I Love a Mystery Temple of Vampires Episode 14 Date: Jan 19 1950 ANNCR
DOCSOUND: TRAIN AND WHISTLE ANNCR: The Mutual broadcasting System presents "I LOVE A MYSTERY". SOUND: TRAIN AND WHISTLE MUSIC (ORGAN, VALSE TRISTE) SOUND: SIREN, SCREECH OF BRAKES ANNCR: A new Carlton Morse Adventure Thriller..."Temple of Vampires": SOUND: CLOCK STRIKES TEN ANNCR: Ten o'clock at night high on the ledge above the floor of the Temple of Vampires somewhere in the jungles of Central America. First the girl, Sunny, was stolen by the High Priest Manuel and carried across the far ledge on a rope hung from the ceiling a hundred feet in the air. Then the High Priestess, Angelina, stole the child, Hermie, but Jack and Doc Long captured her and rescued the boy just as she was about to swing from ledge to ledge with him. Now Jack, Doc, Reggie, Hermie and the captive, Angelina, are in one of the monks' cells on the second ledge high above the Temple floor. That is, Doc WAS there until a few minutes ago, when he grabbed the great rope and swung out into space fifty feet in the air in an attempt to reach the opposite ledge in search of Sunny. REGGIE: (COMING TO MIKE) But he MUST have made it across, Jack...Otherwise he would have swung back this way...Like a pendulum on a clock. JACK: Unless he lost his hold on the rope and fell... REGGIE: But, if he'd fallen we'd have heard it...The least sound echoes in the place like thunder... JACK: Yeah, I suppose so...The crazy fool...Grabbing the rope and jumping out like that...That was MY job... REGGIE: (AMUSED) You notice, not a peep out of Hermie... JACK: I gave him my coat to lie on...He curled up and went to sleep... REGGIE: Jove, how he can sleep after what HE's been through is more than I can figure. JACK: Exhausted...Drugged with nervous excitement... REGGIE: Those inhuman priests stripping him of his clothes and parading him about the altar...It would have given me stomach ulcers AND the Jumping Jitters besides. JACK: Say, Reggie. REGGIE: Yes? JACK: Did you notice his back? REGGIE: His back? Hermie's? JACK: Yes...There's a message stamped on his back in indelible ink. REGGIE: I say, you mean that? JACK: Questioned him...didn't even know it was there... REGGIE: But what does it say? JACK: The exact wording was: "Hermie's an orphan. Treat him good." REGGIE: Orphan? JACK: Yeah... REGGIE: But I thought he told us his father tucked him away in the luggage compartment of our plane? JACK: That's what he said. REGGIE: Then what does the writing on his back mean? JACK: Either that the man who put him on the plane WASN'T his father... REGGIE: Just sort of looking out for him, eh, and Hermie THOUGHT he was his father. JACK: Either that or it was his father and he put that message on the kid's back with the intention of doing away with himself... REGGIE: The little chap IS a mystery, isn't he? JACK: More than I can figure out...Turn the flashlight on our captive. Reggie: (AMUSED) The beautiful Angelina... JACK: (GRUNTS) ....Asleep? ANGLA: (SULLEN) No, I am not asleep... JACK: (AMUSED) Having fun? ANGLA: No, I am not having FUN. JACK: Too bad... ANGLA: How long you keep me here? JACK: Depends... ANGLA: So? JACK: Yeah...We're waiting for Doc to get back from the other side. ANGLA: Other side? JACK: Yeah...He rode your swing over to the other ledge... ANLGA: (FEAR) No...He did not do that... JACK: Oh, yes, he did... ANGLA: (FEAR) But he must NOT...That is sacred ground. REGGIE: Sacred? I didn't suppose anything was sacred in this jungle slaughter house. ANGLA: Si...For hundreds of years no one has been allowed there but the High Priest and the High Priestess of the Temple... REGGIE: Didn't you take Hermie over there? And hasn't that Priest, Manuel, taken Sunny over there? ANGLA: Si...That is different. JACK: Different? ANGLA: Si...That is where the sacrifice is made to the sacred vampires. REGGIE: What's that? ANGLA: That is the way... JACK: What do you mean sacred vampires? ANGLA: Si...Sacred vampires... JACK: You