ANNOUNCER: "Robinson Crusoe, Junior," sent to you by authority of the State of New York. Hello, boys and girls! You know, most of the things that are lots of fun to do, take a lot of strength to do well. Think of all the games you play, and all the sports you take part in. You certainly have to be strong to swim, to play football, to play good tennis, to win races ... well, to do almost anything that's fun. So, if you don't want to shut yourself off from all the good times that are going on, you better see what you can do about keeping in top form. You don't have to try too hard ... milk will usually help you out in all the ways you need. If you drink at least a quart of milk every day, you'll most likely find that your muscles are getting stronger, you're growing faster, you have more pep, and you feel right on top of the world. Try it and see! ANNOUNCER: Now back to Faraway Island to find out what is happening to Robinson Crusoe, Junior, and the other castaways. Plenty was happening yesterday. Robby and Binnacle had been forced to flee to the tree-tops when they were surrounded by a herd of wild pigs. They tried to escape through the trees, but the pigs came right along with them. Back at the camp, Katie, Julie and the others were greatly worried when Robby and Binnacle failed to return. Finally they decided to organize a searching party. Just before we left the island, Robby and Binnacle hit on an idea to get rid of the pigs--to feed them green mangos until they forgot all about the two people in the tree. A mango, you know, is a tropical fruit that grows on tall trees. And a green mango is worse than a green apple ... much worse. But let's listen.... (FADE IN ON PIGS GRUNTING IN DISTANCE) ROBBY: Binnacle ... we've about stripped this tree of mangos.... BINNACLE: And them pigs is hollerin' for more. ... Bet they haven't had so much to eat in years. ROBBY: Now we'll never get rid of them ... they'll follow us everywhere hoping we'll feed them more fruit! BINNACLE: Just give 'em time, Robby ... our plan may work yet! ROBBY: I hope so. ... I don't mind staying in a tree all night, but what does worry me is that the others may try to find us and run into those pigs. BINNACLE: I been worryin' about that, too.... Hooray ... there comes the moon! ROBBY: Now we'll be able to see what we're doing.... [PIGS BEGIN TO SOUND UNHAPPY] BINNACLE: Listen to them hawgs holler! ROBBY: Binnacle ... look at them ... see ... in that patch of moonlight ... what are they doing? BINNACLE: They're sure actin' queer! ROBBY: I never saw a pig try to hold its stomach ... but that's what it looks like! BINNACLE: Haw! Haw! Haw! I think our plan is workin', Robby! ROBBY: Huh? BINNACLE: Feeding all those green mangos to those pigs has given 'em the most awful tummy-aches they ever had.... Gosh ... just look at 'em. ... Say ... I bet those are the sickest hogs that ever happened! ROBBY: Serves 'em right for running us through the trees. BINNACLE: Yeah.... And now is our chance! ROBBY: You think we can get away? BINNACLE: It's now or never, Robby.... Those hawgs is so wropped up in their own misery they won't be paying us any mind.... Come on now ... we'll swing over to another tree and then slide down to the ground and get away. ROBBY: Hope we don't run into any more wild animals. BINNACLE: Me, too.... Come on now ... Watch where you go, though. ROBBY: I am.... [PAUSE ... FILLED WITH PAINED PIG GRUNTS] [GRUNTS ARE FADED DOWN SLOWLY] BINNACLE: All right? ROBBY: Yes.... Think it is safe to drop down to the ground? BINNACLE: We can try it ... and if they take after us, then we'll just have to go back up a tree.... ROBBY: I wonder which way the camp is? I'm all turned about! BINNACLE: We'll find our way back. Now ... move quietly at first, so they won't notice we're sayin' goodbye! ROBBY: (hushed) All right. (slight pause) (low) Binnacle. BINNACLE: Yeah? ROBBY: Look ... see that glow through the trees? BINNACLE: Uh-huh. Say ... that must be our camp! ROBBY: I hope it is. BINNACLE: It must be ... they figgered we were lost, so they built up a big fire to guide us back. Smart kids! Come on, Robby ... we'll be back there in no time.... [START TO FADE] ROBBY: Let's get going, then. [FADE OUT] [PAUSE] [FADE IN] JULIE: Is it ten o'clock yet, Andy? SECOND: I'll see.... It's almost ten ... and the moon is up ... that'll help us a lot. KATIE: Ach ... I don't like this idea of going off in the dark on this island.... FIRST: (singing softly) But we've got to find Robby and Binnacle! KATIE: Yah ... I know ... I wish I had a gun ... I would go by myself. SECOND: I think only Sandy and I ought to go.... No use all of us getting lost! JULIE: But suppose you don't come back? SECOND: Gosh, Julie ... you think of the most cheerful things! JULIE: It would be awful if everybody got lost! JINKEY: (fading in) Who is lost? KATIE: Jinkey ... why wasn't you asleep? JINKEY: I smelt some excitement going on. Is there some? SECOND: Robby and Binnacle haven't come back yet! JINKEY: Say ... I betcha they've been captured by savages. We got to go rescue them.... Come on ... what you waiting for? KATIE: Just one minute, Jinkey.... Not in such a hurry do we go off looking for them.... BINNACLE: (very distant) Ahoy there! KATIE: Ach ... it is them! FIRST: (singing) It's Binnacle Barnes the sailor! JULIE: Oh ... thank goodness! KATIE: (yodels) Yohooo. Is it you? BINNACLE: (distant) Sure it's us. ... JULIE: (calls) Are you all right? ROBBY: (distant) Sure ... we're all right! KATIE: Quick, Julie, ... we fix somethings for them to eat ... they are sure to be very hungry! BINNACLE: (fading in) Say ... have we had a time! JINKEY: Adventures? BINNACLE: Yes, sir ... lots of adventures. JINKEY: Just my luck ... I always miss out on things! ROBBY: We got chased through the trees by a herd of wild pigs! KATIE: Pigs? BINNACLE: Yessir ... and we had to travel through the tree-tops to get away from them. ROBBY: And we fed them green mangos until they all got tummy-aches and then we escaped them. KATIE: I wouldn't say that was a whopper ... but it is not so easy to believe. BINNACLE: It's the honest-to-goodness truth, Katie. ... That's just what happened. SECOND: Real wild pigs? JINKEY: Let's go out and hunt them ... so we can have sausages for breakfast! BINNACLE: We'll have to hunt them before we get through ... but not until we've got some bows and arrows and spears that we can depend on. JULIE: Are they really dangerous? BINNACLE: Yessir, Julie ... they really are. And until we can figure some way to round up those pigs, we'll have to be mighty careful how we travel about this island. JULIE: O dear. ROBBY: Say ... Binnacle ... you don't suppose there's any chance of them coming down here tonight? BINNACLE: There's a chance ... and that's why we're goin' to sleep on the raft.... KATIE: Ach ... I think I will take a chance on the pigs ... again I do not want to sleep on the water.... BINNACLE: Just for tonight, Katie ... and tomorrow we'll make us a barricade of thorn-bushes or something, so we'll be safe.... KATIE: Well ... if it has to be, it has to be. ... BINNACLE: Get your blankets and things and we'll shove the raft out into the lake a while.... (start to fade) Robby, ... come help me find a rock for an anchor.... ROBBY: Aye, aye, sir. [FADE OUT] [PAUSE] [FADE IN] BINNACLE: Things sure look brighter when there's sunlight! KATIE: Yah ... it is very strange ... but in the sunlight things do look much brighter. I can't understand it! BINNACLE: Huh? Well ... you know what I mean! KATIE: Yah ... in other words things maybe is not so bad as last night they seemed like they were.... BINNACLE: Exactly! ROBBY: Well ... we slept pretty good ... and we had a good breakfast and we've got a big island here to conquer.... BINNACLE: And a drove of wild pigs! ROBBY: Awww ... if we can't outsmart a herd of pigs, we aren't very good. BINNACLE: No use foolin' ourselves about those pigs.... SATURDAY: I dreamed about pigs all night.... ROBBY: That's too bad, Saturday. SATURDAY: No, sir ... it was nice. I dreamt I had a big mess of pork-chops to eat ... and some cracklin' ... and Miss Katie she made cracklin' bread ... and I had me chitlin's and everything. ROBBY: What are chitlings? BINNACLE: Hog giblets, Robby. ROBBY: Oh. SATURDAY: Yassuh ... and we had us bacon ... and ham ... and pigs' foots ... and ... and everything.... BINNACLE: Saturday has the right idea about them pigs, all right. And that's what I'm figuring on. ROBBY: What do you mean? BINNACLE: We've either got to kill 'em or pen 'em up somewheres, or our lives won't be safe ... and if we have to kill them, we don't want to waste them. Shucks ... you can use everything about a pig but his squeal. JINKEY: You can give me the squeals for whistles! ROBBY: That's an idea.... BINNACLE: Now let's take stock of the situation. First thing we got to do is to build a wall.... JINKEY: A fort? BINNACLE: Sort of ... a barricade, anyway. There are a whole lot of thorny bushes growing up on that slope. We'll cut them down and build a thorn wall in front of the cave ... no pigs or anything else will be able to get through that. ROBBY: Then what next? BINNACLE: Then we got to get several days' supplies of food.... Oh, yeah ... and we've got to start collecting salt.... KATIE: Yah ... we only got about one pound left ... but where will you get it? BINNACLE: Have to use sea salt.... We can get it by scraping it off the rocks along the cliffs ... and by carrying sea water into shallow pools and letting it evaporate. We'll need a lot, so we can salt down some of the pigs. ROBBY: Have to build a smoke-house so we can smoke some hams, too. BINNACLE: But the first and most important thing ... after we get the thorn wall built ... is weapons! ROBBY: Too bad we haven't got the shotgun! BINNACLE: Well, we haven't ... and that's that. But we've got some cord ... and we've got our knives.... We'll make some bows and arrers ... and some spears.... ROBBY: Say ... we've still got that old harpoon. But it was in the fire and the handle got burned off and I guess the fire ruined the temper of it. BINNACLE: Reckon it did ... but maybe we can re-temper it. ROBBY: How? ... You mean we can make the steel hard again? BINNACLE: We can try ... heatin' it cherry-red and then plunging it in cold water ... that might harden it up some. I need that harpoon, too ... so I can spear me some sharks. JULIE: Binnacle ... are we going to stay here for a long time? BINNACLE: No, Julie. We'll have to stay here until we can solve the big problem ... and then we'll look for a permanent home-site.... But until we get rid of those pigs, this is the safest place. SATURDAY: My mouth just waters whenever I think of all those pork-chops runnin' around loose ... I haven't had me a pork-chop in so long I wouldn't hardly know one was I to meet up with one. BINNACLE: Sure wish we had a corral to keep 'em in. SATURDAY: What's a corral? BINNACLE: Oh, a corral is a fenced-in place where they keep horses and cows on a cattle ranch. Mostly it's used for horses. SATURDAY: I see.... ROBBY: Say ... if we could only find a big cave we could drive them into it and pen them up.... BINNACLE: Soon as we get some weapons made and can defend ourselves, we'll look for a place like that. ROBBY: Hope we can fine one. BINNACLE: Maybe. Then another thing we've got to do is to get a flag-staff up on the top of that hill ... and fly a signal flag, so's it'll be seen by any ship that is passing.... ROBBY: I'd almost forgotten about being rescued. ... I suppose we will be rescued some day. JULIE: I've about given up hope. ... I don't suppose it will be so bad, but I hate to think of Jinkey growing up without a college education. BINNACLE: Huh ... if we stay on this island until Jinkey is old enough to go to college, we'll start a college of our own. JULIE: Oh. That'll be wonderful! BINNACLE: But we got a lot of years to worry about that in. And there's other things that have to be done right today. So I reckon we better get busy! SATURDAY: You want me to do any more fishin'? BINNACLE: Yes ... I reckon you better do some fishing ... and keep your eye open for turtles, too, Saturday ... we could use some turtle meat and some turtle eggs if we could find them.... [DISTANT CROW OF A ROOSTER] KATIE: Ach ... I am hearing things! ROBBY: Say ... what was that? BINNACLE: I'm afraid to even name it because it can't be so. JINKEY: Well, I'm not ... it was a rooster! SATURDAY: It sho was ... you can't fool me on chickens! [DISTANT CROW OF ROOSTER] KATIE: There it is again! SATURDAY: Here's where I goes huntin'! BINNACLE: Wait a minute, Saturday.... Don't go rushin' off.... That means something! ROBBY: It may mean fresh eggs.... JINKEY: Which are a lot better than any old turtle eggs. BINNACLE: Where you find chickens, you usually find people.... There may be people on this island and we've got to find out! ANNOUNCER: Is Faraway Island inhabited? Or how will that crowing be explained? Looks like more strange things are due to happen ... so don't forget to listen in Tuesday night and hear what happens next to the castaways. Well, let's call a meeting of the 5-M Club to order. Here's an idea for you boys and girls who have started smaller 5-M Clubs with your own friends. Now, while the State membership is closed, there's no reason why you should limit your club to State members. Why don't you make out your own pledges for new members to sign, and make up some sort of a badge or insignia for them. You'll be helping your great State if you get lots of other boys and girls to sign a pledge that they'll drink a quart of fresh milk every day, too. The State of New York wants you all to grow up into strong, healthy citizens, and your State knows that milk will help you. "Robinson Crusoe, Junior" is sent to you every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at this same time, by authority of the State of New York.