Lux Radio Theater War of the Worlds Date: Feb 08 1955

The Lux Team:

ANNOUNCER, Ken Carpenter
HOST, Irving Cummings
FRANCES SCULLY, Hollywood personality
LES PAUL, noted guitarist
MARY FORD, singer

Dramatis Personae:
FIDDLER, the lookout, rural accent
SMITH, the ranger
BILDERBECK, the biochemist
DR. COLLINS, the pastor
CALLER, at square dance
SALVATORE, deputy; Spanish accent
ALONZO, deputy
PRIEST, murmurs in Latin
and several crowds of gawkers, officials, looters, churchgoers, et cetera.

MUSIC: FANFARE ANNOUNCER: Lux presents Hollywood! MUSIC: LUX THEME ANNOUNCER: Lever Brothers Company, the makers of Lux Toilet Soap, brings you the Lux Radio Theatre, starring Dana Andrews and Pat Crowley in "War of the Worlds." Ladies and gentlemen, your producer, Mr. Irving Cummings. SOUND: APPLAUSE MUSIC: UP AND OUT HOST: Greetings from Hollywood, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight we are going to take a look into a possible frightening future -- as though the present weren't bad enough -- and see what might happen if our Earth were invaded by another planet. It's George Pal's production for Paramount, "War of the Worlds." And our stars are Dana Andrews and Pat Crowley. They will join me later for a preview of George Pal's latest production for Paramount, "Conquest of Space." Meanwhile, here's our good friend, Ken Carpenter. ANNOUNCER: It would be hard to find a man who works as many hours a day as you women do. For instance, you spend five and a half hours every week just doing dishes. And that's only for a family of four. But Lux Liquid Detergent gives you back some of that time. Lux Liquid is made especially to help you do dishes fast and easy. It floats grease right off. Plates, glasses, utensils -- even pots and pans -- come clean really fast. Just a teaspoonful does a "dishpanful." One can outlasts several boxes of the leading laundry powder. Your hands stay nice, too. Lux Liquid is almost as mild as Lux Toilet Soap. The next best thing to a dishwashing machine -- that's Lux Liquid. Lever Brothers unconditionally guarantees Lux Liquid is just as wonderful as we say, and the millions of women who've used it have found that Lux Liquid is as good for dishes as Lux Flakes care is for nylons. Buy it when you market. Lux Liquid in the can with the dripless spout. HOST: Now Act One of "War of the Worlds," starring Dana Andrews as Clayton and Pat Crowley as Sylvia. MUSIC: INTRODUCTION ... THEN BEHIND NARRATOR-- NARRATOR: No one would have believed, in the middle of the twentieth century, that human affairs were being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's. Yet, across the gulf of space on the planet Mars, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic regarded our Earth with envious eyes, slowly and surely drawing their plans against us. Mars is more than one hundred and forty million miles from the sun and, for centuries, it has been in the last stages of exhaustion. The inhabitants of this dying planet looked across space with instruments and intelligences of which we have scarcely dreamed, searching for another world to which they could migrate. Their nearest world was giant Jupiter, where the atmospheric pressure is thousands of pounds to the square inch. They could not go there. Nor to Saturn, nor to Pluto, planets encased in eternal ice. They could not go to Neptune or Uranus, twin worlds in eternal night and surrounded by unbreathable atmospheres of methane gas and ammonia vapor. They could not go to Mercury. Its temperature is that of molten lead. Of all the worlds that the intelligences on Mars could see and study, only our own warm Earth was green with vegetation, bright with water, and possessed a cloudy atmosphere eloquent of fertility. It did not occur to mankind that a swift fate may be hanging over us; that it would come at the time of our nearest approach to the orbit of Mars; that it would begin in -- or over -- the mountains northeast of Los Angeles, California, on a pleasant summer evening. SOUND: UNEARTHLY HUM ... SPACECRAFT WHOOSHES THROUGH ATMOSPHERE AND CRASHES THUNDEROUSLY TO EARTH ... HISS OF COOLING SPACECRAFT ... TRANSITIONAL PAUSE ... TAPPING OF TELEGRAPH KEY FIDDLER: Hello, D. O. This is Pine Summit lookout. I got a smoke. D. O.: (FILTER) Okay. What's your reading? FIDDLER: Er, azimuth, one-sixty degrees, thirty minutes. Right where that meteorite just hit. Did ya see it? D. O.: (FILTER) Not me, but a couple of the guys did. Must've been a pretty big fireball. FIDDLER: Big? I never seen anything like it. Hey, look, you better get a pump truck over there before the fire gets really going. D. O.: (FILTER) Will do. MUSIC: BRIDGE FIREMAN: Truck Number Three to D. O. Number Three to D. O. D. O.: (FILTER) D. O. to Number Three. How you coming? FIREMAN: Still pumpin' water on the fire, but it's under control. Unless this meteorite heats things up again. Over. D. O.: (FILTER) You mean it's still red hot? FIREMAN: Red hot is right. And as big as a barn. Over. D. O.: (FILTER) Who are you kidding? Over. FIREMAN: I said, "big as a barn." Mac, I think somebody ought to take a look at it. Might be something for those astronomers down at Palomar. Over. D. O.: (FILTER) Maybe there's some guys even closer. The station at Pine Summit reported there were a couple of fellas camping up there. Said they were scientists. FIREMAN: Yeah? What kind? Don't want any butterfly experts or lizard specialists. Over. D. O.: (FILTER, LAUGHS) I got ya. Stand by and I'll check Pine Summit. MUSIC: BRIDGE SOUND: NOCTURNAL CAMPFIRE BACKGROUND (UTENSILS, CRICKETS, ET CETERA) CLAYTON: (CHUCKLES) No. No butterflies or lizards. Just brook trout, yes. I'm chief fry cook. FIDDLER: Mm mm, they sure smell good, don't they? BILDERBECK: There's plenty, if you'd like to join us. FIDDLER: Well, I'd like to, but I gotta get back to the lookout. Uh, what I really meant was-- Didn't you two tell me you were scientists from Pacific Tech? CLAYTON: Mm hm. Dr. Bilderbeck is one of the country's top biochemists. FIDDLER: Bio--? Oh. Then he wouldn't know about meteors. BILDERBECK: That's your department, Clayton. FIDDLER: The district officer phoned us at the summit. Wanted us to have an expert look at that meteor. Landed about ten, twelve miles from here, over by Linda Rosa. CLAYTON: Well, I doubt we could tell much about it tonight. Probably won't be cool enough to touch for hours yet. Maybe not till morning. BILDERBECK: And, in the morning, I'm due back at the lab. CLAYTON: Well, that's what I was just thinking. All right. I'll stay over. Perhaps in the morning the district officer can fix me up with a lift to Linda Rosa. FIDDLER: How 'bout me? CLAYTON: You? FIDDLER: Sure. My relief's comin' up first thing tomorrow morning. I'd kinda like to get a look at that meteor myself. CLAYTON: Good. That's a deal. FIDDLER: Er, Professor? CLAYTON: Yes? FIDDLER: Those trout do smell awful good, don't they? CLAYTON: (CHUCKLES) Change your mind? FIDDLER: Yeah. My wife always said my strongest point's my weakness. CLAYTON & BILDERBECK: (LAUGH) MUSIC: BRIDGE SOUND: TRUCK ENGINE BACKGROUND FIDDLER: Well, what do you know? Look at all them cars. CLAYTON: Well, sightseers already. FIDDLER: Yeah, one of 'em's the sheriff. That's his car parked on the fire break. SOUND: TRUCK ENGINE OUT ... DOORS OPEN AND CLOSE AS FIDDLER AND CLAYTON CLIMB OUT OF TRUCK AND WALK TOWARD CROWD WHICH FADES IN MURMURING SMITH: (OFF) Hi! Fiddler! Up here! CLAYTON: That ranger waving at us? FIDDLER: Yeah, that's Smith. (CALLS) Comin'! (TO CLAYTON) Hm! Meteor sure plowed the tops off those trees, didn't it? CLAYTON: Huh. That's odd. They don't usually hit at such an oblique angle. FIDDLER: (CALLS) Hey, Smith, where is it?! SMITH: (OFF) Down here in the gully. SOUND: FIDDLER AND CLAYTON HALF-WALK, HALF-SLIDE DOWN INTO GULLEY SMITH: That's it down there, half-buried under all that loose earth. CLAYTON: Huh. Still smoking. SMITH: You bet it is. You could fry eggs on it. FIDDLER: Ooh-ooh, really is big as a house, isn't it? SOUND: CLAYTON STARTS TOWARD "METEOR" SMITH: (OFF) Hey, I wouldn't get too near that thing. It'll scorch ya. CLAYTON: Oh, thanks. I'll bear that in mind. SOUND: CLAYTON TAKES A FEW MORE STEPS, THEN STOPS WITH-- SYLVIA: Did you see it come down? CLAYTON: Hm? Did I see it? SYLVIA: Yes. My uncle and I were coming out of the movies last night just when it flashed across the sky. We heard the explosion when it hit here. CLAYTON: That's what I don't understand -- why a meteorite that size didn't make a bigger crater. SYLVIA: Well, the ranger told us a scientist is coming over from Pacific Tech. He'll be able to tell you. He knows all about meteors. CLAYTON: Oh, he does? Really? SYLVIA: Mmm. He's top man in astro- and nuclear physics. Clayton Forrester. Well, you must have heard of him. CLAYTON: (CHUCKLES) It appears that you have. SYLVIA: Well, I did a thesis on American scientists -- when I was working for my master's degree. Forrester was the man behind the new atomic engines. One of these days he'll win the Nobel. CLAYTON: (CHUCKLES) Aw, he isn't that good. SYLVIA: He certainly is. I think that if you knew him-- CLAYTON: Oh, I - I do know him. Er-- That is, slightly. SYLVIA: (INTERESTED) Ohhh? What's he like? I mean, as a man. CLAYTON: Well, for one thing, when he goes hunting or fishing, he never shaves. After four or five days, he looks about as fuzzy as, uh-- Well, as - as I do. SYLVIA: (GASPS, EMBARRASSED) Ohhhhhh. You--? You're Dr. Forrester? CLAYTON: (CHUCKLES) Yes, that's right. SYLVIA: (LAUGHS) I'm Sylvia Van Buren. CLAYTON: How do you do? SYLVIA: Very well, now that I've met the Dr. Clayton Forrester. Come on, I want my uncle to meet you. CLAYTON: Oh, but I, er-- SYLVIA: Oh, please! He's just over there talking to the sheriff. CLAYTON: (CHUCKLES, GOOD-NATURED) All right. You win. SOUND: THEY WALK OVER TO THE SHERIFF AND COLLINS SHERIFF: (FADES IN) Well, they won't be able to haul this one off to a museum. COLLINS: They certainly won't. SYLVIA: Uncle Matthew? COLLINS: Yes, my dear? SYLVIA: I want you to meet Dr. Clayton Forrester, the astrophysicist. Dr. Forrester -- my uncle, Dr. Collins, pastor of the community church. COLLINS: Oh, so glad to know you, Dr. Forrester. CLAYTON: How do you do, sir? SMITH: (OFF) Hey, sheriff! SHERIFF: Hm? SMITH: (OFF) Look! Look, here! SHERIFF: Yeah? What's wrong? SOUND: SHERIFF WALKS TO SMITH ... TICKING NOISE FROM GEIGER COUNTER, IN BG SMITH: Borrowed this Geiger counter off a guy that just come out here looking for uranium. Listen to it. SHERIFF: Hmmm. SOUND: TICKING GROWS FASTER CLAYTON: Mind if I try that a moment, ranger? SMITH: Hm? Oh, no. No, here you are. CLAYTON: Well, let's point the pull meter toward the gully. SOUND: TICKING GROWS RAPID SMITH: See what I mean? CLAYTON: Uh huh. It's the meteor, all right. SOUND: TICKING SLOWS TO A STOP DURING FOLLOWING-- SYLVIA: It's radioactive? CLAYTON: Apparently. But why? It's beyond me. SYLVIA: You mean there's no record of anything like this happening before? CLAYTON: Well, I've never heard of it. Maybe I'll stick around until that thing cools off. Dr. Collins? COLLINS: Yes? CLAYTON: Where's a good place in town where I could shave and clean up a little bit? COLLINS: (CHUCKLES) Well, the best place is - my house, Dr. Forrester. Sylvia and I'd be delighted if you'd stay with us. CLAYTON: Well, I wouldn't want-- SYLVIA: Of course you will! CLAYTON: Well, but it may be until tomorrow-- SYLVIA: It's settled, Dr. Forrester. And if you're wondering how on earth you can put in your time in a place like Linda Rosa, there's a square dance tonight. CLAYTON: (CHUCKLES, GOOD-NATURED) All right. I surrender. (BEAT) Uh, sheriff? SHERIFF: Yes? CLAYTON: If that meteor is radioactive, you'd better keep people away from it. There might be very dangerous radiations. SHERIFF: Oh. That's so, yeah. Okay, I'll post a couple of deputies. Is there anything else? CLAYTON: No, but if you need me, you know where to find me. SHERIFF: Yeah, sure. I'll be there myself -- at the square dance. MUSIC: BRIDGE ... CHANGES TO SQUARE DANCE BAND PLAYING "BLUE TAIL FLY" a.k.a. "JIMMY CRACK CORN" SOUND: CROWD HOOTS, HOLLERS, AND CLAPS HANDS CALLER: Promenade left and the ladies star / Gents walk around, but not too far! SYLVIA: Having fun, Dr. Forrester? CLAYTON: Sure! You know, dancing is something I don't get much time for. SYLVIA: Well, you should make time. Don't your girlfriends like to dance? CLAYTON: I don't have much time for them either, I'm afraid. SHERIFF: Oh, Dr. Forrester? CLAYTON: Oh, evening, sheriff. SHERIFF: Uh, I was just talkin' by radiophone to one of my deputies out at the meteor. He says it's pretty well cooled off. CLAYTON: Good. Then we'll look at it again in the morning. SHERIFF: All right. I'll call my deputies back and tell 'em to come on in. No tourists out there this time of night and then-- Ha! Saturday night is Saturday night, you know. SOUND: SCENE SLOWLY FADES OUT ... TRANSITIONAL PAUSE ... FADE IN NOCTURNAL BACKGROUND (CRICKETS, ET CETERA) ... ALONZO'S FOOTSTEPS APPROACH ALONZO: Hey, uh, Salvatore? SALVATORE: Yes? What did he say? ALONZO: Sheriff says to come on in. SALVATORE: Oh, good. (YAWNS) SOUND: ODD WHIRRING NOISE AS SPACECRAFT TOP UNSCREWS ... CONTINUES IN BG SALVATORE: (STRETCHES, WEARILY) Maybe we go have a beer, huh, Alonzo? ALONZO: (HEARS NOISE, TENSE) Just a minute. SALVATORE: (HEARS IT, TOO) Alonzo? ALONZO: Yeah. Yeah, it's comin' from that meteor. SOUND: THEIR FOOTSTEPS TO "METEOR" ... WHIRRING GROWS LOUDER SALVATORE: (HOARSELY) It's moving! SOUND: WHIRRING DIES OUT SALVATORE: Something is moving on top of it. SOUND: BEEPING NOISE SALVATORE: (HUSHED) It's turning! ALONZO: (IN AWE) That's no meteor. SOUND: BEEPING GROWS LOUDER ... ACCOMPANIED BY WEIRD GURGLING NOISE ... CONTINUES IN BG SALVATORE: Alonzo-- ALONZO: Hit the dirt! SOUND: THEY DROP TO THE GROUND ... BEEPING AND GURGLING CONTINUE IN BG ... SALVATORE AND ALONZO KEEP THEIR VOICES LOW SALVATORE: Heyyyy, it's comin' right up through that opening in the top. Like a snake. ALONZO: Yeah. Or a periscope. Like a cobra's head, only it's metal. Some kind of green metal, with eyes. SOUND: BEEPING AND GURGLING JOINED BY EERIE HUM ... CONTINUES IN BG SALVATORE: It's turning all around. SOUND: WEIRD NOISES FILL TENSE PAUSE SALVATORE: What's he looking for? ALONZO: Maybe --- us. SALVATORE: Yeah. Maybe. ALONZO: Look, Salvatore, this could be some sort of enemy sneak attack. We gotta radio the sheriff. SALVATORE: But we don't let it see us, huh? ALONZO: No. We can crawl along this ditch till we get near the patrol car. Then make a run for it, right? SALVATORE: Maybe. Let's go. SOUND: THEY START CRAWLING ... A LITTLE TOO NOISILY ALONZO: (HUSHED) Sh! Quiet! SOUND: BEEPING SUDDENLY INCREASES RAPIDLY SALVATORE: It sees us! ALONZO: Run! We gotta run! SOUND: THEY JUMP UP AND RUN ... BEEPING AND GURGLING INCREASE RAPIDLY IN TEMPO AND PITCH AND VOLUME SALVATORE: Faster! It's looking right at us! SOUND: HEAT RAY! ZAPS THEM BEHIND-- SALVATORE: (BLOODCURDLING DEATH SCREAM) ALONZO: (BLOODCURDLING DEATH SCREAM) SOUND: EXPLOSION! AS THEY ARE VAPORIZED MUSIC: GRIM BRIDGE SOUND: SQUARE DANCE CROWD MURMURS