NARRATOR: Faster than a speeding bullet! SFX: GUNSHOT, WITH RICOCHET NARRATOR: More powerful than a locomotive! SFX: TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWS, LOCOMOTIVE RUMBLES NARRATOR: Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound! SFX: LOUD RUSH OF AIR ... CONTINUES IN BG NARRATOR: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! VOICE: It's a plane! NARRATOR: It's Superman! SFX: LOUD RUSH OF AIR ... UP AND OUT MFX: SAMMY TIMBERG'S "SUPERMAN" THEME ... ORGAN ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Yes, it's Superman, strange visitor from the planet Krypton, who came to Earth with amazing physical powers far beyond those of mortal men. And who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, wages a never-ending battle for truth and justice. MFX: THEME UP, THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Today, as Superman searches for them, the mysterious Mr. Jones reveals ominous plans for his prisoners, the famous Batman and Robin. MFX: DRAMATICALLY OUT JONES: Batman and Robin are going to play an ace card for our cause, Ed. And they're also gonna put us on easy street for the rest of our lives! (EVIL CHUCKLE) ED: Yeah? When? JONES: Today, Ed, today. Then, tonight, when we no longer need them, Batman and Robin will die. MFX: STING AND CURTAIN ANNOUNCER: All right, gang! Get set now for more Superman contest winners! You may be among these, so listen carefully. (READS THE NAMES AND HOME TOWNS OF CONTEST WINNERS FROM ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES -- FOR OVER A MINUTE AND A HALF!) Well, that's all for now, gang! More, later in the program! So be sure to keep listening! MFX: THEME ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: And now -- The Adventures of Superman! ... Having somehow learned that the famous Batman and Bruce Wayne were one and the same person, a man calling himself Jones persuaded Batman to go away with him under the threat of revealing his secret. Two weeks later an impersonator, wearing Batman's costume, appeared in Metropolis. The impostor looked and spoke so much like Batman that even Robin and Clark Kent, who is Superman, were fooled. And after appearing at two huge mass meetings where he made rabble-rousing, un-American speeches, the impersonator led Robin into an ambush -- and then disappeared! While Superman, who by that time knew the truth, perfected a plan to locate his missing friends, Batman and Robin were reunited far upstate in an old prison barracks dating back to Revolutionary days. There, as prisoners of the mysterious Mr. Jones, they were shackled by heavy chains around their ankles to iron staples embedded in the beams. As we join them now, they are pressing their ears against a thin crack in the wall through which they have just overheard a conversation between Jones and a man he calls "Ed," Batman's impersonator. Listen-- MFX: DRAMATICALLY OUT ROBIN: Holy smokes, Batman. Jones said he's gonna ring down the curtain on us tonight. BATMAN: Yes, I heard him, Robin. ROBIN: What are we gonna do? Just wait here like mice? BATMAN: Got any good suggestions? ROBIN: Not even a bad one. Look, what do you--? SFX: DOOR OPENS BATMAN: Hold it. Here comes Jones now. JONES: (OFF) They're in here, Ed. SFX: DOOR SHUTS ... CRIMINALS' FOOTSTEPS ROBIN: Yep, here they come. BATMAN: Now, listen, Robin. If they come close enough for us to get our hands on them-- ROBIN: I get it, Pappy. JONES: (APPROACHES) Good morning, gentlemen. I hope you're quite comfortable. BATMAN: Never felt better, Mr. Jones. SFX: FOOTSTEPS STOP ROBIN: Oh, we're crazy about your hotel, Jonesy. Especially the sleeping accommodations. Nothing like a good hard floor to keep a fellow feeling fit, I always say. JONES: (LAUGHS) I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of humor, Robin. SFX: ED'S FOOTSTEPS, BRIEFLY JONES: Don't go any closer, Ed. These chaps might forget their manners. BATMAN: Oh, come on. You needn't be shy. ROBIN: Yeah, step right up and shake our hands. ED: Smart little punk, aren'tcha? ROBIN: Oh, boy, come just a bit closer and repeat that, bud, please. JONES: Stay where you are, Ed! ED: If you think I'm afraid of these guys-- SFX: FOOTSTEPS ... SHACKLES CLANK ROBIN: Grab him, Batman! JONES: Get back, Ed, you fool! SFX: FOOTSTEPS RETREAT ... SHACKLES CLANK BATMAN: Missed him! ROBIN: Aw, tough luck, chum. JONES: From here in, Ed, I'd suggest you forget your stupid bravado and do as