Lux Radio Theater The Wizard of Oz Date: Dec 25 1950
The Lux Team:
ANNOUNCER, John Milton Kennedy
HOST, William Keighley
LIBBY COLLINS, our Hollywood reporter
PAULA STONE, intermission guest
The Oz Team:
TOTO, the dog
GLINDA, the Good Witch
The Supporting Roles:
GALLAGHER, a neighbor (1 line)
BOSSIE, the cow (1 moo)
MAYOR, of Munchkinland
1ST MUNCHKIN (2 lines)
2ND MUNCHKIN (2 lines)
GUARD, Emerald City (3 lines)
WOMAN, Emerald City (2 lines)
MAN, Emerald City (1 line)
CAPTAIN, of the guards
ANNOUNCER: Lux presents Hollywood! MFX: LUX THEME ANNOUNCER: Lever Brothers Company, the makers of Lux Toilet Soap, bring you the Lux Radio Theatre, starring Judy Garland in "The Wizard of Oz." Ladies and gentlemen, your producer, Mr. William Keighley! SFX: APPLAUSE MFX: UP AND OUT HOST: Holiday greetings from Hollywood, ladies and gentlemen. I trust you've all had a perfect Christmas -- wonderful presents, too much dinner, and lots of merry company. But sometime during the day, I am sure you've said, "Christmas really belongs to the children." And so, before they have to leave their toys and cowboy suits, we want to tell them a story. And you'll want to listen, too, because it's "The Wizard of Oz" -- one of those wonderful Oz books that we've all loved since they were written, by L. Frank Baum, fifty years ago. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer turned "The Wizard of Oz" into a screen classic, and a lovely little singer into a star -- one of the most talented stars of Hollywood -- Judy Garland. Audiences have asked that it be brought back again and again, to be entranced by Judy's performance and those fascinating Oz characters -- the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodsman, the Cowardly Lion, and the delightful little people, the Munchkins. Now, it's off to "The Wizard of Oz," starring Judy Garland as Dorothy. MFX: FOR AN INTRODUCTION ... "OVER THE RAINBOW" ... THEN IN BG, OUT AT [X] HOST: This is the story of a girl named Dorothy, who lives with her aunt and uncle on a farm, way out in Kansas. Her dearest friend is her dog, Toto, but Dorothy has other friends, too. The farm hands, for instance -- Zeke and Hunk and Hickory. [X] TOTO: (BARKS EXCITEDLY, CONTINUES IN BG) HICKORY: Hey, what's your hurry, honey? What's wrong? DOROTHY: (AGITATED) It's Toto, Hickory! Toto! ZEKE: Toto? Somethin' wrong with that dog? Why, he looks fine to me. DOROTHY: (OVERWROUGHT) Well, he - he is Zeke, but he almost wasn't. Miss Gulch hit him, just because he gets in her garden and chases her nasty old cat. ZEKE: (HUMORS HER) Oh, sure, honey, sure. Only we're busy, see? I got them hogs to get in. HUNK: Now, look, Dorothy, you just ain't usin' your head about that mean, old Miss Gulch. You'd think you didn't have a brain at all. DOROTHY: Hunk! I have so got brains. HUNK: Well, use 'em, then. When you're walkin' home with Toto, just keep away from Miss Gulch's place. Your head ain't made of straw, you know. ZEKE: Gosh, Dorothy, that Miss Gulch ain't nobody to be 'fraid of. Have a little courage, that's all. DOROTHY: Courage, Zeke? ZEKE: Why, sure. You know, like - like me. HICKORY: Well, look who's talking. You? Courage? HUNK: There ain't a man in the county who scares easier 'n you. ZEKE: Well, well, that's a fine thing to say. HICKORY: (QUICKLY) Look out, Zeke, that pig's gonna bite you! ZEKE: (PANICS) Where?! What pig?! Help! Help! HUNK: (LAUGHS) HICKORY: (LAUGHS) You see what I mean? ZEKE: Now cut that out. Scarin' a man half to death like that. AUNTIE EM: (APPROACHES) Here now, here! What's all this jabber-wabbin' when there's work to be done? DOROTHY: It's about Toto, Auntie Em. Miss Gulch says she's gonna go and get the sheriff and-- AUNTIE EM: Hunk, I thought you and