UNHAPPILY ... CONTINUES IN BG CALLER: Hey! The lights! Who turned off those lights? SHERIFF: Now, wait, don't get panicky, folks! COLLINS: (OFF) Sylvia?! Dr. Forrester? SYLVIA: Yes, Uncle Matthew? CLAYTON: Over here, Dr. Collins. SOUND: COLLINS' FOOTSTEPS APPROACH COLLINS: (CHUCKLES, LIGHTLY) Nothing to be alarmed about. You know, at midnight, they always play "Good Night, Ladies" and turn out the lights. I think they're just ahead of time. CLAYTON: Well, let's check our watches. I'll strike a match. SOUND: MATCH STRUCK SYLVIA: Let's see, I have eleven twen-- No. My watch has stopped. COLLINS: (PUZZLED, SLOWLY) Well, that's strange. So's mine. Dr. Forrester? CLAYTON: Yeah. Mine, too. Well, there's only one explanation. All our watches must have been magnetized. SYLVIA: But how? SOUND: SHERIFF'S FOOTSTEPS APPROACH SHERIFF: Ah, here we are, folks. Here's candles for everybody. Light 'em up. CLAYTON: Oh, sheriff? SHERIFF: Yes? CLAYTON: Do you happen to have a pocket compass? SHERIFF: Pocket compass? Sure, sure. CLAYTON: May I see it, please? SHERIFF: Yeah, right here. All right, now what? CLAYTON: Well, just look at it. SHERIFF: Hm? Well, I'll be hanged. Why, that needle isn't pointing north. CLAYTON: No, it isn't. It's pointing almost due west. Right to where that meteor came down. FIDDLER: (OFF) Sheriff?! Hey, where's the sheriff? SHERIFF: Yes, what is it, Fiddler? SOUND: FIDDLER'S FOOTSTEPS APPROACH FIDDLER: Oh, hey-- Hey, come take a look outside. There's a big fire out in the hills. CLAYTON: Is it west of town? FIDDLER: Yeah, due west. The reddest-lookin' blaze I ever saw. CLAYTON: Sheriff, I hope your car is outside. SHERIFF: It sure is. Come on! MUSIC: TENSE BRIDGE SOUND: POLICE SIREN APPROACHES ... SHERIFF'S CAR PULLS TO A STOP ... CAR DOORS OPEN ... CLAYTON AND SHERIFF'S FOOTSTEPS ... HISS AND CRACKLE OF DOWNED POWER LINES, WHICH CONTINUES FOR A BIT, IN BG CLAYTON: Well, there's the reason the lights went out. Power lines down. SHERIFF: Yeah. It's funny. Alonzo and Salvatore were gonna go back into town, but-- Well, there's their car right over there. CLAYTON: Then they must still be around. SHERIFF: Yeah. (CALLS) Alonzo?! Salvatore?! CLAYTON: Sheriff? SHERIFF: Hm? CLAYTON: Turn your flashlight over there -- along that ditch. SHERIFF: Where? CLAYTON: Right over there. Those two white mounds in the ditch. Are those ashes or--? SOUND: THEIR FOOTSTEPS TO DITCH MUSIC: GRIM ACCENT SHERIFF: (STARTLED EXCLAMATION) Good Lord! CLAYTON: (GRUNTS IN DISGUST) SHERIFF: Nothing - nothing left but the outlines. SOUND: FROM OFF, BEEPING AND GURGLING APPROACHES, CONTINUES IN BG SHERIFF: (PAUSE, LOW) Listen! Listen. What in the blazes--? CLAYTON: (HUSHED) Down! Quick! SOUND: THEY HIT THE DIRT ... BEEPING AND GURGLING MOVES SLIGHTLY OFF, BUT CONTINUES IN BG SHERIFF: Did you see it? CLAYTON: Yes. It's fantastic. SHERIFF: Now, look, we've got to get word back to town. There's a transmitter in my car. SOUND: BEEPING AND GURGLING INCREASE RAPIDLY IN TEMPO AND PITCH AND VOLUME ... THEN HEAT RAY ZAPS POLICE CAR ... EXPLOSION! AS IT IS VAPORIZED ... BEEPING AND GURGLING OUT CLAYTON: (BEAT) You had a car, sheriff. SHERIFF: But - but, Forrester, what is it? What kind of a gizmo is that thing? CLAYTON: Well, until a minute ago, I'd have sooner believed in fairies, and witches, and ghosts. But now-- Now I think that "gizmo" is a machine from another planet. SOUND: UNEARTHLY HUM ... SPACECRAFT APPROACHES RAPIDLY AS IT WHOOSHES THROUGH ATMOSPHERE SHERIFF: Forrester! Forrester, look! Coming over those mountains there. SOUND: SPACECRAFT ROARS OVERHEAD AND CRASHES TO EARTH IN THE DISTANCE CLAYTON: A second meteor. Just like the first. Sheriff, we've got to get word to the military right away. SHERIFF: Yeah, yeah, sure. But they'll never believe us. What'll we tell 'em? CLAYTON: Tell 'em the truth. That we're under invasion from outer space. MUSIC: CURTAIN SOUND: APPLAUSE ANNOUNCER: We'll have Act Two of "War of the Worlds" in a moment, after a visit with Frances Scully. Well, Frances, my spies tell me that you were out at Twentieth Century-Fox over the weekend. SCULLY: And it was a worthwhile trip, too, Ken. I went to preview their coming DeLuxe Color Cinemascope picture about auto racing in Europe. ANNOUNCER: Oh, yes. That would be "The Racers," mm? Say, I hear Kirk Douglas is great in it. SCULLY: Oh, he's in good company, too. Bella Darvi, Gilbert Roland, Cesar Romero, Lee J. Cobb, and Katy Jurado are also starred. ANNOUNCER: Well, those European races are famous for their excitement -- and danger. SCULLY: And Henry Hathaway, who directed "The Racers," made sure movie fans would see the real thing. He used up over ninety thousand feet of film shooting actual races. ANNOUNCER: Well, they must have gotten some spectacular shots. SCULLY: Some fabulous shots, Ken. But the picture isn't all racing. The love and kisses department is well taken care of by Kirk Douglas and Bella Darvi. Well taken care. ANNOUNCER: (CHUCKLES) Well, with Bella Darvi and Katy Jurado in "The Racers," there'll be at least two Lux complexions on display. SCULLY: (AMUSED) That's what you like, isn't it? (CHUCKLES) Well, I guess most everybody does, though. There's nothing like a real Lux complexion. ANNOUNCER: And how true those words are, ladies. There's nothing like a real Lux complexion -- in Hollywood or anywhere. And it's true that nine out of ten movie stars, like Bella Darvi and Katy Jurado, count on Lux Toilet Soap to help keep their complexions looking like a star's complexion should. But Lux can be your soap, too. You don't have to be a movie star to have a movie star complexion. That's the beauty of Lux. It can give you skin that would be called beautiful anywhere, even in Hollywood, the beauty capital of the world. So use mild and gentle Lux. It's unconditionally guaranteed by Lever Brothers. Believe me, once you use it, you'll say there's no other soap quite like Lux. Now our producer, Mr. Cummings. HOST: Act Two of "War of the Worlds," starring Dana Andrews as Clayton and Pat Crowley as Sylvia. MUSIC: VERY BRIEF INTRODUCTION SOUND: CHAOTIC JUMBLE OF SIRENS, WHISTLES, MOTORS, ET CETERA ... THE MILITARY IS PREPARING TO CONFRONT THE MARTIANS ... VOICES EMERGE FROM THE NOISE-- COLONEL: Get those half-tracks out of the way! Captain, I want the artillery placements. 1ST VOICE: All right, on the double! On the double, there! 2ND VOICE: Hey, here come the tanks! SOUND: TANKS ROLL BY ... NOISE FADES SLIGHTLY TO BACKGROUND-- REPORTER: (INTO MIKE) As I said, the area is under the control of the United States Marines from El Toro base, Col. Ralph Heffner commanding. The gully where the machine landed is almost surrounded and-- Oh, there's the man we want to hear from. (CALLS) Dr. Forrester? CLAYTON: (OFF) Yes? REPORTER: Would you give us your opinion, sir? Are these meteor machines from Mars? CLAYTON: (OFF) Well, uh, they're certainly from some planet other than our own. REPORTER: Directly into the microphone please, doctor. CLAYTON: (CLOSER) If they are Martians, I'm sure the creatures that operate these machines must be quite uncomfortable in our heavier air and with the earth's much stronger gravitational pull. REPORTER: What do you think they look like, sir? CLAYTON: That's anybody's guess. We do know from animal evolution on this planet that it's possible they may have more than one brain. Perhaps two or even more. And possibly they may even smell colors. REPORTER: Smell colors? CLAYTON: Well, that's speculation, of course. 1ST VOICE: Hey, uh, Forrester? CLAYTON: Yes? 1ST VOICE: Uh, Colonel wants you in the command post. CLAYTON: Oh, coming. (TO REPORTER) If you'll excuse me, please. REPORTER: Certainly, sir. Ladies and gentlemen, that was Dr. Clayton Forrester, head of astrophysics at Pacific Tech. SOUND: BACKGROUND UP TO FILL PAUSE BEFORE SCENE FADES OUT ... TRANSITIONAL PAUSE ... COMMAND POST SCENE FADES IN COLONEL: The forward observation post is on this hill. The recoilless seventy-fives are back here, Carbon Canyon. SOUND: PHONE RINGS CLAYTON: Oh, Col. Heffner-- COLONEL: In a moment, Forrester. SOUND: RECEIVER UP COLONEL: (INTO PHONE) Command, Heffner. ... Yes, that's right, captain. Two rocket batteries on Hill Seventeen and right now. SOUND: RECEIVER DOWN COLONEL: Forrester? CLAYTON: Yes? COLONEL: I want you to meet General Mann. He's in charge of intelligence for the Pacific area. General, Dr. Clayton Forrester. MANN: I've heard quite a bit about you, Forrester. Glad you're with us. CLAYTON: I hope I can be of some help, general. MANN: You can. First, let me brief you on the latest reports. Two machines have landed near Fresno, another outside Sacramento, two down on Long Island. They're outside London. They're in Naples. One in Santiago, Chile. CLAYTON: Oh. Seem to be coming down at random. MANN: It's too soon to know. But apparently that machine out there in the gully was the first down. CLAYTON: The lead ship maybe. MANN: Very likely. And the second one is exactly two miles due north. SOUND: PHONE RINGS ... RECEIVER UP ... COLONEL SPEAKS INTO PHONE IN BG WHILE MANN AND CLAYTON CONVERSE IN FOREGROUND COLONEL: (INTO PHONE, IN BG) Command center. MANN: As I understand it, Forrester, you actually saw the first ship send out that destructive ray. COLONEL: (INTO PHONE, IN BG) Repeat that. CLAYTON: Yes, I did. There was an intense heat and light... COLONEL: (INTO PHONE, IN BG) Two-thirds, huh? CLAYTON: ...almost as powerful as the sun. MANN: Atomic power? COLONEL: (INTO PHONE, IN BG) Yes. Yes, I'll tell him at once. CLAYTON: Yes, I'd say so, of some sort. COLONEL: Uh, general--? SOUND: PHONE RECEIVER DOWN MANN: Yes, colonel? COLONEL: That was a relay from the Pentagon. Santiago, Chile radios it's under attack -- two-thirds of the city already destroyed. MANN: (STUNNED) Two-thirds?! COLONEL: Yes, sir. But nothing like that can happen here, sir. We're ready for them. SOUND: DURING ABOVE, FADE IN BEEPING AND GURGLING ... CONTINUES IN BG MANN: (TENSE) Listen! Is that it? CLAYTON: Yes. Let's get to the observation post now. SOUND: THEIR HURRIED FOOTSTEPS COLONEL: Lights out! Cut all lights! VOICES: (STAGGERED, VARYING DISTANCES) Lights off. Lights off! Lights. Lights! SOUND: FOOTSTEPS OUT BEHIND-- CLAYTON: (LOW) Keep your head down, general. Now, focus your field glasses between these sand bags. MANN: Yes. CLAYTON: You see the gully? MANN: There's a greenish light glowing over in it. SOUND: BEEPING INCREASES RAPIDLY ... CONTINUES IN BG MANN: Wait. Something's rising. CLAYTON: Like a periscope? MANN: Yes. And, beneath that, a greenish machine, almost round -- just floating there in the air, without propellers or jets. CLAYTON: It must be supported by some sort of rays; probably a kind of magnetic flux. Huh. They must be keeping the opposing poles in balance and that lifts the machine. MANN: There's a second machine. And a third. SOUND: HURRIED FOOTSTEPS APPROACH SYLVIA: (URGENT) Dr. Forrester?! Dr. Forrester?! CLAYTON: Miss Van Buren! What are you doing here? SYLVIA: Uncle Matthew insisted on coming and I wouldn't let him by himself. Dr. Forrester, you've got to talk to him! CLAYTON: Miss Van Buren-- SYLVIA: Please! You've got to stop him! He - he wants to go out and talk to those meteor machines. CLAYTON: What?! All right. Take me to him. SOUND: CLAYTON AND SYLVIA'S FOOTSTEPS, IN BG SYLVIA: Uncle Matthew keeps saying we should try to make the Martians understand we're willing to be friends. CLAYTON: If they give us a chance to be. SYLVIA: I know, but Uncle Matthew says it's his duty as a minister, a man of God. COLONEL: (IN BG, OVERLAPS WITH ABOVE) All command posts, stand by to fire! CLAYTON: Well, where is he now? SYLVIA: I left him right about-- (BEAT) About here. SOUND: CLAYTON AND SYLVIA'S FOOTSTEPS OUT DURING ABOVE ... BEEPING AND GURGLING INCREASE IN TEMPO SYLVIA: (CALLS) Uncle Matt? Uncle Matt?! SOUND: MANN'S HURRIED FOOTSTEPS APPROACH MANN: Forrester, the machines are advancing. There's some fool out there walking to meet them. CLAYTON: (HORRIFIED) Oh, no! SYLVIA: (CALLS, DESPERATE) Uncle Matt! Uncle Matt! CLAYTON: (QUIETLY) It's too late now. You can't save him. SOUND: IN THE DISTANCE, HEAT RAY ZAPS UNCLE MATT WHO EXPLODES SYLVIA: (IN HORROR) No, no, no! COLONEL: Artillery batteries, fire! SOUND: ARTILLERY OPENS FIRE, THEN IN BG COLONEL: Rocket batteries, fire! SOUND: ROCKETS LAUNCHED ... CONTINUES FOR SEVERAL SECONDS UNTIL-- COLONEL: Cease fire! SOUND: ARTILLERY AND ROCKETS CEASE ... SILENCE MANN: (LOW, AMAZED) Forrester! They're still there. They're untouched. CLAYTON: Yes. They've put up some sort of electromagnetic covering. A transparent dome that stops the shells. SOUND: DURING ABOVE, FADE IN BEEPING AND GURGLING, IN BG 2ND VOICE: (OFF) They're coming at us! COLONEL: All batteries, repeat fire! SOUND: ARTILLERY AND ROCKETS FIRE ... HOLD FOR SEVERAL SECONDS ... THEN HEAT RAY ZAPS ROCKETS WHICH EXPLODE ... ARTILLERY CONTINUES FOR A MOMENT, THEN HEAT RAY ZAPS ARTILLERY WHICH EXPLODES ... THEN SILENCE COLONEL: (AWED) Why-- Why, it's impossible. One moment I got heavy artillery, tanks, and rockets -- whole batteries of one-oh-fives, and-- Then that ray hits them and there's nothing. Nothing. Just a puff of ashes. MANN: Well, now we know why two-thirds of Santiago was destroyed. Why -- but not how. CLAYTON: I think I know, general. That heat ray neutralizes the masons. (PRONOUNCED "MAY-sahns") Masons are the atomic glue which holds all matter together. Cut across their lines of magnetic force and any object will simply cease to exist. MANN: Uh huh. And just how do we defend ourselves against it? CLAYTON: Not with shells and high explosives, I can tell you that. Take my word for it, general, you'd better talk to Washington about uranium and hydrogen bombs. SOUND: QUICKLY FADE IN BEEPING AND GURGLING, IN BG SYLVIA: Here they come. Here they come! MANN: Come on, let's get out of here! SOUND: THEIR HURRIED FOOTSTEPS AWAY COLONEL: Everybody out! All commands fall back, north of Highway Sixty tunnel marker! SOUND: HEAT RAY ZAPS ... CONTINUES IN BG COLONEL: Come on! Hurry it up! Everybody out! (SCREAMS AS HE IS HIT BY HEAT RAY, ABRUPTLY CUT OFF AS HE DISINTEGRATES) SOUND: HEAT RAY, BEEPING AND GURGLING CONTINUES ... UNTIL TOPPED BY-- MUSIC: BRIEF INTENSE BRIDGE SOUND: QUIET COUNTRY BACKGROUND (BIRDS TWITTER, ET CETERA) CLAYTON: Miss Van Buren? (NO ANSWER) Sylvia? SYLVIA: (WAKES, SLEEPILY) Hmmm? CLAYTON: Wake up. Let's not spend all morning in this sullage pit. SYLVIA: (STRETCHES) Mmmm. (STARTLED, WIDE AWAKE NOW) Oh! How long have we been here? CLAYTON: Well, since the jeep ran out of gas, I guess about three hours. As near as I can figure it, we're somewhere southwest of Corona. SYLVIA: And that machine? CLAYTON: Oh, it's gone. It headed in the other direction. SYLVIA: Oh, thank heavens. (CHUCKLES) You know, I'm hungry. CLAYTON: Well, you ought to be. Come on, on your feet now. SOUND: SYLVIA GETS TO HER FEET ... SYLVIA AND CLAYTON START WALKING BEHIND-- CLAYTON: There's a farmhouse across that field. Looks like the people took off in a big hurry. But maybe they left some food. SOUND: JET AIRCRAFT START TO FLY OVERHEAD ... CONTINUES DURING FOLLOWING-- SYLVIA: Look! Over the mountains! CLAYTON: Yeah, the good old Air Force. SOUND: JET AIRCRAFT RECEDES INTO THE DISTANCE SYLVIA: They found one of the machines. SOUND: IN THE DISTANCE, HEAT RAY ZAPS THE AIRCRAFT WHICH EXPLODES ... THEN QUIET COUNTRY BACKGROUND RESUMES SYLVIA: (BEAT) They - they just disappeared. In midair. CLAYTON: (BEAT, VERY SLOWLY, DISCOURAGED) Yeah. Well. It isn't going to do any good thinking about it. Let's head for that farmhouse. SOUND: SYLVIA AND CLAYTON'S FOOTSTEPS MUSIC: BRIEF BRIDGE SOUND: BACON SIZZLES IN PAN ... PLATES AND UTENSILS IN AGREEMENT WITH FOLLOWING-- CLAYTON: (LIGHTLY) Well, there are times when there's nothing so beautiful -- so soul-satisfying -- as bacon and eggs. SYLVIA: (CHUCKLES IN AGREEMENT) And the people who lived here were so thoughtful to leave us some. Where's your plate? CLAYTON: Right here. (BEAT) You know, I get most of my meals in coffee shops. It's pretty tame eating. SYLVIA: Well, don't you live at home? CLAYTON: No, I live on the campus. You see, I haven't any family. SYLVIA: Oh. I come from a big one. There's nine of us -- all in Minnesota, except me. (WITH A CHUCKLE) Well, Dr. Forrester? CLAYTON: Hm? SYLVIA: Aren't you gonna sit down? There is a kitchen table. CLAYTON: (CHUCKLES) Oh. Yeah. SOUND: CLAYTON WALKS TO TABLE, PULLS OUT WOODEN CHAIR, AND SITS CLAYTON: Well, a big family must be fun. I imagine it makes you feel-- Well, as if you belonged to something. SYLVIA: Mmm, it does. Maybe that's why I feel kind of lost right now. CLAYTON: Yeah. I know. But everything's going to be all right, - Sylvia. SYLVIA: Is it? CLAYTON: Well, at least we've got to think that. SYLVIA: They -- whatever they are -- they murder everything they see, everything that moves. We're helpless. CLAYTON: Sylvia, every creature that has ever lived has had some sort of weakness. Not one of them has ever been invincible. Somehow, we'll find the weakness of these - these Martians; some way to stop them. SYLVIA: I hope so. (CHAIR SCRAPES) I'll get the coffee. SOUND: SYLVIA'S FOOTSTEPS AWAY ... COFFEE POURED, OFF, BEHIND-- SYLVIA: (OFF) You know, I feel like I did one time when - when I was a little girl. I'd wandered off -- I've forgotten why -- but I became awfully scared and lonely. SOUND: SYLVIA'S FOOTSTEPS RETURN SYLVIA: (MOVES CLOSER) Finally, I went to a church. I was afraid to go any place else. I stayed right by that door, praying for the one who loved me best to come by and find me. (BEAT) It was Uncle Matthew who found me. CLAYTON: I'm awfully sorry about him. SYLVIA: Oh, I loved him very much. (SUPPRESSING TEARS) Ooh, I could bawl my head off. CLAYTON: But you're not going to. You're not the kind. SYLVIA: What kind am I? CLAYTON: The brave kind. SOUND: FADE IN UNEARTHLY HUM ... SPACECRAFT WHOOSHES THROUGH ATMOSPHERE APPROACHING FARMHOUSE ... CONTINUES IN BG SYLVIA: (CONFUSED) Clayton? CLAYTON: (LOW) Get down! On the floor! SOUND: CLAYTON AND SYLVIA HIT THE FLOOR ... SPACECRAFT CRASHES THUNDEROUSLY TO EARTH NEAR FARMHOUSE ... HISS OF COOLING SPACECRAFT ... HOLDS FOR SEVERAL SECONDS, THEN FADES OUT ... CLAYTON AND SYLVIA'S VOICES ARE LOW CLAYTON: Sylvia? (NO ANSWER) Sylvia? SYLVIA: Yes, Clayton? CLAYTON: Are you all right? SYLVIA: Yes. SOUND: ODD WHIRRING NOISE AS SPACECRAFT TOP UNSCREWS ... CONTINUES IN BG SYLVIA: Sounds right outside the kitchen. CLAYTON: It is. (LONG PAUSE) Sylvia? We've got to get a look at them. SYLVIA: (RELUCTANT) Oh, no. No. SOUND: WHIRRING DIES OUT ... FADE IN BEEPING AND GURGLING, IN BG CLAYTON: Ssh! Don't you see? This is the first chance any human has had to get a real close-up of them. If I can tell General Mann and our scientists what kind of beings we're dealing with-- SYLVIA: All right. But I'm coming with you. CLAYTON: Okay. SYLVIA: Wait. SOUND: SYLVIA WALKS ACROSS KITCHEN, GRABS A KNIFE, WALKS BACK TO CLAYTON SYLVIA: Take this. CLAYTON: What good is a carving knife? SYLVIA: Maybe none. But take it. SOUND: BEEPING AND GURGLING CUT OFF ABRUPTLY AS, FROM OFF, A WINDOW GLASS IS SMASHED! THEN SILENCE-- CLAYTON: In the front room. Come on. SOUND: CLAYTON AND SYLVIA CAUTIOUSLY WALK TO FRONT ROOM DOOR WHICH CREAKS SLOWLY OPEN ... THEY SLOWLY WALK INTO ROOM, THEIR VOICES HUSHED SYLVIA: See anything? CLAYTON: No. MUSIC: EERIE ACCENT, TO SIGNIFY PRESENCE OF MARTIAN SYLVIA: (NERVOUS) Clayton? There's some - something behind me. (SLOWLY) Something touching my left shoulder. CLAYTON: I see it. Don't move. SYLVIA: The knife. CLAYTON: Don't move. SOUND: CLAYTON PLUNGES KNIFE INTO MARTIAN MARTIAN: (SCREAMS ONCE, VERY CLOSE ... THEN AGAIN, SLIGHTLY OFF, AS IT SLITHERS AWAY) SYLVIA: (BEAT, SHUDDERS) What did it look like? SOUND: FAINT BEEPING AND GURGLING BEGINS, IN BG ... GROWS SLOWLY LOUDER DURING FOLLOWING-- CLAYTON: (SHAKEN) I'd - rather not say. SYLVIA: Your hands-- What's that on your hands? CLAYTON: Blood. Martian blood. SYLVIA: (CRACKS UP, STARTS TO WEEP) CLAYTON: Sylvia? Sylvia, stop it. Stop it! SOUND: BEEPING AND GURGLING COMES CLOSER SYLVIA: Clayton! CLAYTON: Come on! Run for it! SOUND: CLAYTON AND SYLVIA'S RUNNING FOOTSTEPS ... BEEPING AND GURGLING GROWS VERY LOUD AND FAST AS THE MARTIAN PURSUES MUSIC: BRIDGE SOUND: CROWD MURMURS ... PHONE RINGS, OFF ... CROWD SETTLES DOWN BEHIND-- MANN: Ladies and gentlemen, for the benefit of those of you who don't know me, I'm General Mann of G-2. I've asked you here because we desperately need the knowledge and skill of each one of you -- physicists, scientists, representatives of the Sixth Army command, the Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, the heads of our law enforcement agencies, the civil defense, and Red Cross units. The Secretary of Defense in Washington has instructed me to give the whole picture of what has happened and what lies before us. SOUND: DURING ABOVE, A DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES AS CLAYTON AND SYLVIA ENTER AND TRY TO PUSH THROUGH THE CROWD WHICH STIRS IN REACTION CLAYTON: (OFF) Let us through! We've got to see General Mann! SYLVIA: (OFF) Let us through! Please, let us through! MANN: What's all that commotion? Major, see what that is. MAJOR: Yes, sir. BILDERBECK: General Mann? General? MANN: Yes, Dr. Bilderbeck? BILDERBECK: That man is one of my colleagues -- Dr. Clayton Forrester. MANN: Forrester? We thought he'd been killed. BILDERBECK: Let them through! Let them through! SOUND: CLAYTON AND SYLVIA'S FOOTSTEPS APPROACH AS CROWD SETTLES DOWN MANN: Forrester, Miss Van Buren. We gave you up twenty-four hours ago. CLAYTON: You almost had reason to, general. SYLVIA: Yes, the Martians tried to take us alive. MANN: What? SOUND: CROWD MURMURS IN ASTONISHMENT CLAYTON: Yeah, this morning, outside of Corona. We managed to get away. We found an abandoned truck and drove to Pacific Tech. They told us you were here. Oh, by any chance, is Dr. Lucille Duprez in this room? DUPREZ: Right here, Forrester. CLAYTON: Oh, good. Dr. Duprez, I want you to analyze the stain on this cloth. I suggest that you leave for the laboratory right away. DUPREZ: What kind of stain is it, Forrester? CLAYTON: The blood of a Martian. SOUND: CROWD MURMURS IN ASTONISHMENT MANN: Forrester, I'll want a complete report of your experience, but first I think you ought to hear what I was about to say. CLAYTON: By all means, sir. SOUND: RATTLE OF PAPER MANN: Ladies and gentlemen. This is the latest radio message from the Department of Defense. (READS) "To General Mann, Command Post Xenophon, Los Angeles. Scandinavia presumed now in enemy control. All communications from Sweden, Norway, and Denmark -- blacked out. SOUND: DISCOURAGED CROWD MURMURS MANN: "Paris -- now under attack. French cabinet has transferred to Strasbourg. Madrid -- totally destroyed. Rome -- no further word, blacked out. London, blacked out. Buenos Aires, blacked out. Philadelphia, blacked out. New Orleans, blacked out. CLAYTON: General Mann? MANN: Yes? CLAYTON: I've heard enough to convince me; enough, I'm sure, to convince every physicist in this room. We must answer the enemy with our final weapon. MANN: I was just coming to that, Forrester. By order of the Secretary of Defense and authorized by the President of the United States, the city of Los Angeles is to be defended by full atomic force. Three hours from now, this afternoon at sixteen hundred hours, the flying wing will drop the newest and most deadly bomb ever built -- a thermonuclear bomb of octuple power. In three hours, we shall know its effectiveness. And, possibly, the fate of mankind. MUSIC: CURTAIN SOUND: APPLAUSE ANNOUNCER: In a moment, Act Three of "War of the Worlds." Ladies, when it comes to washday, the big talk is all about Rinso Blue, the remarkable new detergent that washes whiter because it blues as it washes. And now there's even a song about it. Listen. LES PAUL: Hi, this is Les Paul-- MARY FORD: --and Mary Ford. MUSIC: LES PAUL'S MULTITRACKED GUITAR ACCOMPANIES JINGLE-- MARY FORD: (SINGS) This is the song of Rinso Blue, Complete detergent, completely new. It gets clothes extra white and clean 'Cause it blues your wash in your washing machine. MUSIC: MULTITRACKED VOCALS AND GUITAR ... UP AND OUT MARY FORD: Yes, Rinso Blue gets clothes extra white because it blues as it washes. So get Rinso Blue today. ANNOUNCER: And just remember, ladies, if your present detergent doesn't blue as it washes, it's only doing half the job. So switch to new Rinso Blue. It does a grand job on dishes and glasses, too. And yet it's so mild on your hands. Today, get new Rinso Blue. It washes whiter because it blues as it washes. And that's unconditionally guaranteed by Lever Brothers. We pause now for station identification. MUSIC: FILLS THE PAUSE ... THEN OUT HOST: The curtain rises on Act Three of "War of the Worlds," starring Dana Andrews as Clayton and Pat Crowley as Sylvia. MUSIC: BRIEF INTRODUCTION SOUND: BUSY BACKGROUND OF ENGINES, SIREN, WHISTLE, CROWD VOICES REPORTER: This report is being recorded on tape for future history -- if there is to be any future history. The future of our civilization may well depend upon what happens here this afternoon. LOUDSPEAKER: Attention, please! Attention! Three minutes to bomb time! REPORTER: In case you didn't hear that, it is now three minutes to bomb time. LOUDSPEAKER: Attention, Dr. Forrester -- please report to General Mann. REPORTER: The target for the bomb is a nest of Martian machines in the Puente Hills. We are approximately six miles from the target. There is, however, a forward observation post which has the Martians clearly in sight and which will report back to this base by telephone. (FADES OUT) SOUND: BACKGROUND UP, TO FILL A PAUSE, THEN FADES OUT WITH CLAYTON'S FOOTSTEPS TO SYLVIA CLAYTON: You know, of course, that you're not supposed to be here. SYLVIA: Everyone else has told me that, from General Mann down. But I'm only interested in where Clayton Forrester wants me. CLAYTON: (AFFECTIONATE) Now, that is here. LOUDSPEAKER: Attention, please! Two minutes to bomb time! Two minutes! DUPREZ: (APPROACHES) Forrester? Forrester? CLAYTON: Duprez! I thought you were back at the lab. DUPREZ: I just finished. That sample of Martian blood, Forrester? It's astounding! I've never seen blood crystals so anemic. CLAYTON: Huh. Anything else? DUPREZ: Yes. The structure of the corpuscles is-- LOUDSPEAKER: Attention! The bomber is now approaching the target area! Prepare to take shelter! SOUND: DURING ABOVE, FADE IN PLANE ENGINES IN DISTANCE BILDERBECK: Forrester, General Mann wants us in his dugout! CLAYTON: We're coming! We're coming! SOUND: THEIR FOOTSTEPS TO DUGOUT ... THEN DOWN STEPS INTO DUGOUT (PLANE ENGINES FADE OUT) CLAYTON: Watch your heads, everybody. There's not much clearance here. SOUND: SLOW ELECTRONIC COUNTDOWN BEEP BEGINS, CONTINUES IN BG LOUDSPEAKER: Attention! One minute! One minute! If you have no goggles, turn your backs to the blast! Remember, the heat flash and concussion that follow are dangerous! (REPEATS FOR EMPHASIS) Are dangerous! CLAYTON: Oh, General Mann--? MANN: Ah, Forrester. I want you to stand by for the first damage reports. CLAYTON: Certainly, sir. MANN: Major, open the line to the forward observation post. MAJOR: Yes, sir. SOUND: CLICK! MAJOR: Go ahead, sir. MANN: Observation? OBSERVATION: (FILTER) Yes, sir? MANN: The flying wing is now beginning its bomb run. OBSERVATION: (FILTER) Yes, sir. General, those Martian machines-- They're throwing up some sort of a transparent dome over themselves. CLAYTON: (DRY) Uh huh. That would be an electromagnetic shield. LOUDSPEAKER: Thirty seconds! Thirty seconds! SYLVIA: Clayton? CLAYTON: Yes? SYLVIA: May I hold your hand? CLAYTON: Of course. SOUND: PAUSE, FILLED BY SLOW COUNTDOWN BEEP LOUDSPEAKER: Twenty seconds! Stand by! SOUND: PAUSE, FILLED BY SLOW COUNTDOWN BEEP LOUDSPEAKER: Ten seconds! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Zero! SOUND: FINAL COUNTDOWN BEEP, LONGER THAN THE OTHERS ... THEN OUT .. DISTANT EXPLOSION OF ATOMIC BOMB, WHICH CONTINUES TO RUMBLE IN BG, DURING FOLLOWING-- LOUDSPEAKER: Attention! Prepare for heat wave and high velocity winds! MANN: Observation? Can you see anything? OBSERVATION: (FILTER) Not yet, sir. An awful lot of smoke. SOUND: RUMBLE GIVES WAY TO HIGH VELOCITY WINDS ... HOLD FOR SEVERAL SECONDS ... THEN IN BG, UNTIL HEAT RAY EXPLOSION BELOW OBSERVATION: (FILTER) General?! General, we can see something moving! SOUND: OVER THE PHONE (FILTER), WE HEAR THE MARTIAN HEAT RAY ZAP SOMETHING, WHICH EXPLODES OBSERVATION: (FILTER) They're still there! They haven't even been touched! They're still-- SOUND: FILTERED MARTIAN HEAT RAY ZAPS OBSERVATION POST, WHICH EXPLODES ... LINE GOES DEAD ... BEAT ... RATTLE OF PHONE CRADLE MANN: Observation? (NO ANSWER) Come in! Observation, come in! SOUND: FINAL RATTLE OF CRADLE ... RECEIVER DOWN MANN: Well-- (BEAT) Now we know the worst. CLAYTON: (EXHALES) We may not be through yet, general. MANN: (SCOFFS) CLAYTON: No, there's still a chance -- a forlorn hope maybe -- that our sciences can search out some weakness in these Martians. DUPREZ: Yes, perhaps biologically. That anemic blood! CLAYTON: Look, our battle now is for time. We've gotta take our instruments and hide somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, set up an emergency laboratory there-- MANN: I'm sure the Air Force stands ready to fly your equipment wherever you wish. CLAYTON: That's good enough for us. Bilderbeck, Duprez? You, too, Sylvia. As soon as we get back to Los Angeles, we'll gather up all the things we need and-- SOUND: MARTIAN BEEPING AND GURGLING APPROACHES ... THEN IN BG SYLVIA: They're coming! They're coming! MANN: Everybody, out of here! Everybody, out! SOUND: SCATTERED FOOTSTEPS MUSIC: BRIEF BRIDGE SOUND: LOUDSPEAKER TRUCK ENGINE ... THEN IN BG 2ND LOUDSPEAKER: Attention, please. Attention. This is an official order of the Sixth Army Command. Evacuate your homes at once. Take food and water and extra clothing with you. SOUND: SEGUE TO WARNING SIREN ... SEGUE BRIEFLY TO TRAFFIC JAM (CAR ENGINES, HORNS HONKING) ... SEGUE BACK TO WARNING SIREN ... SEGUE TO LOUDSPEAKER TRUCK ENGINE, THEN IN BG 2ND LOUDSPEAKER: Do not panic. All major highways have been marked to lead you to evacuation centers in the hills and along the beaches. SOUND: SEGUE TO WARNING SIREN ... SEGUE TO SCIENTISTS' TRUCK ENGINE ... SEGUE BACK TO WARNING SIREN ... SEGUE TO SCIENTISTS' TRUCK ENGINE ON A DIRT ROAD ... SEGUE BACK TO WARNING SIREN WHICH FADES OUT ... MOTHER'S RUNNING FOOTSTEPS THROUGH AN EMPTY STREET MOTHER: (SLIGHT ECHO, CALLS, DESPERATE) My baby! My baby! Dana?! Where are you?! Dana! SOUND: HER FOOTSTEPS AWAY ... BEAT ... LONE DOG HOWLS FORLORNLY ... BEAT ... SHOP WINDOW GLASS SMASHED BY BRICK MOB: (HOWLS SAVAGELY AND LAUGHS) LOOTER: (SHOUTS GLEEFULLY OVER THE MOB) It's ours, boys! Every store and every shop in the city! They're all ours! MOB: (MURMURS UNCIVILLY) SOUND: MORE BRICKS SMASH MORE SHOP WINDOW GLASS ... SEGUE TO WARNING SIREN ... SCIENTISTS' TRUCK ENGINE APPROACHES, PULLS TO A STOP ... ENGINE OUT ... TRUCK DOOR OPENS AND SHUTS CLAYTON: The few of you, wait here in the truck for me. BILDERBECK: Forrester, bring only the sonic microscopes. CLAYTON: Okay. Oh, which floor are they on? DUPREZ: The tenth! The tenth, Forrester! SYLVIA: Hurry, Clayton. CLAYTON: (MOVING OFF) Don't worry, I'll be back in five minutes. SOUND: CLAYTON'S RUNNING FOOTSTEPS AWAY ... BEAT ... THEN A NEARBY SHOP WINDOW GLASS IS SMASHED MOB: (FROM OFF, HOWLS SAVAGELY AND LAUGHS ... CONTINUES IN BG) DUPREZ: (DISAPPROVING) Look at those men. They're looting, robbing-- LOOTER: (OFF, TO THE MOB) Boys! Boys, there's a truck! That's what we need! MOB: (FROM OFF, MURMURS AGREEMENT, STARTS MOVING CLOSER TO TRUCK) BILDERBECK: (PANICS) Start the engine! Start the engine! SYLVIA: But Clayton--! DUPREZ: We'll come back for him! Start it! SOUND: MOB STORMS THE TRUCK LOOTER: (THREATENS THE SCIENTISTS) Get out of there! SYLVIA: No! No! LOOTER: Come on! Come on! Get out of there! SYLVIA: Please! SOUND: TRUCK ENGINE STARTS AND PULLS AWAY MUSIC: BRIDGE SOUND: CLAYTON'S RUNNING FOOTSTEPS APPROACH AND STOP CLAYTON: (SLIGHTLY OUT OF BREATH, TO HIMSELF) Huh. I told 'em to wait here. Couldn't've been more than five minutes. SOUND: CLAYTON STARTS WALKING CLAYTON: (CALLS) Sylvia?! Bilderbeck?! Duprez?! Sylvia?! SOUND: CLAYTON STOPS WALKING ... AS IF SWEEPING THROUGH THE STREET, MARTIAN BEEPING AND GURGLING FADES IN AND OUT BRIEFLY ... CLAYTON STARTS WALKING AGAIN CLAYTON: (CALLS) Sylvia?! Bilderbeck?! RICH MAN: They went off and left you, too, eh? CLAYTON: (OUT OF BREATH) No. Something must have happened. They'll be back. Well, they're in a yellow truck that was-- RICH MAN: A truck! Sir, I'll give you a thousand dollars. CLAYTON: Huh? For what? RICH MAN: Your place in that truck. CLAYTON: Listen, I said that-- RICH MAN: Two thousand. CLAYTON: Look, I don't want anything from you. RICH MAN: Five thousand. I'm rich. I've got it right here. My wife, servants, everybody -- they - they all ran off and left me. But you can have any amount that you-- CLAYTON: No, I'm sorry. Money's no good now. RICH MAN: Ten thousand, sir. Ten thousand-- SOUND: CLAYTON STARTS WALKING AGAIN CLAYTON: (CALLS) Sylvia?! Duprez?! RICH MAN: (OFF) Fifty thousand! CLAYTON: (CALLS) Bilderbeck?! Sylvia?! SOUND: FADE IN MARTIAN BEEPING AND GURGLING, IN BG RICH MAN: (OFF) A hundred! Everything I've got! Everything! SOUND: HEAT RAY ZAPS RICH MAN WHO EXPLODES ... CLAYTON'S RUNNING FOOTSTEPS APPROACH AND SLOW CLAYTON: (OUT OF BREATH, TO HIMSELF) Where? Where - where can they be? SOUND: CLAYTON KEEPS WALKING ... HE STOPS AT THE NOISE OF A TIN CAN CLATTERING ON THE PAVEMENT ... A TENSE BEAT ... THEN A CAT MEOWS ... CLAYTON KEEPS WALKING CLAYTON: (CALLS) Sylvia?! SOUND: FADE IN BEEPING AND GURGLING ... HEAT RAY ZAPS SOMETHING WHICH EXPLODES ... MORE BEEPING AND GURGLING ... HEAT RAY ZAPS SOMETHING PARTICULARLY LARGE WHICH EXPLODES EVEN LOUDER THAN BEFORE WITH A LENGTHY REVERBERATION ... CLAYTON'S HURRIED FOOTSTEPS CONTINUE, THEN STOP WITH-- MOTHER: (WEEPING EXTRAVAGANTLY ... CONTINUES IN BG) CLAYTON: (SHORT OF BREATH) Oh, ma'am. I'm looking for a girl. Tall, dark girl. She was driving a yellow truck and-- I'm sorry, ma'am, but she's lost. She's probably very frightened. (REALIZES, TO HIMSELF) Lost. She said the last time she was lost, when she was so frightened-- Yeah. Maybe that's where she went. A church. SOUND: DURING ABOVE, FADE IN MARTIAN BEEPING AND GURGLING ... HEAT RAY ZAPS SOMETHING WHICH EXPLODES WITH A THUNDEROUS RUMBLE MUSIC: BRIDGE SOUND: CLAYTON'S FOOTSTEPS TO CHURCH DOOR WHICH OPENS ... CHURCH BACKGROUND ... PRIEST MURMURS REASSURINGLY IN LATIN, THEN CONTINUES IN BG ... CLAYTON'S FOOTSTEPS MOVE QUIETLY THROUGH CHURCH CLAYTON: (CALLS, VERY QUIETLY) Sylvia? (NO ANSWER) Sylvia? SOUND: CLAYTON'S FOOTSTEPS EXIT CHURCH ... CHURCH DOOR SHUTS BEHIND HIM ... FADE IN MARTIAN BEEPING AND GURGLING ... HEAT RAY ZAPS SOMETHING WHICH EXPLODES ... AGAIN, HEAT RAY ZAPS SOMETHING WHICH EXPLODES WITH A THUNDEROUS RUMBLE MUSIC: BRIDGE SOUND: CLAYTON'S FOOTSTEPS TO ANOTHER CHURCH DOOR WHICH OPENS ... CHURCH BACKGROUND ... CROWD MURMURS A PRAYER AS CLAYTON'S FOOTSTEPS MOVE QUIETLY THROUGH CHURCH CLAYTON: (CALLS, VERY QUIETLY) Sylvia? SOUND: CLAYTON'S FOOTSTEPS EXIT CHURCH ... CHURCH DOOR SHUTS BEHIND HIM ... HEAT RAY ZAPS SOMETHING WHICH EXPLODES ... RAPID BEEPING AND GURGLING ... AGAIN, HEAT RAY ZAPS SOMETHING WHICH EXPLODES WITH A THUNDEROUS RUMBLE MUSIC: BRIDGE SOUND: IN DISTANCE, HEAT RAY ZAPS THINGS, EXPLOSIONS ARE HEARD, IN BG, AS SCENE UNFOLDS ... CLAYTON'S FOOTSTEPS TO A THIRD CHURCH DOOR WHICH OPENS ... CHURCH BACKGROUND ... CLAYTON'S FOOTSTEPS MOVE QUIETLY THROUGH CHURCH AS MINISTER SOLEMNLY RECITES PSALMS 91 MINISTER: (OVERLAPS WITH CLAYTON AND SYLVIA'S DIALOGUE BELOW) He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God; in Him will I trust." Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night-- (TOPPED BY EXPLOSION INDICATED BELOW) CLAYTON: (CALLS, VERY QUIETLY) Sylvia? (PAUSE) Sylvia? SYLVIA: Clayton! Here! Here! SOUND: SYLVIA'S FOOTSTEPS TOWARD CLAYTON CLAYTON: (TO CROWD) Let me through. Let me through, please. SYLVIA: Dearest! Oh, my dearest! CLAYTON: Darling! SYLVIA: The mob, they took the truck, pushed us out in the street, blocks from where you left us. I ran back, but you were gone. CLAYTON: It's all right now, Sylvia. It's all right. SYLVIA: Yes. We're together. SOUND: A PARTICULARLY LOUD EXPLOSION NEARBY ... THE CHURCH CROWD MURMURS UNEASILY, BORDERING ON PANIC, BUT THEY SUBSIDE AS THE MINISTER'S VOICE ASSERTS ITSELF BELOW ... MARTIAN BEEPING AND GURGLING GROWS NEARER MINISTER: (CONTINUED FROM ABOVE) --nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. SOUND: DURING ABOVE, AS THE MINISTER SPEAKS, THE MARTIAN BEEPING AND GURGLING SLOWS AND DIES OUT ... THE NEARBY MARTIAN MACHINE SLOWLY COLLAPSES SYLVIA: (SURPRISED, INDICATES) Clayton! CLAYTON: Yeah. Something's happening to that machine. Come on! MINISTER: (FINISHES THE PSALM) For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. SOUND: CLAYTON AND SYLVIA'S FOOTSTEPS TO CHURCH DOOR WHICH OPENS ... FEEBLE MARTIAN BEEPING AND GURGLING SLOWS AND DIES OUT ... ANOTHER MARTIAN MACHINE SLOWLY COLLAPSES SYLVIA: Look. There in the street. That body. CLAYTON: Yeah. That's one of them. SOUND: DURING ABOVE EXCHANGE, MORE FEEBLE MARTIAN BEEPING AND GURGLING SLOWS AND DIES OUT ... A THIRD MARTIAN MACHINE SLOWLY COLLAPSES SYLVIA: (ASTONISHED) They're dying. They're dying everywhere. SOUND: BEAT ... THEN CHURCH BELL RINGS ... FOR FIFTEEN SECONDS ... THEN IN BG CLAYTON: We prayed for a miracle. And it's happened. MUSIC: STIRRING ACCENT TOPS THE SCENE ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: All over the world -- in London, in Paris, in Rome, Rio de Janeiro, Melbourne, New York, and San Francisco -- the terrible invasion began to collapse. The Martians had no resistance to the bacteria in our atmosphere to which we have long since become immune. Once they had breathed our air, germs, which no longer affect us, began to kill them. The end came swiftly. After all that men could do had failed, the Martians were destroyed and mankind saved by the littlest thing, which God, in His wisdom, had put upon this Earth. MUSIC: FOR A FINISH SOUND: APPLAUSE ANNOUNCER: In a moment, our stars will return. MUSIC: FOR JINGLE ... TO TUNE OF "ROW, ROW, ROW YOUR BOAT" ... BEHIND SINGERS-- SINGERS: Pepsodent! White, white, whiter teeth! Pepsodent for me! Whiter teeth are guaranteed, Brush 'em and you'll see! 2ND ANNCR: Right! No other leading toothpaste -- not one! -- gets teeth as clean -- as white -- as Pepsodent. You see, Pepsodent contains the most effective tooth-cleaning ingredient in the world -- I. M. P. -- insoluble metaphosphates! SINGERS: (SPOKEN) Wow! 2ND ANNCR: That's what it's called. I. M. P. is found only in the Pepsodent-Irium formula because Pepsodent uses the entire world supply. MUSIC: FOR JINGLE ... BEHIND SINGERS-- SINGERS: White, white, whiter teeth! Pepsodent for me! 2ND ANNCR: (INTERRUPTS) And, oh, yes. Cleaner, whiter teeth naturally mean less chance of decay and a sweeter breath with a clean-mouth taste for hours. MUSIC: FOR JINGLE ... BEHIND SINGERS-- SINGERS: Whiter teeth are guaranteed, Brush 'em and you'll see! 2ND ANNCR: Lever Brothers makes this promise, this unconditional money-back guarantee. Change to Pepsodent and you'll see your teeth become whiter! MUSIC: FOR JINGLE ... BEHIND SINGERS-- SINGERS: Brush 'em and you'll see! ANNOUNCER: Now here's Mr. Cummings with our stars. HOST: And here they are, Dana Andrews and Pat Crowley. SOUND: APPLAUSE HOST: Dana, how do you feel about planetary invasion? ANDREWS: Well, Irving, if I have a choice, I'd rather we invaded them. HOST: (CHUCKLES) Then you'll want to see George Pal's new Technicolor picture for Paramount, "Conquest of Space," because whereas "War of the Worlds" is just science fiction, "Conquest of Space" is science fact. The entire action takes place on the planet Mars and the Wheel, a man-made station some eleven hundred miles above the Earth. CROWLEY: Mars! It's a long way to Mars even with a space station in-between. HOST: Yes, Pat, the men who lead a fantastic existence on the Wheel are building a spaceship for flight to the Moon, but later they receive orders to proceed directly to Mars. ANDREWS: And they make it, of course. HOST: Yes, but it's a dangerous mission, and there's an exciting and suspenseful climax. And I think it's interesting that all the players are young unknowns who are getting their very first chance. ANDREWS: I hope they'll all be as big a hit as Pat. I understand there's a good chance your name may appear in the Academy Award nominations this week, Pat, for the Best Supporting Actress in your first big role in "Forever Female." CROWLEY: Oh, now that'd be too good to be true. But I'm sure Paramount's "The Country Girl" will be nominated. But I just don't see how anyone could choose between the performances of Bing Crosby and William Holden. And, of course, Grace Kelly's a cinch. HOST: Well, there's no doubt at all about you and Grace Kelly being Lux girls, is there? CROWLEY: Oh, no, Irving. If getting an Oscar were as easy as having a Lux complexion, I'd be a cinch, too. I'll always use Lux for my complexion. It's just wonderful. ANDREWS: And now how about next week's play, Irving? HOST: Well, next week, it's an entirely different type of adventure, Dana. One of our "Twenty Greats." A story of a search for gold by a trio of fascinating characters and it's filled with suspense right up to the unexpected climax. It's Warner Brothers' "The Treasure of Sierra Madre," and our stars will be Edmond O'Brien and Walter Brennan. CROWLEY: Oh, I'll have to listen to that, Irving. Good night. ANDREWS: Good night. HOST: Good night. You were both great. SOUND: APPLAUSE ANNOUNCER: You know, you women certainly have a right to complain about all the time you have to spend doing dishes. Why, it takes about five and a half hours a week just to do the dishes for a family of four. And considering that doing dishes is only one of the chores you have to do every day-- SCULLY: (CHUCKLES) Well, it certainly proves the truth of the saying, "Women's work is never done." ANNOUNCER: But at least it's done easier with Lux Liquid Detergent. Yes, with Lux Liquid you can get those dishes out of the way really fast and easy. Made especially for dishwashing, Lux Liquid floats grease off. Gets plates and glasses sparkling clean. SCULLY: And you can skip the drying, too. Just rinse and let them drain dry. ANNOUNCER: Just a teaspoonful does a "dishpanful." One can outlasts several boxes of the leading laundry powder. SCULLY: And when you use Lux Liquid, your hands stay nice. ANNOUNCER: Yes, ma'am. Lux Liquid's almost as mild as Lux Toilet Soap. SCULLY: Ken, tell them about the way it's packed. ANNOUNCER: Well, Lux Liquid is packed right -- in a can that won't break, with a dripless spout that prevents spilling over the sides. SCULLY: Know how much I like Lux Liquid, ladies? I like it as much for dishes as I like Lux Flakes for nylons. ANNOUNCER: Lux Liquid, like all Lever Brothers products, is unconditionally guaranteed. Your money back if you don't agree it's every bit as good as we say it is. Buy a can of Lux Liquid next time you market. It's the next best thing to a dishwashing machine. MUSIC: LUX THEME ... THEN IN BG, UNTIL NBC CHIMES HOST: Lever Brothers Company, makers of Lux Toilet Soap and Lux Liquid Detergent, invite you to be with us again next Tuesday evening when the Lux Radio Theatre presents "The Treasure of Sierra Madre," starring Edmond O'Brien and Walter Brennan. This is Irving Cummings saying good night to you from Hollywood. SOUND: APPLAUSE ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, Radio Free Europe is our way of telling people in the enslaved countries about American life and its freedom. Radio Free Europe is a citizen-sponsored organization and it urgently needs your support. You can play a personal role in the Crusade for Freedom by mailing your contribution to Crusade for Freedom, in care of your local postmaster. Dana Andrews may soon be seen in the Universal-International Technicolor production "Smoke Signal." Heard in our cast tonight were Les Tremayne as General Mann, Herb Butterfield as Dr. Bilderbeck, Bill Bouchey as the Sheriff, Paul Frees as the Narrator, Parley Baer as Fiddler, Ken Peters as the Reporter, and Howard McNear, William Conrad, George Neise, Robert Bailey, Herb Ellis, Irene Tedrow, Don Diamond, Jack Kruschen, Frank Gerstle, George Baxter, Truda Marson, and Eddie Marr. Our radio play was adapted by Leonard St. Clair and our music was composed and directed by Rudy Schrager. More and more Lux Laundries are opening across the country. These carefully-selected professional laundries use the same Lux Flakes you use at home. Gentle Lux Flakes plus professional methods means the cleanest clothes ever. And since Lux Flakes are so much easier on all fabrics, your clothes will last longer as well as look better. Let a Lux Laundry be your family laundry. Look for that Lux sign. And join us next Tuesday night to hear "Treasure of the Sierra Madre," with Edmond O'Brien and Walter Brennan. SOUND: APPLAUSE NBC ANNCR: Let's visit with Fibber McGee and Molly tonight on the NBC Radio Network. MUSIC: NBC CHIMES