you're told or you'll regret it. ROBIN: You can say that again! JONES: Now. Let's get down to business. Batman, I want you to do me a favor. BATMAN: Really? This oughta be good. ROBIN: Yeah, I can't wait to hear it. BATMAN: Well, spill it, Jones. JONES: It's really quite simple, Batman. I just want you to tell me in which banks or vaults you have your safe deposit boxes, and I want you to give me the numbers of your boxes. BATMAN: That's all, huh? ROBIN: Are you kidding? JONES: I figure you must have the bulk of your wealth in securities, bonds and stocks and so on, in your safety deposit boxes. Since it was never possible for Ed or myself to follow you into bank vaults, we couldn't learn just where your safety deposit boxes are, or their numbers, and Ed must have that information so as not to arouse the suspicion of the vault guards. You understand? BATMAN: Sure, sure, I understand, all right. But if you think I'm gonna give you any of that information, you're crazy! ROBIN: And how! JONES: Maybe this will help you to see things my way, Batman. ROBIN: Uh oh. BATMAN: Put that gun down, Jones! JONES: Don't be ridiculous. This revolver is pointed at Robin, and at this distance I can't possibly miss him. Now, do you tell me what I want to know, Batman, or do I fire? BATMAN: Now, wait-- ROBIN: He's bluffing, Batman! JONES: You should realize by now that I don't bluff. Now, I'll count to three. If, by the time I reach three, you still haven't talked, Batman, it'll be the end of Robin. (BEAT) One! ROBIN: Don't tell him, Batman! JONES: Two! ROBIN: He's gonna finish us anyway! JONES: Thr--! BATMAN: Wait! I'll tell you. ROBIN: No! JONES: I thought you would. ROBIN: No, don't, Batman! Don't talk. You know he's gonna finish us anyhow. You heard him say so! BATMAN: Well, I - I can't stand here and watch him shoot you, Robin. JONES: Of course not. Now, tell me, please. BATMAN: All right. All right, here it is. MFX: BRIDGE KENT: I've just come from the Daily Planet radio station, Lois. It's all set. LOIS: What's all set, Clark? KENT: The broadcast of the recording of Mr. Jones's voice. You know, the one I found in Batman's study. LOIS: Oh, yes. The station has agreed to run it? KENT: That's right. They'll broadcast it once every hour, with the announcement that anyone who identifies the voice will be paid ten thousand dollars. LOIS: Ten thousand dollars?! KENT: Yep. LOIS: But why, Clark? KENT: Well, as I told you the other day, I'm sure this man Jones is responsible for Batman and Robin's disappearance. And I'm also sure that Jones isn't his right name. LOIS: But how can you be sure? KENT: Because I've heard his voice before, somewhere, Lois. In public, I think. And it didn't belong to anybody named Jones! LOIS: I see. But - but how can you--? KENT: I figure somebody who'll hear the recording of his voice will be able to identify him. LOIS: With a chance to win ten thousand dollars, practically everyone within reach of the Planet wavelength will listen. KENT: That's what we hope. LOIS: But we're only a local station, Clark. Suppose Jones -- or whatever his name is -- hangs out, well, say, a thousand miles away and is known only out there? KENT: Taken care of that. This morning, I personally delivered copies of the recording to five hundred radio stations in every part of the country. So, you see, there's nothing to worry-- LOIS: You personally delivered recordings all over the country? This morning? KENT: That's right. LOIS: (BEAT) Well, how could you? KENT: How could I what? Oh! (STAMMERS) Uh, uh, well, I - I - I mean, I, er-- LOIS: You mean you sent them out. Airmail? KENT: (STAMMERS) Well, not exactly. But - but - LOIS: Clark, what are you stuttering about? KENT: Oh, I don't know, I - I guess I'm just nervous, Lois. About Batman and Robin, I mean. I'm sure they're in great danger. LOIS: (SIGHS) Yes, I'm worried, too, Clark. Fantastic as it sounds, I'm beginning to believe you were right, and that it wasn't Batman who made those un-American speeches. KENT: Oh, I'm positive it wasn't. If only-- Uh oh. LOIS: What's the matter? KENT: Ten fifteen. Time for the Planet announcement. Brought this portable radio down so we could hear it. LOIS: Oh! Well, turn it on! KENT: I am. SFX: CLICK OF SWITCH ... RADIO WARMS UP KENT: There. Listen. RADIO VOICE: (FILTER) ... And now we're going to play a recording of the voice. It's the voice of a man. And if anyone can properly identify it, he or she will be paid ten thousand dollars. KENT: Quiet, Lois. LOIS: Huh? I didn't say anything. KENT: Oh. RADIO VOICE: (FILTER) Here it is! Listen closely, please! JONES: (RECORDING ON RADIO) Strange or not, I insist that you come to my place with me now to discuss the matter. LOIS: That's Jones, isn't it, Clark? KENT: Yes. JONES: (RECORDING ON RADIO) It's not a cock and bull story. LOIS: What's he talking about? It doesn't make any sense. KENT: Oh, we cut out Batman's voice so as not to confuse anyone. LOIS: Oh, I see. JONES: (RECORDING ON RADIO) That's sheer nonsense, as you'll find out. But we're wasting time. I insist that you come away with me at once. RADIO VOICE: (FILTER) There you are, ladies and gentlemen. Can you identify that voice? Well, there's ten thousand dollars waiting for you, if you can. KENT: That's all there is. SFX: CLICK OF SWITCH KENT: Now, if only somebody can identify it, Lois, before it's too late. It's our only chance to save Batman and Robin! MFX: STING ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Will somebody identify the voice of the mysterious Mr. Jones before it is too late? WE'LL BE BACK IN A MOMENT WITH THE TENSE CLIMAX OF TODAY'S EPISODE! SO KEEP LISTENING! MFX: UP AND OUT ANNOUNCER: Stand by now for more contest winners! Here they are! (READS THE NAMES AND HOME TOWNS OF CONTEST WINNERS FROM ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES -- FOR OVER A MINUTE AND A HALF!) Well, that's all we have time for today, gang. If you weren't among these, you may be on tomorrow's lists. So don't fail to listen! MFX: THEME ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: And now, back to The Adventures of Superman! ... It is the middle of the afternoon, and in his office in the Daily Planet with Lois Lane, Clark Kent paces the floor anxiously. MFX: DRAMATICALLY OUT LOIS: For heaven's sake, sit down, Clark. You're wearing a path in the carpet. KENT: Oh, hang the carpet. That recording has been on the air for over five hours now, Lois, but nobody has called up to identify Jones's voice. LOIS: But it takes time. KENT: Time is one thing we haven't got. LOIS: Well, I know-- KENT: For all we know, it might already be too late to save Batman and Robin. LOIS: Oh, now, look here-- KENT: And another thing I counted on hasn't worked out, either. LOIS: What's that? KENT: Well, I've learned that Batman's impersonator appeared at the bank the other day, forged Batman's signature, and drew out all his cash! LOIS: He did?! KENT: Yes. I happen to know that most of Batman's fortune is in securities. I don't know where he keeps them but I left word at all the banks that if anyone-- SFX: PHONE RINGS KENT: Oh, just a minute, Lois. SFX: RECEIVER UP KENT: Clark Kent speaking. ... Who? ... Oh, yes, Mr. Anders. What--? ... He did?! When? LOIS: What is it, Clark? KENT: He's there now, you say? LOIS: What is it? KENT: Well, hold him! Stall him somehow. I'll be there at once! So long. SFX: RECEIVER DOWN LOIS: Clark, what is it? KENT: Bruce-- Er, uh, Batman's impersonator is at the Metropolis Trust Company now! In their safety deposit vaults! LOIS: He is?! KENT: Yes. I'm going right out there. (MOVING OFF) Keep your fingers crossed that I'm in time, Lois. MFX: STING ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Rushing from his office to a deserted storeroom, Clark Kent swiftly strips off his business suit to reveal the blue costume and brilliant red cape of SUPERMAN! SUPERMAN: UP, UP, AND AWAY! SFX: LOUD RUSH OF AIR ... IN AGREEMENT WITH FOLLOWING MFX: A LITTLE TRAVELING MUSIC ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Then he streaks away through the bright afternoon sky, bound for the Metropolis Trust Company. Will he arrive in time to seize Batman's impersonator -- and perhaps Mr. Jones, too? There's a thrill a minute in tomorrow's exciting episode, fellows and girls, so be sure to listen! Tune in -- same time, same station -- for Chapter Eight of "Batman's Great Mystery" on -- The Adventures of Superman! MFX: THEME ... THEN IN BG ANNOUNCER: Superman is a copyrighted feature, appearing in Superman-DC Comics Magazine, and is brought to you Monday through Friday at this same time. MFX: TO A FINISH ANNOUNCER: This program came from New York. Stay tuned to your Mutual station for "Captain Midnight," which follows in just a moment. And right after "Captain Midnight," you will hear "Tom Mix and His Ralston Straight Shooters." This is the Mutual Broadcasting System.