mean that's where the actual sacrifice is made...Over there on that other ledge? ANGLA: Si... REGGIE: But what about those priests cutting up Di-does down below, parading around the altar with the bodies of the victims? ANGLA: They are the acolytes... JACK: That still doesn't explain... ANGLA: When the Sacred Vampires have drunk their fill, the High Priest takes the bodies to the Acolytes who complete the ceremony at the altar, and do what is required of them in the chambers beneath the temple. JACK: So that's it... REGGIE: But I don't get it! What ARE these vampires? ANGLA: One does not talk of the vampires... JACK: Don't, eh? ANGLA: No...they are sacred...only in whisper does one speak of them. JACK: Then you're not actually a vampire... ANGLA: That is sacrilege...I am only priestess... JACK: And the same goes for Manuel? ANGLA: Si...We are hand-maidens of the Holy Vampires... REGGIE: Then there really ARE such brutes? JACK: It's a good story, anyway... DOC: (BACK LITTLE) (GUARDED) Hey, Jack--- REGGIE: It's Doc... JACK: (UP, GUARDED) Doc, are you back? SOUND: ECHO CHAMBER DOC: Yeah...You and Reggie come out on the ledge a minute. SOUND: OF MIXED FOOTSTEPS ON STONE FOR SECOND JACK: You all right, Doc? DOC: Course I'm all right...MAN, what a ride I had...Better than chute-the-chutes at the beach. JACK: Landed all right on the other side? DOC: Sure...Rope swings you right up on the ledge...You can't miss... REGGIE: What did you find out? DOC: That's just the trouble...Not one doggone thing! JACK: Nothing at all? DOC: No...First place I went off without a flashlight...One thing I DID find out though... JACK: Yes? DOC: That ledge over yonder ain't like this one at all...I mean they're not just a bunch of priests cells along the ledge like on this side... JACK: What IS it like? DOC: Must be a lot of BIG rooms over there...Lot of stairs and run-ways and stuff...didn't dare get too far away from my rope for fear of getting lost...And then with no light... JACK: What about Sunny? DOC: Not hide nor HAIR of her...Didn't see nothing of that HE vampire either...Everything as quiet as a graveyard... JACK: Well she's over there, and I'm going back over... DOC: Now wait a minute, feller...... JACK: Well? DOC: I got the idea some of them rooms over there got doors in 'em... JACK: I never saw a room without a door.. DOC: You don't get it! They're rock doors just like the walls..when they're shut you can't find 'em no matter how good you are.... JACK: (GRUNTS) DOC: And I was jes' thinkin' the only way we're EVER gonna find Sunny is to get Angelina in there to tell us where the doors are and how they work. REGGIE: Ha! Fat chance you'll have of making that one talk! DOC: You want to bet? JACK: I don't think so, Doc...She was frightened and upset when she heard you'd gone across... DOC: Well look now, after all she's only female, ain't she! JACK: There you go... DOC: No, wait...I mean, everybody knows a woman is a jealous animal -- JACK: So what? DOC: Well, couldn't we cook up some kind of a story...Like maybe that HE vampire, Manuel, likin' Sunny so much he's offerin' to make her high priestess instead of Angelina. REGGIE: You don't think. She'd go for THAT, DO You? DOC: How can you tell WHAT a woman'll go for? Specially about another woman. JACK: (AMUSED) Well you're the experts on the feminine sex in THIS outfit. DOC: Sure I am and I ain't seen two women YET who wouldn't like to scratch each other's eyes out, specially when one of 'ems a blond and the other's a brunette.... JACK: All right, come on...Let's try it... DOC: Yeah... Let's. SOUND: OF MISSED FOOTSTEPS FOR SECOND...CUT ECHO MIKE) DOC: Hello, Angelina... ANGLA: So....You have come back? DOC: That's right I beat it back here fast as I could when I heard somethin'..... ANGLA: What you hear? DOC: There was a crack in the wall over yonder... ANGLA: Crack in the wall? DOC: And I heard that Manuel feller talking to Sunny...They were in some kind of a room... ANGLA: There is no crack in the wall... DOC: Oh there ain't, ain't there...Well just listen to what I heard and THEN see what you think.... ANLGA: Si? DOC: Yeah, that there He-Vampire was making love to Sunny... ANGLA: No, he was NOT.... DOC: I swear to my Grandma he was...And he was going on like nothing I ever heard before...Said if Sunny'd make up to him blamed if he wouldn't kick you out and make her High Priestess... ANGLA: Manuel say this? DOC: That's what he said...Said he was sick to death of dark-skinned women and what he needed most right now was a little yellow-haired girl, about the size and shape of Sunny... ANGLA: (VICIOUS) I kill you for saying that. DOC: Well, Angelina, it ain't no flesh off my bones...Just thought you'd like to know what's going on over yonder... ANGLA: What you say is not true... DOC: (SHRUGS) Okay...You don't care, I sure don't.... ANGLA: Wait.... DOC: No....Said all I'm gonna say...Man shouldn't butt into other folks' affairs anyway.... ANGLA: You listen to ME.... DOC: Go ahead...I'm all through.... ANGLA: You let me loose...I fix that girl... DOC: Uh-uh. Not US, sugar...We got you and we're going to KEEP you.... ANGLA: But I can do nothing if I am here.... DOC: I thought you didn't believe me... ANGLA: Maybe I do NOT. DOC: (SHRUGS) Then what are we arguing for?....Just let it go...Come on, Jack--- ANGLA: But I can not stay HERE.... DOC: Guess you're going to HAVE TO... ANGLA: Please....You want girl back? DOC: Want Sunny Back? .... Why SHOULD we if she can get to be High Priestess in this here temple...That's a mighty good job... ANGLA: I will KILL her... DOC: I imagine Manuel can take care of YOU before you can do much about that... ANGLA: If I tell you how to get in room where they talk, will you take her away from here? DOC: Well, if you WANT to tell us...But understand we're not ASKING you to... ANGLA: Si...Just below the sign of the Vampire there is loose rock in wall.... DOC: Sign of the Vampire?...You mean a picture of a vampire, cut in the wall? ANGLA: Si...Carved in the rock.... DOC: And under that's a loose stone? ANGLA: Remove the stone...You will find rope...Pull on rope and door opens. JACK: All right, Doc, that's what we wanted.... DOC: Yep, what'd I tell you...Thanks, Angelina.... ANGLA: You will take girl away? DOC: You bet your bottom dollar we'll take Sunny away....Come on, Jack.... REGGIE: I say, just a minute, you two--- JACK: Come on outside with us, Reggie... SOUND: ECHO CHAMBER OPENS UP ON FOOTSTEPS...FOOTSTEPS PAUSE ON CUE) JACK: (ON CUE) Hold it! Now listen, Reggie...I'm going across with Doc -- DOC: You mean we're both going on one rope? JACK: Why not?....Manuel carried Sunny across...We should be able to make it under our own power... DOC: (DOUBTFULLY) Well, maybe... JACK: We've got to...And you, Reggie... REGGIE: Yes? JACK: You stay in the doorway of this priest's cell and guard Hermie and the girl...Don't move out of the door and shoot anyone who tries to get in...Don't let anyone get near you again... REGGIE: (AGREES) Depend on it! Twice is three times too many. JACK: And don't go near the girl...She'll try anything to get away. REGGIE: Righto...I let her get away with Hermie ONCE...Not again, over my dead body. JACK: All right...We'll be back as quickly as we can... REGGIE: Good luck... DOC: And don't worry if it takes us longer than you think it should... REGGIE: I'll hold the fort... JACK: Where's the rope, Doc? DOC: Here she is...You got your flashlight? JACK: Yes...How we going to work this now? DOC: Best if we can grip it with our knees as well as our hands.... JACK: All right, you ride high! I'll get my knees just a little below yours... DOC: Okay...You ready? JACK: Be a good trick if we do it...Say when.... DOC: Let's go... JACK: (GRUNTS) NOW.... DOC (FADING FAST) (SFX: CREAKING BOX) Oooooooooeeeeeeeeee WOWEE....(ON CUE) (FADE IN) (GASPS) Here we come UP.... JACK: Yeah.... SOUND: OF SCRAMBLED FEET ON STONE DOC: (GRUNTS) THERE.... JACK: Look out...Look out...I'm going back... DOC: (GASPS) I've got you.... JACK: (GASPS) Pull me in.... DOC: (STRAIN) Don't worry... (EXHALES) There you are... JACK: Whew....I thought I had a round trip ticket for a minute... DOC: Yeah, we kind of got in each other's way....Here's a place to fasten the rope for when we want it... JACK: All right...Now then the sign of the vampire... DOC: Get out the flashlight... (SFX: CLICK) JACK: Let's go...Wish we could have got a little more information where to look for the thing. SOUND: OF FOOTSTEPS ON STONE BEHIND DIALOGUE) DOC: Here's a kind of passage way....Shall we try it? JACK: Wait...Look there.... SOUND: END FOOTSTEPS DOC: What now? JACK: There's another rope....Just like the one we swung over on. DOC: Must be the one Manuel used to bring Sunny over... JACK: Wonder if I could fix it some way so he couldn't use it in a hurry, if he tries to ditch us... DOC: If you boost me up I could fasten it on that rock, sticking out...Then he can't reach it... JACK: Good...Come on, step in my hand... DOC: Okay....Only look out! The ledge ain't very wide and if I fall I'll keep ON going.... (SFX: STAGGERING FOOTSTEPS, SCRAPING FEET) JACK: (STRAINS) Don't talk so much... DOC: Uh-huh... (EXERTION) Just a little higher. (EXHALES) There she is...Let me down. JACK: (STRAIN) Hey, take it easy... (EXHALES) There you are... (END FOOT WORK) DOC: Well, that takes care of THAT.....How about our OWN rope? JACK: Yeah, let's see about it. SOUND: STEPS ON ROCK, SOFT BEHIND DIALOGUE) DOC: If we can fix it TOO, we have him trapped. JACK: If he hasn't some emergency exit...Here it is... SOUND: STEPS END DOC: Shoot the flash up. Yeah -- look -- there's a place higher up to fasten it. Boost me up. JACK: All right, come on... (SFX: STAGGERING FOOTSTEPS, SCRAPING FEET) DOC: (STRAIN) Uuuup I go... JACK: (STRAIN) Hey, don't wobble... DOC: (STRAIN) I'm getting it...(EXHALES) Okay... JACK: (GRUNTS) All right... (SFX: END FOOTWORK) DOC: (AMUSED) Won't HE be surprised! JACK: I hope you fastened them so they won't slip loose by their own weight. DOC: You think I want to be left over here with no way of getting back? JACK: All right, let's try that passage now... DOC: You better go ahead with the flash. SOUND: FOOTSTEPS ON ROCK, SOFT, BEHIND DIALOGUE. NOT MUCH) JACK: (GRUNTS) DOC: Don't look like much but solid walls... JACK: The ancients seem to have gone in for architecture in a big way... DOC: You ain't woofing. Don't make buildings like THIS anymore. JACK: DOC... DOC: Uh-huh? JACK: Suppose Angelina was lying to you? DOC: Why would she do anything like that? JACK: It's possible.... DOC: Don't be silly. I can smell a woman lying to me a mile off. JACK: (GRUNTS) DOC: And you don't need to grunt at me, either. I know.... JACK: If all the women -- Here, wait a minute... DOC: What's the matter? JACK: Here -- look on the wall. DOC: There you are -- the picture of a vampire... JACK: And WHAT a vampire! DOC: Well, go on, fellow. Let's see if there's a loose stone under it. JACK: (GRUNTS) (SLIGHT PAUSE) Doesn't seem to be... DOC: Let me tap on them with the butt of my pistol. JACK: Hey, Doc -- no... DOC: Huh? Why not? JACK: Manuel could hear tapping. DOC: Oh-oh, he might, at that... JACK: (EXCITED) Here...here it is... DOC: Then Angelina told the truth! JACK: Yeah... DOC: Aye -- and there's the rope... JACK: All right, get ready. I'm going to pull.. DOC: PULL IT, son... JACK: (GRUNT OF EXERTION) DOC: Huh -- nothing happened. Hey -- hey, there she is! (SFX: STONE GRATING OVER STONE) Will you look at that stone door sliding right up through the ceiling! JACK: Keep your gun handy. DOC: Blacker than the inside of a cow. Hey, what's that smell? JACK: Ugh -- what a stench! DOC: Wowee, smells like two feuding polecats met in here! Flash your light...(SOFT, HORROR) Jack -- Jack---look there... JACK: Doc---Doc---get back! DOC: (HORROR) Jack -- what is it? JACK: The Vampires....We've opened the den of Vampires! MUSIC: ORGAN -- "VALSE TRISTE" ANNCR: This is the Mutual Broadcasting System.