Hickory was supposed to be fixin' that wagon. HUNK: Oh, we are, Miss Gale. Hand me that wrench, Hickory. AUNTIE EM: And feed them hogs, Zeke, before they worry themselves into anemia. ZEKE: Yes, ma'am. AUNTIE EM: Now then, child, what's your trouble? DOROTHY: Auntie Em, really, do you know what Miss Gulch said she was gonna do to Toto? She said she was gonna-- AUNTIE EM: There you go again, imaginin' things. You know you always get yourself into a fret over nothin'. DOROTHY: Oh, but this time-- AUNTIE EM: Now, you just help us all out this afternoon. Find yourself a place where you won't get into any trouble. (MOVING OFF) I gotta get back in the house. DOROTHY: Yes, Auntie Em. (SIGHS) Come on, Toto. TOTO: (BARKS) MFX: INTRO OF "OVER THE RAINBOW" DOROTHY: Do you suppose there is such a place, Toto? Where there isn't any trouble? TOTO: (WHINES SYMPATHETICALLY) DOROTHY: There must be. Not a place you can get to by a boat or a train, but it's far, far away, behind the moon, beyond the rain ... (SINGS) Somewhere over the rainbow way up high, There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue, And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true. Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh, why can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow Why, oh, why can't I? MFX: TO A FINISH ... THEN "OVER THE RAINBOW" FILLS A PAUSE BEFORE FADING OUT SFX: TRANSITIONAL PAUSE AUNTIE EM: (FADES IN) Oh, now hold on a second, Miss Gulch. Surely you don't mean that! Why, that little dog-- MISS GULCH: That dog's a menace to the community! I'm taking that animal to the sheriff and make sure he's destroyed! DOROTHY: (APPROACHES) Destroyed?! Oh, no, no, please! You mustn't! TOTO: (BARKS) UNCLE HENRY: Why, honey, we didn't know you were there. TOTO: (WHINES APOLOGETICALLY BEHIND--) DOROTHY: Toto didn't know he was doing anything wrong. I'm the one who ought to be punished, Uncle Henry. I let him go in her garden. MISS GULCH: There's a law protectin' folks against animals like that! DOROTHY: No! No! Please! AUNTIE EM: Well, we can't go against the law, Dorothy. MISS GULCH: Now you're bein' smart. (SAVAGE) Give him to me! DOROTHY: No! I won't let you take him! I won't! You're a witch! A wicked old witch! AUNTIE EM: Dorothy! DOROTHY: Oh, please, Auntie Em! Please! MFX: SNEAKS IN ... "WITCH" THEME ... IN BG MISS GULCH: Ahhh! I got him at last! (MOVING OFF) And there's nothing any of you can do about it! TOTO: (MOVING OFF WITH MISS GULCH, BARKS ANGRILY) DOROTHY: Toto! Toto! MFX: BUILDS TO BRIEF DRAMATIC BRIDGE SFX: FARMYARD BACKGROUND ... ANIMAL NOISES HUNK: Now, come on, Dorothy; cheer up, honey. DOROTHY: (TEARFUL) Please, Hunk. I don't feel like talking. Not to anybody. HUNK: Not even to Toto? DOROTHY: Oh, you know he's gone. You know Miss Gulch took him away. HUNK: I know somethin' else, too, honey. Toto musta jumped out o' her basket and run back home, because there's a little brown and white dog lookin' all over for you. TOTO: (APPROACHES, BARKS HAPPILY) DOROTHY: (STUNNED) Oh, Toto. Toto, you're back. TOTO: (BARKS) DOROTHY: (JOYOUS) Toto! Toto! TOTO: (A FINAL BARK ... THEN WHINES BEHIND--) MFX: SNEAKS IN ... WARM ... THEN TURNING APPREHENSIVE BEHIND-- DOROTHY: You came back to me, Toto! Oh, I thought you were dead. I-- I-- (REALIZES) They'll be coming after you; Miss Gulch -- and the sheriff maybe. We've got to run away! Now, Toto! Where no one'll ever find us or - or take you away again. Yes, Toto -- we've got to run away! MFX: UP ... "OVER THE RAINBOW" ... BRIEF BRIDGE ... FADES OUT BY [X] SFX: DOROTHY'S FOOTSTEPS .. THEN IN BG DOROTHY: It's getting dark, Toto. I - I think maybe there's a storm coming. But we'll just keep going, won't we? [X] We're not afraid. It's - it's just like Zeke said -- courage. SFX: BLEAK, DESOLATE WIND BLOWS, IN BG TOTO: (BARKS EXCITEDLY) DOROTHY: I see what you mean. A wagon -- a horse and a wagon and - and a man. And there's a big sign on the wagon. Wait, I think I can see what it says. (READS) "Professor Marvel, acclaimed by the crowned heads of Europe. Let him read your past, present, and future in his crystal." MARVEL: (APPROACHES) Well! Who might you be? DOROTHY: (QUIETLY, TO TOTO) Uh, I guess it's all right, Toto. He - he looks like a nice man. MARVEL: Well, if you're not going to tell me who you are, suppose I tell you. DOROTHY: (PUZZLED) But how can you? MARVEL: (SHORT LAUGH) Professor Marvel knows all, tells all! Your past, present, future for twenty-five cents, a quarter of a dollar. Two bits, if you prefer. DOROTHY: Oh. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can afford it. MARVEL: Oh. So, your name's Dorothy, is it? DOROTHY: How did you know that? MARVEL: Well, on the one hand, perhaps I saw ya in my crystal and, on the other hand, perhaps a fellow named Zeke passed by a while ago lookin' for you. DOROTHY: Oh. I see. MARVEL: But don't you think for one minute I couldn't have figured it out for myself. Why, Professor Marvel and his magic crystal have amazed royalty and peasantry alike the world over. DOROTHY: Oh, please, Professor, can't we go with you and see all the crowned heads of Europe? MARVEL: (TOO QUICKLY) Oh, do you know any? (RECOVERS) Oh, you - you mean the sign on my wagon. DOROTHY: I - I don't suppose you could take just a little look in your magic crystal for me? For nothing, I mean. MARVEL: Matter of fact, young lady, I already have -- oh, just practicing you understand -- and you know what I saw? DOROTHY: What? MARVEL: A woman, tears in her eyes, care worn. A woman looking for someone, and her name is, uh-- DOROTHY: Auntie Em? MARVEL: Kindly allow me to supply the answers. (BEAT) Her name is Auntie Em. Someone has almost broken her heart. DOROTHY: (MEEKLY) Me? MARVEL: Well, someone she loves very much. And then, just before the crystal went dark, I - I saw her put her hand over her heart and drop - drop down on the floor. DOROTHY: (WORRIED) Oh, no. No. You don't suppose she could really be sick do you? Oh, I - I've got to go home right away! MARVEL: Go home? I thought you were going along with me. SFX: SNEAKS IN ... THE COMING STORM ... INCREASINGLY LOUD, IN BG DOROTHY: But I've got to get to her right away. (CALLS) Toto! (MOVING OFF) Come on, Toto, we're going. (CALLS) Good-bye, Professor, and thank you! MFX: SNEAKS IN ... ACCOMPANIES STORM MARVEL: (CALLS) Don't waste any time! There's a windstorm blowing up! (TO HIMSELF) Oh, poor little kid. Hope she gets home all right. MFX: UP, FOR A TORNADO ... BRIDGE ... THEN IN BG, IN AGREEMENT WITH FOLLOWING-- SFX: WIND HOWLS, IN BG TOTO: (BARKS) DOROTHY: (CALLS) Auntie Em?! Auntie Em?! TOTO: (BARKS) DOROTHY: There's - there's nobody in the house, Toto! I can't find anybody! TOTO: (BARKS) DOROTHY: Auntie Em! TOTO: (BARKS) DOROTHY: (REALIZES) The storm cellar! That's where they are! The storm--! SFX: HOUSE STARTS TO SHAKE TOTO: (BARKS) DOROTHY: Toto! The house! The house is blowing away! Toto, look out! Look out! SFX: HOUSE BREAKS LOOSE ... IS SUCKED UP INTO TORNADO MFX: HITS A CLIMAX ... THEN OUT ... OMINOUS PAUSE ... THEN RETURNS TO PAINT A PICTURE OF THE HOUSE (AND EVERYTHING ELSE) FLYING THROUGH THE AIR, IN BG, IN AGREEMENT WITH FOLLOWING-- SFX: WIND HOWLS, IN BG DOROTHY: (ASTONISHED) Toto? Toto, where are we? What's happening? We're in the house, but the house is up in the air! Everything's moving; everything's rushing through the sky -- barns and buggies -- MFX: FOR A CHICKEN ROOST FLYING BY ... THEN IN BG DOROTHY: -- and there goes our chicken roost! MFX: ACCENT THE CHICKEN ROOST ... THEN IN BG DOROTHY: (REALIZES) Toto, we're caught in a cyclone. We're right up inside the middle of a cyclone! Why, there's old Mr. Gallagher in his rowboat. (CALLS) Mr. Gallagher! GALLAGHER: (CALLS, OFF) Howdy, Miss Dorothy! Kinda breezy, ain't it?! DOROTHY: And Uncle Henry's heifer. (CALLS) Bossie! Bossie! BOSSIE: MOOOOOOO! DOROTHY: I - I don't understand this at all. Things are flying around so fast that I can-- I can-- (SEES MISS GULCH) Look! Miss Gulch! MISS GULCH: (CACKLES HIDEOUSLY) DOROTHY: Now she's on a broomstick! She is a witch! Don't worry, Toto, I won't let her--! SFX: WIND OUT WITH-- MFX: ALL OUT ABRUPTLY EXCEPT FOR A LONG HELD NOTE ... TO DEPICT THE HOUSE MOMENTARILY STOPPED IN MIDAIR DOROTHY: We've stopped moving, Toto. We're standing still. MFX: OMINOUS DOROTHY: But we can't stand still up in the middle of the air! We're going to fall. We are falling! MFX: ACCENT! ... THEN, FOR A FALLING HOUSE ... THEN IN BG DOROTHY: We're falling! We're falling! We're falling! MFX: DEPICTS THE HOUSE FALLING AND LANDING WITH A CRASH! ... THEN IN BG, FOR A GENTLE PICTURE OF MAGICAL MUNCHKINLAND (INCLUDES ETHEREAL CHOIR) TOTO: (WHINES UNHAPPILY, GROWLS) DOROTHY: (AWED) Toto? We've landed. But where? Where - where are we? TOTO: (BARKS, GROWLS) DOROTHY: Why, it's a regular little village. And look! Houses and streets and trees and fountains. TOTO: (BARKS POINTEDLY) DOROTHY: Yes, you're quite right. That is our house over there. We must have bounced out when we landed, but what place is this? TOTO: (BARKS UNEASILY) DOROTHY: I have a feeling we're being watched. I have another feeling we're not in Kansas any more. Why, we must be over the rainbow. MFX: SNATCH OF "OVER THE RAINBOW" BEHIND ABOVE ... THEN A FANFARE FOR GLINDA'S ARRIVAL ... THEN IN BG DOROTHY: Toto, look! There's a big bubble coming down the street, and - and there's someone inside it. A lady, and she's stepping out of it. Oh, now I know we're not in Kansas. MFX: GENTLY OUT GLINDA: (PLEASANT, TO DOROTHY) Tell me, please -- are you a good witch or a bad witch? DOROTHY: (CONFUSED) Me? Oh, I'm - I'm not a witch at all. I'm Dorothy Gale, from Kansas. GLINDA: Oh. Well, I am a little muddled. The Munchkins just summoned me because-- DOROTHY: The - Munchkins? GLINDA: You happen to be standing in the very center of their village, you know. DOROTHY: And they sent for you? GLINDA: Because some new witch has just dropped a house on the Wicked Witch of the East. See? Over there. DOROTHY: Oh, but that's our farmhouse, from Kansas. GLINDA: Now, look where I point my wand. DOROTHY: (BIG GASP!) Two red slippers! GLINDA: Exactly. Two red slippers protruding from under the farmhouse -- all that's left of The Wicked Witch of the East. And since it's your farmhouse, obviously you're responsible. Oh, you've made the Munchkins very happy, my dear. DOROTHY: If - if you please, what are Munchkins? GLINDA: The little people who live in this land. It's Munchkinland, and you are now their national heroine. DOROTHY: And who are you? GLINDA: Why, I'm Glinda, of course, the Witch of the North. DOROTHY: Witch?! But you're beautiful! MFX: SNEAKS IN ... BUILDS TO SONG GLINDA: Thank you. You see, only bad witches are ugly and I'm considered a very good witch. Now, suppose I call the - (CALLS GENTLY) - Munchkins? BIZ: MUNCHKINS EMERGE AND CHATTER DURING FOLLOWING-- GLINDA: (SINGS) Come out, come out, wherever you are And meet the young lady who fell from a star. She fell from the sky, she fell very far And Kansas, she says, is the name of the star. (SPEAKS) Well, Munchkins? Have you nothing to say to her? Where's the mayor? Ah, there you are. MUSIC: GENTLY OUT MAYOR: Ah, first of all, Miss Dorothy, a little floral tribute. DOROTHY: Oh, what beautiful flowers! Oh, thank you, thank you! MAYOR: There will be, of course, a parade and general celebration, with a brass band and a regiment of cavalry. Meanwhile-- (JOYOUS SHOUT) Oh, let the joyous news be spread! The wicked, old witch at last is dead! MFX: FANFARE ... THEN "DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD" MUNCHKINS: (SING) Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch! Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead! Wake up, you sleepy head! Rub your eyes, get out of bed. Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead! She's gone where the Goblins go, Below ... below ... below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing And ring the bells out. Ding Dong! The merry-oh! Sing it high, sing it low. Let them know the Wicked Witch is dead! MFX: SONG ENDS ... BASS DRUM! CRASH OF CYMBALS! THEN OMINOUS ... FOR THE ARRIVAL OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST ... CONTINUES IN BG, ABRUPTLY OUT AT [X] BIZ: MUNCHKINS PANIC MAYOR: Smoke! A cloud of red smoke! 1ST MUNCHKIN: Shooting fire! And - and explosions! 2ND MUNCHKIN: The witch is coming! The Wicked Witch! DOROTHY: But I thought you said she was dead! GLINDA: She is dead. This one on the broomstick is her sister, the Wicked Witch of the West. MAYOR: She's even worse than the other one. WITCH: (BELLOWS) Silence! [X] I demand silence! DOROTHY: (REALIZES) It's Miss Gulch! That's who it is, Miss Gulch! WITCH: (TO DOROTHY) Hard of hearing, are you? I said silence! (TO ALL) Now then! Who killed my sister? (TO DOROTHY) Was it you? DOROTHY: No, no! It was an accident. I didn't mean to kill anyone. WITCH: Well, my little pretty, I can cause accidents, too. GLINDA: (PLEASANT) Aren't you forgetting the ruby slippers? WITCH: (GREEDILY) The slippers! My sister's slippers! There they are, still on her feet, over there! Well, I'll just take them. GLINDA: Just a moment, if you please. MFX: FOR A MAGIC SPELL ... THEN IN BG, OUT AT [Y] GLINDA: (CASTING THE SPELL) "Ruby slippers, slippers red; Leave the feet of she who's dead. I summon my authority And bid you serve Miss Dorothy." [Y] WITCH: The slippers, what are you doing to them? DOROTHY: (SURPRISED) Why, now they're on my feet! WITCH: You give them back to me! GLINDA: Never! There they are, and there they'll stay. WITCH: You nasty little girl! They're of no use to you! GLINDA: Don't be frightened of her, Dorothy. WITCH: You stay out of this, Glinda, or I'll fix you as well. GLINDA: Rubbish! You have no power here. Begone, before somebody drops a house on you, too. WITCH: Very well, I'll bide my time! As for you, my fine lady-- DOROTHY: (BRAVELY) You heard what she said. Begone! WITCH: I'll get you yet, my pretty -- and your little dog, too! (CACKLES MADLY) Away, broomstick! Away! SFX: WITCH ROCKETS AWAY ON BROOMSTICK GLINDA: (CALLS) It's all right, Munchkins! Don't hide your faces! She's gone. BIZ: MUNCHKINS EMERGE AND CHATTER BRIEFLY AMONGST THEMSELVES GLINDA: (TO DOROTHY) Now then, my dear, the sooner you get out of Oz, the safer you'll sleep. DOROTHY: Oh, I'd give anything to get out of Oz! But how? Which is the way back to Kansas? GLINDA: Kansas? The only person who might know would be the great and wonderful Wizard of Oz himself. DOROTHY: The Wizard of Oz? Is he good or is he wicked? GLINDA: Oh, very good, but very mysterious. He lives far off in the Emerald City. Did you by any chance bring your broomstick with you? DOROTHY: Uh, no, I'm afraid I didn't. GLINDA: Well then, you'll have to walk. The Munchkins will see you safely to the border. And remember, never let those ruby slippers off your feet, or you'll be at the mercy of the Wicked Witch of the West. DOROTHY: But - but how do I start for the Emerald City? GLINDA: All you have to do is follow that yellow brick road. (MOVING OFF, CALLS) Help her, Munchkins! The yellow brick road! SFX: MILITARY DRUM, IN BG ... BUILDS TO SONG MAYOR: Helpers! Attention! Follow the yellow brick road! 1ST MUNCHKIN: Follow the yellow brick road! 2ND MUNCHKIN: Follow the yellow brick road! MUNCHKINS: (SING) Follow, follow, follow, follow, Follow the Yellow Brick Road! (THEY ACCOMPANY DOROTHY, IN BG) DOROTHY: (SINGS) We're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz! If ever a Wiz there was. If ever, oh, ever a Wiz there was The Wizard of Oz is one because, Because, because, because, because, because. Because of the wonderful things he does. We're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. MFX: TO A FINISH SFX: APPLAUSE ANNOUNCER: In a few moments, we'll bring you Act Two of "The Wizard of Oz." And now, here is our Hollywood reporter, Libby Collins, to give us the Lux Radio Theatre's movie news of the week. LIBBY COLLINS: Tonight, John, it's the new Howard Hughes production, "Vendetta," starring a lovely newcomer to Hollywood. She's Faith Domergue and she's been given just the role her dark, exotic beauty calls for. This RKO picture tells the story of a family feud, in old-time Corsica, and Faith plays the girl who vows to avenge her father's murder. ANNOUNCER: Quite an intense melodrama, Libby. Isn't that a terrific set they built for the dueling scene? LIBBY COLLINS: Oh, yes indeed. No California landscape could quite convey the bleakness of that wild Corsican country, so they built the whole thing on a sound stage. Faith Domergue is photographed in dark costumes throughout and, of course, they set off her startling beauty all the more. ANNOUNCER: There's a highly dramatic, exciting quality about her acting, too. LIBBY COLLINS: Well, she's quite a perfectionist, you know. Spent years of study before attempting her first screen role. And, John, Faith Domergue is a perfectionist about beauty, too. Naturally, her skin has to look soft and smooth in the close-ups. That's why she depends on daily facials with Lux Toilet Soap. She says it's a care that really works. ANNOUNCER: Lux Soap is just right to protect delicate skin, Libby. No wonder so many famous stars say they wouldn't be without this gentle soap. LIBBY COLLINS: Yes, John. Active Lather does wonders for the skin. It's so easy to take a Lux Soap facial, too. You just smooth the rich lather well in, rinse with warm water, follow with a quick cold rinse, and pat with a soft towel to dry. It works like a charm to give your complexion quick, new beauty. ANNOUNCER: Yes, Libby, that's a tip for smart women everywhere. For thorough, protecting care, there's nothing finer than Lux Toilet Soap. When you see Faith Domergue in Howard Hughes' exciting new picture, "Vendetta," notice the smooth perfection of her skin. You'll want to try her daily Active Lather facials. So, why not get Hollywood's own beauty soap tomorrow? Remember, nine out of ten screen stars use fragrant, white Lux Toilet Soap. (BEAT) Now, Mr. William Keighley, our producer. HOST: Act Two of "The Wizard of Oz," starring Judy Garland as Dorothy. MFX: INTRODUCTION, "OVER THE RAINBOW" ... THEN "WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD" IN BG, OUT SOBERLY AT [X] HOST: With the magic slippers on her feet, her dog Toto at her heels, and the little Munchkins marching on ahead, Dorothy is on her way to the Wizard of Oz. They've reached the border of Munchkinland, and the little people have waved good-bye and disappeared. [X] DOROTHY: Well, Toto, now what? TOTO: (BARKS) DOROTHY: We're still on the yellow brick road, but now it goes in two different directions. Which way do we go? SCARECROW: Pardon me, but that way's a very nice way. DOROTHY: Who - who said that? TOTO: (BARKS, THEN OUT BEHIND--) DOROTHY: Oh, don't be silly, Toto. That's just a scarecrow in the cornfield. Scarecrows don't talk. SCARECROW: On the other hand, that way's very pleasant also. DOROTHY: Why, he did talk! SCARECROW: Is there anything so unusual about that? DOROTHY: Well, yes, there is. And why do you shake your head? I mean, both yes and no, at the same time? SCARECROW: Oh, that's my trouble. I never can make up my mind about anything. ... DOROTHY: Oh? SCARECROW: The fact is, I haven't got a brain. Take a look at my head. You see? It's straw. Just straw, like the rest of me. DOROTHY: But how can you talk if you don't have a brain? SCARECROW: Well, some people without brains do an awful lot of talking ... don't they? DOROTHY: Yes, I guess you're right. SCARECROW: Oh, what's he doing; your dog? DOROTHY: Toto? Why, he's licking your hand. SCARECROW: (DISAPPOINTED) Oh, that's what I thought. I - I guess I don't scare him, huh? DOROTHY: (CHUCKLES) No, of course not. SCARECROW: (DEJECTED) I can't even scare a crow. They come from miles around, they pick off my straw for their nests. It's not at all flattering. ... I'm - I'm a failure, just because I haven't got a brain. MFX: INTRO OF "IF I ONLY HAD A BRAIN" DOROTHY: Well, what would you do with a brain if you had one? SCARECROW: Do? Why, if I had a brain I could, I could-- (SINGS) I could while away the hours Conferrin' with the flow'rs Consultin' with the rain. And my head I'd be scratchin' While my thoughts were busy hatchin' If I only had a brain. I'd unravel ev'ry riddle For any individ'l In trouble or in pain. DOROTHY: (SINGS) With the thoughts you'd be thinkin' You could be another Lincoln If you only had a brain. SCARECROW: (SINGS) Oh, I could tell you why The ocean's near the shore. I could think of things I never thought before. And then I'd sit And think some more. I would not be just a nuffin' My head all full of stuffin' My heart all full of pain And perhaps I'd deserve you And be even worthy erv you If I only had a brain! MFX: SONG ENDS DOROTHY: Wonderful! Just imagine, a scarecrow singing and dancing! Why, if our scarecrow, back in Kansas could do that-- SCARECROW: What's Kansas? DOROTHY: Well, that's where Toto and I come from, and I want to get back there so badly that I'm going all the way to the Emerald City to get the Wizard of Oz to help me. SCARECROW: A wizard? Do you think, if I went along, he could give me some brains mebbe? DOROTHY: Oh, I think you better stay here. I've got a witch mad at me and you might get into trouble. SCARECROW: Oh, but I'm not afraid of a witch. I'm not afraid of anything-- Oh, 'cept maybe a lighted match. DOROTHY: Well, since you're made out of straw, I can hardly blame you for that. SCARECROW: Oh, won't you take me with you? Please? DOROTHY: (A DECISION) Of course I will. Gladly! SCARECROW: Hooray! I'm gonna leave the cornfield! MFX: INTRO OF "WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD" DOROTHY: And see a wizard! (CHUCKLES) I hope. SCARECROW: What're we waitin' fer? DOROTHY & SCARECROW: (SING) We're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz! If ever a Wiz there was. MFX: SINGERS AND SONG FADE OUT SFX: TRANSITIONAL PAUSE MFX: MILDLY EERIE ... THEN IN BG DOROTHY: (NERVOUS) Scarecrow? SCARECROW: Hm? DOROTHY: Do - do you see what I see? SCARECROW: Well, not knowin' what you see, how can I say that what I see is what you--? Oh, wait a minute! Look, over there! DOROTHY: That's just what I mean, at the edge of the forest. MFX: OUT SCARECROW: It's a man -- a man made out of tin and holdin' an axe. Come on, Dorothy! SFX: THEIR FOOTSTEPS ON GRASS DOROTHY: Be careful, please. You, too, Toto. SCARECROW: Look here -- here on the grass. An oil can. SFX: CLINK! OF OIL CAN PICKED UP ... CREAK OF TIN MAN'S JAWS WHEN HE SPEAKS TIN MAN: Ooooiiiillll ccccaaaannnnn. DOROTHY: (TO SCARECROW) Did you say something? SCARECROW: No. He did. ... TIN MAN: Ooooiiiillll ccccaaaannnnn. DOROTHY: He said "oil can"! He wants me to oil him! TIN MAN: Mmmmmmmmy mmmmoooouuuuttttthhhh. SCARECROW: He said, his moooouuth. DOROTHY: (TO TIN MAN) All right, just a minute now. SFX: DOROTHY OILS TIN MAN WITH CAN ... HIS JAWS SLOWLY STOP CREAKING BEHIND-- TIN MAN: (MOUTH SLOWLY LOOSENS UP) Ooooooohhhhhhhh, my goodness. Ooooh, joy! Oh, bliss! I can talk again! I can talk! Oh! Oh, my arms, please. SFX: DOROTHY OILS TIN MAN WITH CAN AND HIS LOOSENED JOINTS SQUEAK DURING FOLLOWING TIN MAN: My elbows! Ohhh, that's wonderful! Wonderful! DOROTHY: Am I--? Am I doing it right? TIN MAN: Oh, yes, yes! What a relief! (SIGHS) I've held this axe up for ages! DOROTHY: But, my goodness, how did you ever get like this in the first place? TIN MAN: Oh. Well, about a year ago I was chopping that tree, when suddenly it began to rain. I rusted so solid, I haven't been able to move since. DOROTHY: Well, you're perfect now. TIN MAN: (SADLY) Perfect. Just bang on my chest if you think I'm perfect. Go ahead, bang on it. SFX: CLANG! WITH ECHO ... DOROTHY BANGS ON TIN MAN'S CHEST SCARECROW: (IMPRESSED) Beautiful. What an echo! TIN MAN: You see? Empty. The tinsmith forgot to give me a heart. DOROTHY & SCARECROW: No heart?! TIN MAN: No heart. MFX: INTRO TO "IF I ONLY HAD A HEART" DOROTHY: (SYMPATHETIC) Oh. TIN MAN: All hollow. And, believe me, not having a heart, well, presents problems. (SINGS) When a man's an empty kettle He should be on his mettle And yet I'm torn apart Just because I'm presumin' That I could be kinda human If I only had heart. I'd be tender, I'd be gentle And awful sentimental Regarding Love and Art I'd be friends with the sparrows And the boy that shoots the arrows If I only had a heart. Picture me -- a balcony. Above a voice sings low, "Wherefore art Thou, Romeo?" I hear a beat. How sweet! Just to register emotion, Jealousy, devotion, And really feel the part, I'd stay young and chipper And I'd lock it with a zipper If I only had a heart! MFX: SONG ENDS DOROTHY: Well, I certainly see what you mean. TIN MAN: You were whispering, you and him, while I was singing. DOROTHY: Well, we were just wondering if you'd care to go with us to the Emerald City, then you could ask the Wizard of Oz for a heart. TIN MAN: But suppose he wouldn't give me one when we got there. DOROTHY: Oh, but he will, he must! We've come such a long way already. WITCH: Hah! You call that long, my pretty? Why, you've just begun! (CACKLES) SCARECROW: Who's that? TIN MAN: Who's laughing? DOROTHY: The Witch! The Wicked Witch! WITCH: Well, my two fine gentlemen, helping the little lady along, are you? Well, stay away from her! SCARECROW: Oh - oh, yeah? WITCH: Or I'll stuff a mattress with you, you straw man! And you! I'll use that tin carcass for a beehive! (CACKLES MANIACALLY) SCARECROW: Gosh, what a witch! ... WITCH: Wanna play ball, Scarecrow? Well, here! Catch! SFX: FOOM! RUMBLE OF INCOMING FIRE BALL DOROTHY: No, no, look out! It's a ball of fire! SFX: CRACKLE! OF FIRE SCARECROW: (PANICS) Fire! No, no, no, no! SFX: STAMP! STAMP! OF TIN MAN'S FEET BEHIND-- TIN MAN: Stand still! Stand still! I'll stamp out the fire with my tin feet! (BEAT) There! There, you can move now. SCARECROW: (RELIEVED) Oh, much obliged, Tin Woodsman. DOROTHY: Oh, yes! We both are! SCARECROW: But I'm still not afraid of her. I'll see that you get safely to the Wizard now, whether I get a brain or not! Stuff a mattress with me? