRITER RESUMES...CONTINUES AS:) Fine...fine...You stay with that until you're through. I've got a little call to make. [Four-twenty Maple. The Hamilton mansion.] MUSIC: (ACCENT CHORD...AND FADE OUT INTO:) MRS. HAMILTON: (COOLY) I appreciate your dropping in, Mr. Dudley. Though I'd no idea the Bishop had engaged an assistant...(ANNOYED) I can't imagine why he didn't tell me. DUDLEY: Well, he's been so busy....(LOOKING AROUND) Lovely home, Mrs. Hamilton. MRS. HAMILTON: Yes, I'm quite proud of it. Furnished entirely in antiques, you know. Except the piano, of course. DUDLEY: The piano...You know, I was just admiring it.... MRS. HAMILTON: Oh, do you like it? DUDLEY: Yes, indeed. The piano is my favorite instrument - next to the harp...(PIANO RUN...CHORD) Nice tone. MRS. HAMILTON: I have it tuned every two months, (PIANO STARTS MELODY) I always say that if you want to get the best out of a piano, you've simply got to -- (BREAKS OFF, AGITATED) What - what's that you're playing? DUDLEY: (CASUALLY) This? MRS. HAMILTON: (TENSE) I'm the only living person who knows that composition! DUDLEY: Yes...It's a shame that only you and I appreciate the lost genius of Allan Carteret. MRS. HAMILTON: (TREMBLING) You - you know about Allan Carteret? DUDLEY: Of course...He was brilliant...Killed at the battle of San Juan Hill. MRS. HAMILTON: But - but that was fifty years ago! You couldn't have known him! DUDLEY: I'm a lot older than you think...(PIANO CUTS) MRS. HAMILTON: (SHAKEN) But still...I can't - I can't believe -- DUDLEY: (GENTLY) Tell me, my dear....Tell me about Allan - and you. MRS. HAMILTON: (A PAUSE, THEN LOW) Allan Carteret was the only man I ever loved...We were engaged to be married. But Allan had nothing - and I was afraid of poverty...And so he went away...I never saw him again...(A PAUSE, VERY SLOWLY) I never loved my husband. (BUILDING) It was all a lie! My whole life has been a lie! I can never be forgiven - never! DUDLEY: Don't say such a thing! You will earn forgiveness! MRS. HAMILTON: (TEARFUL, SEARCHINGLY) Are you - are you sure? DUDLEY: (LEVEL) Yes. I am sure...(HARP RUN) Now chin up, Agnes. I believe that Henry and Julia are here. MRS. HAMILTON: (PUZZLED) They are? I didn't hear the doorbell. DUDLEY: You will. (DOORBELL, OFF MIKE) MRS. HAMILTON: But I can't see them now! I won't! I - I -- DUDLEY: Of course you will. And you'll welcome them in your usual warm-hearted manner. (DOOR SLAMS, OFF) BUTLER: (OFF) Mrs. Hamilton is expecting you. Will you go right in, please? MRS. HAMILTON: (LOW, QUICK) Dudley, you'll stay for dinner, won't you? DUDLEY: I'm afraid I can't. I have a great deal of work...But go on - you mustn't keep them waiting. MRS. HAMILTON: Yes - excuse me for a moment...(QUICK STEPS) (SHE IS SUDDENLY OVERWHELMINGLY CORDIAL) Mrs. Brougham, my dear! How sweet of you to come! And Bishop - Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! HENRY: (GOGGLE-EYED) And -- uh - Merry Christmas to you, Mrs. Hamilton. MRS. HAMILTON: Oh, come now - we're such friends, I shall call you Henry. And you must call me, Agnes...And, Julia - you too, won't you, dear? JULIA: (BEWILDERED) Well - yes ... Agnes. MRS. HAMILTON: I was just saying to Dudley, here, that -- (HARP RUN) That's strange...He's gone.... JULIA: Dudley? You mean he was here?! HENRY: (MUTTERS) I should have known it! MRS. HAMILTON: Henry, he's the most marvelous person! How did you ever find him? HENRY: I - it was more or less of an accident. JULIA: It was a miracle! MRS. HAMILTON: Indeed it was! In just a few moments, he made me understand so many things!....Henry, I must talk to you! It's most important! HENRY: (HOPEFULLY) About the Memorial Chapel? You've changed your mind? MRS. HAMILTON: Yes, I've changed it completely! I'm going to give my money to those who really need it - to the hungry, the homeless - here in this city and everywhere. And Henry, I want you to direct the whole thing! HENRY: (SUNK) No cathedral---? JULIA: Henry, isn't it wonderful - what Dudley's done?! HENRY: (BITTERLY) Yes...wonderful...(ABRUPTLY) I thank you very much, Mrs. Hamilton. Good evening. JULIA: (SURPRISED) But, Henry --- where are you going? HENRY: I'll be home, Julia - I don't know - sometime - later - I want to walk. MUSIC: (ACCENT CHORD...AND FADE OUT INTO:) SOUND: (MEASURED STEPS) HENRY: (TO SELF, MUTTERING) It's not Mrs. Hamilton - I could take that in stride...But Julia...Julia, too..and I can't fight back.... HENRY: (FILTER) Why not, Henry? Why can't you fight for Julia? HENRY: Fight? Against Dudley? HENRY: (FILTER) You're not even trying. HENRY: How can I fight him? He's an angel. HENRY: (FILTER) Of course. And that's where you have the advantage, Henry. HENRY: Advantage? HENRY: (FILTER) Yes...Remember, Dudley's an angel - but you are a man. (STEPS CUT) HENRY: A man..That's right...(SUDDENLY FIRM) By jove, that's right! I'm a man! MAN: How's that? Reverend, were you talking to me? HENRY: No - no, I just -- (SUDDENLY) Merry Christmas, my friend! (FADING) Merry Christmas! MAN: (PUZZLED MURMUR) Well, Merry Christmas to you.... MUSIC: (ACCENT CHORD...AND FADE OUT INTO:) SOUND: (DOOR CLOSES SOFTLY...FEW NORMAL STEPS...TO CUT WITH) JULIA: (SLIGHTLY OFF...QUIETLY) Dudley --? DUDLEY: Oh - Julia...(SMILES) I was just saying goodnight to Debby....I - uh - I left a little doll on her bed. Don't be surprised if she calls it her angel. It's a sort of remembrance. JULIA: (QUIETLY, COMING IN) You're going away? DUDLEY: Yes, I think my work here is almost finished. JULIA: Where will you be going now? DUDLEY: (LITTLE SIGH) Wherever they send me. JULIA: And who are 'they'? DUDLEY: My superior officers..... JULIA: (PAUSE, THEN SUDDENLY) Dudley - don't go! DUDLEY: I'm sorry, Julia - I must. JULIA: This last week - ever since you came - everything's been so wonderful - like heaven on earth! ... Dudley, I don't want you to go! DUDLEY: Believe me, Julia, I haven't any say in it....You do believe me? JULIA: (LOW) Yes.....(A PAUSE, THEN UNCOMFORTABLY) I - I'll go and look at Debby....(THEN FADING FAST) Goodbye....(DOOR CLOSES, OFF) DUDLEY: (SLIGHT PAUSE, THEN SOFTLY) Goodbye, Julia.... (DOOR FLINGS OPEN, SLIGHTLY OFF) HENRY: (COMING IN) Julia, are you in here, I ---- Oh - it's you! DUDLEY: Hello, Henry.... HENRY: I have never before fought with an angel, but I suggest that you take off your coat and put up your dukes! DUDLEY: Henry, don't you realize that as an angel I could quite possibly destroy you with a bolt of lightning? HENRY: I don't care. Julia means more to me than my life. I'm not going to lose her! DUDLEY: Put down your fists, Henry...I have good news for you. I'm going. HENRY: I'll accept that as a fact when I see it happen! DUDLEY: Oh, you can trust me, Henry. You see, your prayer has been answered. HENRY: That's not true! I prayed for a cathedral! DUDLEY: No, Henry, you prayed for guidance. It's been given you...(HARP SOUNDS A COMMAND) Just a minute, Sir - please....(TO HENRY) Goodbye, Henry. HENRY: (A PAUSE) Dudley...if we should need you again - will you come? DUDLEY: Not I. I should ask for an assignment at the other end of the universe. HENRY: Because I was so difficult? I'm sorry, Dudley. DUDLEY: No - this difficulty was in me....Take her in your arms and hold her tight. (_HARP COMMANDS MORE STERNLY) Coming, Sir! ... (TO HENRY) Kiss her for me, you fortunate Henry! (HARP RUN) HENRY: (DAZED) He's gone...Just disappeared.... SOUND: (CHURCH BELLS START IN DISTANCE...HOLD IN CLEAR .. THEN DOOR OPENS, SLIGHTLY OFF) JULIA: (SLIGHTLY OFF, GENTLY) Henry? .... (SLIGHT PAUSE, THEN COMING IN) Henry, dear - the bells have started .... (NO ANSWER) You have a sermon to preach, you know. You'll have to hurry if you're going to get there in ---- (STOPS, PUZZLED) Henry, what is it? HENRY: (FERVENTLY) Julia! Julia, darling! (HE KISSES HER) JULIA: (LONG PAUSE, THEN SHAKILY, HAPPILY) Why - why, Henry --! DUDLEY: (FILTER) Now that's what I call kissing, Henry..... I couldn't have done as well myself! MUSIC: (IN FULL....FOR CURTAIN) (APPLAUSE) ROY: Our stars Loretta Young, Gary Grant, and David Niven will be back in just a moment. According to a nationwide survey, more doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette. This survey was conducted by three leading independent research organizations. They asked one hundred thirteen thousand, five hundred and ninety-seven doctors .... doctors in every state in the Union.... what cigarette they smoked. The brand named most was Camel. Well, of course, doctors smoke for pleasure, just like everyone else. And for pleasure, millions of smokers choose Camel's rich, full flavor and cool, cool mildness. MUSIC: (TAG) ROY: And now, I know I'm speaking for millions when I say "Thank you," Cary Grant, David Niven and Loretta Young for your captivating performances. And Loretta, may I add how happy we all are about your Academy Award nomination for "The Farmer's Daughter." YOUNG: Thank you, very much. GRANT: It couldn't have happened to a nicer girl. This is Loretta's second appearance with the Camel Screen Guild Players in a month. NIVEN: Which exemplifies how we all feel about the Motion Picture Relief Fund and its Country House -- both largely supported by this program. Am I right, Brother Grant? GRANT: David, I'll say "Amen" to that for two reasons. I'm thinking of the men in the servicemen's hospitals who get free Camels every week, the gift of the makers of Camel cigarettes. Among the hospitals to receive free Camels this week are: Veterans' Hospital Wilmington, Delaware...U.S. Army Brooke General Hospital, San Antonio, Texas... and U. S. Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, New York. Happy smoking, gentlemen. Goodnight! MUSIC: (SHOW THEME) [AD LIB GOODNIGHT] ROY: Don't forget - Monday night is always a brilliant event in the Camel Screen Guild Theater. Hollywood's greatest stars in Hollywood's greatest stories. Next Monday night - Another great radio scoop!! It was a smash hit on Broadway and a smash hit on the Screen -- that hilarious study of Back-Bay-Boston -- "The Late George Apley". It will star Ronald Colman, Peggy Cummins, Richard Haydn and Edna Best. Be sure to listen. "The Bishop's Wife" was directed by Bill Lawrence, adapted for radio by Harry Kronman, with music by Wilbur Hatch, and was presented through the courtesy of Samuel Goldwyn, whose latest production is "A Song Is Born." Cary Grant will soon be seen starring in the R.K.O. production "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House." David Niven appeared through the courtesy of Samuel Goldwyn. Listen to Vaughn Monroe - with Colonel Stoopnagel and their guest Louie Prima on the air for Camel Cigarettes every Saturday night over most of these CBS stations. This is Michael Roy in Hollywood, saying goodnight and "won't you have a Camel?" This is C.B.S. ... THE COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM!