Inner Sanctum Mysteries The Voice on the Wire Date: Nov 29 1944


The Inner Sanctum Team:

The Drama:
HARVEY / DAVID (who sounds a lot like THE VOICE)

MUSIC: EERIE ORGAN INTRO ... STING! ... THEN IN BG ANNOUNCER: Colgate Tooth Powder presents-- HOST: Inner Sanctum Mysteries! MUSIC: FILLS A PAUSE, THEN OUT FOR-- SOUND: THE SQUEAKING DOOR SLOWLY CREAKS OPEN MUSIC: EERIE ORGAN, IN BG ... FADES OUT AT [X] HOST: Good evening, friends of the Inner Sanctum. This is your host Raymond inviting you in through the squeaking door. Well, it's so nice of you to come here tonight and help me sit up with the corpse. He's such dull company; so cold and stiff. Bored with being dead. All the, er, life seems to have gone out of him. What? You say you've seen him before? Oh, no, he's not that horror man who plays in pictures. But he does look like him. So much so, in fact, you might even call him a ... dead ringer. (EVIL LAUGHTER) [X] ANNOUNCER: Tonight's Inner Sanctum mystery, "Voice on the Wire," is an original radio drama by Robert Sloane, and stars Miss Lesley Woods in the role of Geraldine Reeves. It's produced under the direction of Himan Brown. MUSIC: PIANO INTRO ... THEN ACCOMPANIES SINGERS (BEFORE AND AFTER SPIEL) TRIO: (SINGS) Use Colgate Tooth Powder! Keep smiling just right! Use it each morning, And use it at night! Don't take a chance With your romance! Use Colgate Tooth Powder! ANNOUNCER: Romance. What is romance? Romance is the light on the path of love. But a light so delicate that even a breath may put it out. Even a breath. You'd hate that to happen to you, wouldn't you? Well, don't let a breath of trouble ruin your romance. Don't let unpleasing breath offend the one you love. Tell you what. Brush your teeth night and morning, and before every date, with Colgate Tooth Powder. Because scientific tests have definitely proved that, in seven cases out of ten, Colgate Tooth Powder instantly stops unpleasing breath that originates in the mouth. And, let me add, Colgate Tooth Powder is the only tooth powder that offers proof of this fact. And then, too, Colgate Tooth Powder cleans your teeth beautifully. No amount of money can buy you a dentifrice that will clean your teeth more quickly and thoroughly. Remember the name -- Colgate Tooth Powder -- with the accent on powder. TRIO: (SINGS) Don't take a chance With your romance! Use Colgate Tooth Powder! MUSIC: PIANO OUT ... EERIE ORGAN, FOR AN INTRO, THEN IN BG ... FADES OUT AT [X] HOST: No doubt the telephone is an ingenious invention, but -- um -- as far as I know, no one as yet has been able to commit murder over it. Although many people have wanted to. Still, there are worse things you can get on the phone than the wrong number -- especially if you happen to call ... "The Voice on the Wire." On a long narrow island just off the shore of one of our larger lakes, Mrs. Geraldine Reeves, widow of the late composer David Reeves, lives alone in a gaunt, gray-shingled house. Only a few hundred yards away are the charred remains of her former home, where David was burned to death in a fire just two years ago. It's after dinner now, and as the clock in the hall strikes eight. [X] SOUND: CLOCK CHIMES EIGHT DOCTOR: You've got to get hold of yourself, Geraldine. GERALDINE: (AGITATED) I can't help it, Doctor. You see, it starts every night, about this time. DOCTOR: What starts? GERALDINE: The music. David's last composition; I hear it being played on a piano, and the notes seem to come from the old house -- the house where David died in the fire. DOCTOR: Well, perhaps someone is playing that piece on the piano. Someone on the island. GERALDINE: No. No, there's only one other house out here, and those people are away. And the dog. A dog keeps howling all night long. DOCTOR: What dog? GERALDINE: I don't know! There's no dog on the island but-- David and I did have a dog -- remember? He stayed with David, the night of the fire. He died with him, because David was too ill to get out of bed. SOUND: DOG HOWLS ... THEN BARKS AND BAYS BRIEFLY IN BG GERALDINE: There! There it is again! DOCTOR: It's amazing. That's a real dog -- somewhere on this island. GERALDINE: (GASPS) Ohh. Do you think so? DOCTOR: Why, of course. Probably some stray got across the bridge or swam over from the shore. GERALDINE: Well, you see, I-- SOUND: PHONE RINGS GERALDINE: Oh, excuse me, doctor. DOCTOR: Certainly. SOUND: PHONE RECEIVER UP GERALDINE: Hello? VOICE: (FILTER) Hello. Mrs. Geraldine Reeves? GERALDINE: Yes, speaking. Who is this? VOICE: (FILTER) Listen. MUSIC: OVER PHONE, OMINOUS CLASSICAL PIANO THEME ... A FEW BARS, THEN OUT ABRUPTLY GERALDINE: Good heavens! VOICE: (FILTER) You have four hours to live, Mrs. Reeves. Four hours to live. GERALDINE: What?! What did you say?! SOUND: PHONE IS DISCONNECTED GERALDINE: (HYSTERICAL) Hello? Hello?! SOUND: RATTLE OF THE CRADLE DOCTOR: What's the matter, Geraldine? GERALDINE: The music! The same music! I heard it again! DOCTOR: What? GERALDINE: Over the phone! Someone's playing it -- on the piano! DOCTOR: It must be some sort of a prank. GERALDINE: No, no, no. A man spoke to me. He said I have four hours to live! DOCTOR: Four hours to--? Here, let me have that phone. GERALDINE: No, no -- it's no use. He - he's rung off. DOCTOR: Well, we might be able to trace the call. SOUND: RATTLE OF THE CRADLE DOCTOR: Hello? Operator? Operator? GERALDINE: Somebody's trying to kill me. DOCTOR: Hello, operator? SOUND: RATTLE OF THE CRADLE DOCTOR: Operator? GERALDINE: What's wrong, doctor? DOCTOR: (PORTENTOUS) I - I'm afraid the wires - have been cut. MUSIC: ORGAN STING, THEN IN BG DOCTOR: We'd better get into my car and drive into town -- right away. GERALDINE: Yes. Yes, it isn't safe for me to stay here another minute. MUSIC: UP, FOR A BRIEF TRANSITION ... THEN OUT WITH-- SOUND: AUTO ENGINE REFUSES TO START DOCTOR: Can't understand it. The motor won't turn over. Somebody must have meddled with this car while we were in the house. GERALDINE: Well, try my car, doctor. DOCTOR: I think perhaps I'd better. Is it in the garage? GERALDINE: Yes, yes, I left-- SOUND: GARAGE DOOR OPENS GERALDINE: Great heavens! It's gone! The garage is empty! The car's been stolen! DOCTOR: Now, let's not lose our heads, Geraldine. GERALDINE: But--! DOCTOR: We're not completely cut off yet. If we can't use a car, we can still walk. GERALDINE: But it's almost a mile to the bridge, and the road is so dark down along the water. DOCTOR: It won't be too dark with a flashlight. We can go down through the woods to the edge of the water and walk along the shore. SOUND: THEY START TRUDGING OVER GRAVEL DURING ABOVE, BUT THEN STOP WITH-- GERALDINE: Oh, wait a minute. DOCTOR: What's the matter? GERALDINE: I just remembered. David's brother's driving out here tonight. DOCTOR: Harvey? GERALDINE: Yes, and his wife Laura. They said they'd be here by eight-thirty and if we wait for them they can take us back in their car. What do you think, doctor? DOCTOR: That's safer than trying to make it alone. If we wait right here, perhaps we can watch the bridge and see them coming. MUSIC: STING! ... THEN IN BG DOCTOR: Heaven's sake, Geraldine. What are you staring at? GERALDINE: The bridge, doctor! The bridge, look! This end of it's been washed out! MUSIC: UP, FOR A TRANSITION ... THEN OUT BEHIND-- SOUND: WIND BLOWS ... THEN IN BG GERALDINE: Oh, doctor, this is crazy -- searching for a telephone wire in back of the house. If we're seen out here, there's no telling what might happen! DOCTOR: Please, please, Geraldine. We've got to find out where that wire was cut and splice it together again. It's our only chance of reaching the police. GERALDINE: But it's almost nine o'clock; we've wasted an hour already! If I'm not out of here by twelve--! DOCTOR: Stop it, Geraldine. Stop it. GERALDINE: (SHUDDERS, TRIES TO CALM DOWN) I'm sorry, I-- I didn't mean to-- SOUND: DOG HOWLS ... THEN BARKS AND BAYS BRIEFLY IN BG GERALDINE: What's that? DOCTOR: It's the dog again. That confounded dog is tied up around here somewhere. GERALDINE: No, no, I didn't mean that. I meant the light on the road. There's a strange light on the road! DOCTOR: The headlight of a car -- coming this way. GERALDINE: A car? SOUND: AUTO ENGINE APPROACHES DURING FOLLOWING-- DOCTOR: Yes. Quick, behind the house and stay out of sight. It's turning into the driveway. GERALDINE: How could a car have come out onto the island with that bridge out? DOCTOR: Sh! SOUND: AUTO ENGINE SLOWS TO A STOP DOCTOR: They're getting out. SOUND: CAR DOORS OPEN GERALDINE: (RELIEVED) Oh! Why, it's Harvey -- and - and Laura! DOCTOR: Good heavens. GERALDINE: (EXHALES HAPPILY) Ohhhh! Harvey! HARVEY: (OFF, FRIENDLY) Hello! SOUND: GERALDINE RUNS TO HARVEY, BEHIND-- GERALDINE: Harvey! Oh, Harvey! I-- HARVEY: Well, for Pete's sake -- Gerry, what are you doing? Playing hide-and-seek with us back there? GERALDINE: Oh, Harvey, I'm so glad you've come! LAURA: Gerry, what's the matter? GERALDINE: Oh, everything. Everything. But - but first you've got to tell us how you got here. HARVEY: Why, we just drove over the bridge and on up the road the way we always do. GERALDINE: But - how could you drive over the bridge? It's been washed out! LAURA: What? GERALDINE: Well, I saw it with my own eyes -- and Dr. Preising saw it, too. Didn't you, doctor? DOCTOR: I certainly did. HARVEY: Oh, you must be mistaken. We drove over the bridge not more than two minutes ago. DOCTOR: Are you sure you haven't been on the island longer than that? HARVEY: Oh, I'm positive. Why? DOCTOR: Well -- some very strange things have been happening here tonight. Geraldine's life was threatened, her car stolen, and mine tampered with. HARVEY: What? LAURA: What are you talking about? DOCTOR: Look. I'll show you. SOUND: DOCTOR STEPS TO CAR, OPENS CAR DOOR DOCTOR: The starter in my car won't even turn the motor over. Here. SOUND: AUTO ENGINE ROARS TO LIFE WITH NO PROBLEM DOCTOR: By George! It's working now. HARVEY: (AMUSED) Say, what is this, Gerry? Have you and the doctor been taking a few pills? Or did you drink too much wine at dinner? GERALDINE: Oh, no, no! Everything he said is true! Even the telephone wires have been-- SOUND: PHONE RINGS, IN DISTANCE ... CONTINUES IN BG GERALDINE: (BEAT, STAMMERS) I must be going out of my mind. That is my telephone ringing, isn't it? HARVEY: Yes. Of course. Aren't you going to answer it? GERALDINE: I - I'm almost afraid to. Come with me, Harvey, will you, while I do? HARVEY: Sure. SOUND: PAUSE AS PHONE RINGS, GROWING LOUDER ... THEN RECEIVER UP GERALDINE: Hello? VOICE: (FILTER) Hello? Mrs. Reeves? GERALDINE: Yes? VOICE: (FILTER) Listen. MUSIC: OVER PHONE, OMINOUS CLASSICAL PIANO THEME ... A FEW BARS, THEN OUT ABRUPTLY VOICE: (FILTER) It's nine o'clock, Mrs. Reeves. You have three hours to live. MUSIC: BRIDGE SOUND: TICKING CLOCK GERALDINE: I can't stand this waiting; this endless waiting! Why don't the police come?! HARVEY: Easy now, Gerry, they'll be here. You only phoned them a few minutes ago. GERALDINE: But something can happen before they get here! DOCTOR: I have a gun ready, just in case anything should happen. And I won't hesitate to use it. LAURA: (UNEASY) You - you have a gun, doctor? DOCTOR: Why, er, yes. Geraldine gave it to me before you arrived. LAURA: Oh. DOCTOR: What's the matter? You trust me with a gun, don't you? LAURA: Why - why, of course. I-- (HUGE GASP OF FEAR) MUSIC: UNSETTLING, IN BG ... GENTLY OUT BY [X] HARVEY: Laura! What is it?! LAURA: A face at the window! I just saw a face at the window! HARVEY: Laura, please -- you're letting your imagination run away with you. LAURA: No, I saw it! Right there! The face of a - a dead man. DOCTOR: Quick, Harvey -- out the back way. HARVEY: (MOVING OFF) Right. LAURA: No, no -- please don't leave us! DOCTOR: (MOVING OFF) We'll be right outside the window. LAURA: Gerry, I'm afraid. GERALDINE: Well, there's nothing we can do, Laura. They won't be far away. [X] LAURA: But I - I don't trust Dr. Preising. You never should have given him that gun. GERALDINE: Why not? LAURA: Because - because I think he's a murderer. GERALDINE: Laura--! LAURA: Yes! Don't you remember how he acted at the trial, when you were accused of starting the fire that killed David? GERALDINE: But-- LAURA: He testified against you, time and again -- subtly -- to make them think you did it. Because he started that fire himself! GERALDINE: What on earth are you saying? LAURA: I'm telling you the truth! During the trial, he swore that he wasn't on the island the night of the fire. But he was. And I can prove it. GERALDINE: How? LAURA: By this cigarette case of his. Here, look at it. (BEAT) You see how it's charred and melted on the side where his initials were? He must have left it in the fire that night -- by mistake. GERALDINE: But he couldn't have. The police searched everything the next morning. They would have found it in the ashes. LAURA: Not if it wasn't there. He came back for it that same night -- soon as he missed it -- and dragged it out of the fire. He knew it would incriminate him if it were found in his possession, so he threw it into the lake as he drove home over the bridge. And that's where we found it -- in the water, the last time we were out here. GERALDINE: Oh, Laura, I hope you're wrong. LAURA: So do I. But if I'm right, we're all in for-- MUSIC: STING! ... THEN IN BG, IN AGREEMENT WITH FOLLOWING-- GERALDINE: Laura! The lights! Somebody's turned off the lights! LAURA: (CRY OF SURPRISE) GERALDINE: Laura! Laura, where are you?! LAURA: Gerry, the door! Coming through the door! It's the face I saw at the--! (STRANGLED SCREAM, GURGLES) GERALDINE: Laura! Laura! SOUND: LAURA'S BODY DROPS TO FLOOR MUSIC: UP, FOR A BRIDGE ... THEN OUT BEHIND-- GERALDINE: (GRIM, SHAKEN) It was meant to be me, Harvey. Whoever came through that door intended to kill me. HARVEY: Gerry, please. How is Laura, doctor? DOCTOR: I'm afraid I can't do anything for her, Harvey. She's passed on. HARVEY: (CHOKES UP) Oh--! Laura. Laura darling-- DOCTOR: You'd better not touch the body, Harvey. HARVEY: Oh, leave me alone! You've done enough already, Dr. Preising. DOCTOR: I beg your pardon? HARVEY: You have a lot of explaining to do when the police arrive, doctor. I'll tell 'em how you ran away from me out there, before the lights went out. And how you were here in this room when they went on again. DOCTOR: Harvey -- don't say things you'll regret later on. GERALDINE: Just a moment. Where is the cigarette case Laura had in her hand when the lights went out? DOCTOR: What cigarette case? GERALDINE: You know the one I mean, Dr. Preising. The gold one that was charred in the fire. DOCTOR: I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. HARVEY: I have. And if you're as innocent as you claim to be, you won't mind being searched. DOCTOR: Not at all. Go right ahead. HARVEY: I will. SOUND: PHONE RECEIVER UP ... ROTARY DIAL UNDER FOLLOWING-- DOCTOR: Whom are you calling, Geraldine? GERALDINE: The police. I can't understand why they haven't arrived yet. It's almost ten o'clock. HARVEY: Maybe something's happened to them on the way. Maybe their car broke down. DOCTOR: (INSINUATING) Their car, too? HARVEY: Huh? DOCTOR: Nothing. Only, it seems as if your car's the only one that works when you want it to. VOICE: (FILTER) Headquarters. GERALDINE: Oh, sergeant. Sergeant, I can't understand why your men aren't here yet. A murder's been committed. VOICE: (FILTER) Do you think you've been calling the police department all this time, Mrs. Reeves? MUSIC: OVER PHONE, OMINOUS CLASSICAL PIANO THEME ... A FEW BARS, THEN OUT ABRUPTLY GERALDINE: (CONFUSED) David's music? VOICE: (FILTER) It's ten o'clock, Mrs. Reeves. You have two more hours. MUSIC: BRIDGE SOUND: KNOCK ON BEDROOM DOOR HARVEY: (LOW) Gerry? Are you in your room? GERALDINE: (BEHIND DOOR) Yes, Harvey. SOUND: BEDROOM DOOR UNLOCKS AND OPENS GERALDINE: (LOW) What is it? HARVEY: This is our chance, Gerry. We've got to run away from Dr. Preising now, while we're alone. GERALDINE: Yes, of course, Harvey. But how will we go? HARVEY: In my car. It's just-- SOUND: FOOTSTEPS OFF HARVEY: Wait a minute. Listen. GERALDINE: What is it? HARVEY: Sounds like footsteps in the living room. Preising must be in there. GERALDINE: No, I saw him go outside. He said he wanted to see if he could find the dog. HARVEY: Well, there's someone in there. I'm going to find out who it is. GERALDINE: Be careful, Harvey. He may be standing just outside the door. HARVEY: Yeah, yeah. All right. You stay behind me. SOUND: LIVING ROOM DOOR OPENS ... PAUSE GERALDINE: (LOW, TO HARVEY) Is anybody there? (NO ANSWER) Is anybody in the living room? HARVEY: (LOW) No. There doesn't seem to be-- DOCTOR: (VERY CLOSE) Don't overlook me, Harvey. GERALDINE: (STARTLED GASP, THEN RELIEVED SIGH) HARVEY: Well -- Dr. Preising! You've been standing at this door with your ear to the keyhole? DOCTOR: No, not exactly. HARVEY: I thought you were supposed to be outside, looking for that dog. DOCTOR: I was outside -- for a while. But I saw someone moving around in here, so I came back. When I got here, your wife's body was gone. HARVEY: Wha--? MUSIC: STING! ... THEN IN BG, OUT AT [X] GERALDINE: What? HARVEY: Gone? Laura's body -- gone? DOCTOR: I assume that it's gone. It's not where it was on the floor. HARVEY: For the--! But how could--? Look here, Preising -- you were alone in this room! DOCTOR: And so were you. After I left. Wasn't he, Geraldine? [X] GERALDINE: Well, yes, now that I think back -- he was. DOCTOR: Certainly. What's more, Geraldine saw me leave the house. And when I left, the body was still here. After that, I don't know what happened. HARVEY: (ENRAGED) What are you driving at?! DOCTOR: Draw your own conclusions. I've drawn mine. HARVEY: Why, you--! GERALDINE: Harvey, stop it! Stop it! HARVEY: (CALMS DOWN) I'm sorry, Gerry. I just-- SOUND: DOG HOWLS ... THEN BARKS AND BAYS BRIEFLY IN BG GERALDINE: (EXHALES WEARILY) DOCTOR: The dog again. HARVEY: Yeah. I can't understand why you didn't find that dog, Dr. Preising. He must be right out there where the old house used to be. DOCTOR: Well, if you think you can find him, why don't you go--? Good heavens, man. HARVEY: What? DOCTOR: Look. There's a fire burning out there! GERALDINE: On the grounds of the old house! HARVEY: (ACCUSING) Preising, you started that fire yourself! And you're burning Laura's body in it to cover up your crime! GERALDINE: Harvey, where are you going?! HARVEY: (MOVING OFF) I'm going to the fire, Gerry. I've got to stop it. I've got to put it out! GERALDINE: I'm gonna lose my mind if someone doesn't stop these awful things from happening! Won't anybody help us?! I-- DOCTOR: Easy, Geraldine. The man who hopes to kill you is trying to break you down first. It's part of his plan. SOUND: TINKLE OF BOTTLE AND GLASS AS BRANDY IS POURED DOCTOR: Here. Take a sip of this brandy. It'll help you. GERALDINE: All right, thank you, doctor. I-- DOCTOR: (BEAT) What's the matter? GERALDINE: (EVASIVE) Oh, nothing really. I just don't care for any brandy just now. DOCTOR: What's wrong with it? GERALDINE: (STAMMERS) Well, I didn't say anything was wrong with it. I just don't-- DOCTOR: You fool. Do you think I'm trying to poison you? GERALDINE: I don't know what to think. DOCTOR: Here, give me that brandy. I'll drink it myself. (DRINKS, EXHALES) There. SOUND: GLASS SET ON TABLE DOCTOR: Believe me now? GERALDINE: I don't believe anyone. DOCTOR: Listen to me, Geraldine. I'm the best friend you have in the world right now. You've got to understand that. Because there isn't much more time. We've got to get away from Harvey, while he's still out there. GERALDINE: What do you mean? DOCTOR: Can't you see? He's trying to kill you. GERALDINE: That's a lie! DOCTOR: It isn't, Geraldine. Harvey's the one that's lied to us -- he and Laura both. They intended to kill you when the lights went out. But, in the darkness, Harvey made a fatal mistake. He thought it was you he was strangling, not Laura. GERALDINE: I won't believe that! DOCTOR: It's the truth! They never drove across that bridge at nine o'clock tonight. They've been here on the island all evening. GERALDINE: How do you know? DOCTOR: Because we saw that bridge with our own eyes. And I saw it again just five minutes ago. It's still down! MUSIC: STING! ... THEN IN BG GERALDINE: You're lying! DOCTOR: Come out and see it for yourself. GERALDINE: You're just trying to get me out of this house! DOCTOR: Stop being such a fool. Here. Take this gun -- if it'll give you any security -- take it. And hold it in my back while we're out there. But for heaven's sake, let's get away from Harvey while there's still a chance. GERALDINE: All right. Give me the gun. DOCTOR: Here. GERALDINE: Now, you keep in front of me all the time. And I'm warning you -- if you make one false move, I'll kill you in cold blood. MUSIC: UP, FOR A BRIDGE SOUND: WIND BLOWS ... THEN IN BG DOCTOR: You see? Harvey and Laura were lying to us. The bridge is still down. GERALDINE: You're right. They couldn't have come across that bridge. DOCTOR: Course not. The only trouble is, we can't get back over it now either. GERALDINE: We've got to get away, doctor. Now, before we're seen. DOCTOR: What about that house at the other end of the island? GERALDINE: The people are away. DOCTOR: But they might have a boat. GERALDINE: Yes, of course! They do have a boat! We can row to the mainland. Come on! Quick! DOCTOR: All right. SOUND: THEIR HURRIED FOOTSTEPS ... THEN IN BG GERALDINE: I have a feeling we're being followed. DOCTOR: It's your imagination. Hurry, Geraldine, hurry. SOUND: DOG HOWLS NEARBY, THEN BARKS AND BAYS BRIEFLY IN BG ... FOOTSTEPS OUT BEHIND-- GERALDINE: We are being followed, doctor! Look behind us -- there's a man with a dog! DOCTOR: Good heavens. It's just like the dog you owned -- the one that died in the fire. GERALDINE: Yes. And the man! It's David! SOUND: DOG SAYS, "YIP-YIP-YIP-WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!" FOR PUNCTUATION MUSIC: BRIDGE SOUND: THEIR HURRIED FOOTSTEPS ... SLOW TO A BRISK WALK BEHIND-- DOCTOR: (BREATHY) We've lost them -- lost them in the woods. GERALDINE: They can't be far behind. DOCTOR: Doesn't matter now. The house is just ahead. GERALDINE: But the boat, doctor! The boat's not at the landing! DOCTOR: It must be. GERALDINE: Well, it isn't. Can't you see it isn't? DOCTOR: Perhaps it's around in back. GERALDINE: No, that side of the house faces the road. DOCTOR: Then we'll have to break in -- hide here until morning. Our best chance is to be inside where we can protect ourselves. After all, you still have a gun. GERALDINE: But I hardly know how to use it. DOCTOR: Then give it to me. GERALDINE: No! DOCTOR: You still don't trust me, do you? GERALDINE: I don't know, doctor. But I'm the one who's been threatened, so I really should have the gun. DOCTOR: Very well. Wait here. I'll break through the window and come around on the inside. SOUND: CRASH! AS WINDOW IS SMASHED GERALDINE: Did you hurt yourself? DOCTOR: No. I'm all right. Just wait there for me and I'll unlock the door. SOUND: DOG HOWLS NEARBY ... THEN BARKS AND BAYS BRIEFLY IN BG GERALDINE: Oh, hurry, doctor, please, hurry! They're on our trail again. SOUND: DOOR UNLOCKS AND OPENS DOCTOR: Come inside, Geraldine, quickly -- and lock the door behind you. SOUND: DOOR SHUTS AND LOCKS GERALDINE: What's wrong, doctor? DOCTOR: Nothing's wrong. We're in luck; there's a phone here. If it hasn't been disconnected-- SOUND: RECEIVER UP ... RATTLE OF CRADLE DOCTOR: Hello? Hello, operator? VOICE: (FILTER) This isn't the operator. Tell Mrs. Reeves it's eleven o'clock. She has one more hour to live. MUSIC: BRIDGE DOCTOR: Half past eleven. GERALDINE: I won't leave this house. I'm not going to run away any longer. If they're going to kill me, let them come here and do it! Only, for heaven's sakes, why don't they do it right away?! Why don't they come here and get it over with instead of waiting until twelve o'clock?! DOCTOR: Geraldine, please-- GERALDINE: Well, I can't stand it any longer! I'd rather die than go through any more of this torture! I just can't--! DOCTOR: Sit down for a moment. Relax. And try to ease your mind. GERALDINE: Oh, for-- MUSIC: OMINOUS CLASSICAL PIANO THEME ... THEN IN BG GERALDINE: Dr. Preising! What are you doing?! DOCTOR: Playing the piano. I thought it might relax you. GERALDINE: But that melody--! You! You're the one I hear at night playing David's music. Playing it right here in this house! DOCTOR: Yes, Geraldine. I rented this house, to protect you from David, and the dog. MUSIC: PIANO OUT ABRUPTLY BEHIND-- GERALDINE: Well, stop it! Stop playing that piece! Stop it! DOCTOR: You didn't know that David would come back to life -- did you, Geraldine? GERALDINE: Now, stay where you are. Stay--! DOCTOR: Don't be afraid. I won't harm you -- as long as you have that gun. But the gun won't stop David. GERALDINE: David's dead! DOCTOR: Is he? Listen. SOUND: DOG HOWLS, VERY CLOSE ... THEN BARKS AND BAYS BRIEFLY IN BG DOCTOR: It's right outside the door. And, in a moment, he'll be here, to take you with him. GERALDINE: No! SOUND: DOOR OPENS ... DAVID'S FOOTSTEPS SLOWLY IN ... THEN IN BG GERALDINE: (SHRIEKS) David! David--? (GASPS, IN BG) DAVID: (OMINOUS, SOUNDS LIKE THE VOICE ON THE WIRE) Yes, Geraldine, I've come back to see you. In spite of everything you've done. GERALDINE: Stop! DAVID: You killed me, didn't you, darling? You started that fire because you knew I was too much of an invalid to get out of bed. GERALDINE: Stay where you are! DAVID: You hated me, Geraldine. GERALDINE: STOP! DAVID: No. SOUND: FOOTSTEPS OUT WITH-- BANG! BANG! TWO GUNSHOTS DAVID: Your bullets can't harm me now. Nothing you can do can harm me, because I'm dead and you're still alive. GERALDINE: (HYSTERICAL) David. David, forgive me. I - I didn't know what I was doing that night. Please - please believe me. I was sorry as soon as I started that fire, but it was too late then; I couldn't put it out. I just couldn't-- I-- DAVID: How dare you? How dare you ask my forgiveness when you're still lying? GERALDINE: But I'm not lying! I'm not! I - I told you everything. DAVID: Why didn't you tell the police? GERALDINE: Because I wanted to live! DAVID: You'll confess everything now? GERALDINE: Oh, yes, David, yes, I will. If you'll only leave me alone. Please, please. It was my cigarette case Laura found in the water. I'd thrown it over the bridge that same night, after I took it out of the fire. I-- DOCTOR: Well -- I guess that's all we need, Harvey. A full confession, with two witnesses. GERALDINE: (THUNDERSTRUCK) Harvey?! HARVEY: (REVERTS TO NORMAL VOICE) Yes, Geraldine. I do look like my brother in this dim light. GERALDINE: (WHIMPERS IN SURPRISE) HARVEY: And the dog Laura's holding outside is the same breed as the one you owned. GERALDINE: Laura?! Laura?! Did you say Laura was alive?! LAURA: (APPROACHES) Very much so, Geraldine. Wasn't hard for me to pretend being dead -- with the doctor keeping you away from my body. GERALDINE: Then you were all in this together. You forced this confession out of me. HARVEY: Yes, Geraldine. The blank cartridges Dr. Preising slipped into that gun of yours -- really turned the trick. SOUND: PHONE RINGS HARVEY: Oh, excuse me. SOUND: RECEIVER UP HARVEY: Hello? ... Oh, hello, inspector. ... Yes, it's all right now. You can hook the wires up again. She's told us the truth. (LIGHTLY) And you'd better get to work on that bridge right away. It's, uh, still down. MUSIC: ORGAN, TO A FINISH ... THEN IN BG, OUT AT [X] HOST: (ANNOYED) What an outrage. All those opportunities for murder and not a drop of blood spilled all night long. (PHILOSOPHICAL) Oh, well, some days you can't lay away a corpuscle. [X] And now a moment while our Colgate voices bring you a message. MUSIC: PIANO INTRO ... THEN ACCOMPANIES SINGERS (BEFORE AND AFTER SPIEL) TRIO: (SINGS) Use Colgate Tooth Powder! Keep smiling just right! Use it each morning, And use it at night! To help you rate With ev'ry date, Use Colgate Tooth Powder! ANNOUNCER: Tell me, do you really mean it when you say, "I want to be alone"? Or are you just pretending that you don't care about dates? Could it be that a little "breath" of trouble has cooled your romance? A little breath? What a pity to let unpleasing breath ruin your romance. Why not brush your teeth, night and morning, and before every date, with Colgate Tooth Powder? Scientific tests prove that Colgate Tooth Powder, in seven cases out of ten, instantly stops unpleasing breath that originates in the mouth. So use Colgate Tooth Powder for all it's worth. Enjoy its exciting cleansing results, too. No amount of money can buy you a dentifrice that will clean your teeth more quickly or effectively than Colgate Tooth Powder. Remember the name -- Colgate Tooth Powder -- with the accent on powder. TRIO: (SINGS) Don't take a chance With your romance! Use Colgate Tooth Powder! MUSIC: PIANO OUT ... EERIE ORGAN, THEN IN BG HOST: Well, it's time for me to join the moonbeams now. But before I leave under a cloud; before I'm ... mist ... (CLEARS THROAT) I thought I might pass on the moral of tonight's story. If you must light a fire under your husband's bed, be careful where you drop the ashes. MUSIC: AN ACCENT ... THEN FADES OUT BY [X] HOST: By the way, this month's Inner Sanctum mystery novel is "Puzzle for Puppets," by Patrick Quentin. Well, now it's really time to close that there squeaking door until next week, when Colgate Tooth Powder brings you another Inner Sanctum mystery. So until then, good niiiiight. [X] Pleasant dreeeams ... huh? (EVIL CHUCKLE) SOUND: THE SQUEAKING DOOR SLOWLY CREAKS SHUT ANNOUNCER: Latest reports from doctors on the Fourteen-Day Palmolive Plan! 1ST WOMAN: Kansas City reports better complexions for ninety-three percent. 2ND WOMAN: New Orleans reports better complexions for ninety-seven percent. ANNOUNCER: In city after city, doctors tested the Fourteen-Day Palmolive Plan on all types of skin, and two out of three of all women tested got better complexions in fourteen days! 3RD WOMAN: What is this Fourteen-Day Palmolive Plan? ANNOUNCER: Wash your face three times a day with Palmolive soap. Then, each time, take sixty seconds more to massage Palmolive's lovely soft lather onto your skin as you would a cream. Then, rinse. This cleansing massage with Palmolive's lather brings your skin its full beautifying effect! 3RD WOMAN: See what Palmolive can do for your skin in fourteen days. Remember, doctors proved Palmolive's beauty results. MUSIC: EERIE ORGAN, IN BG ... CONTINUES TILL END ANNOUNCER: Remember, another Inner Sanctum Mystery next Wednesday night. This is CBS, the Columbia Broadcasting System.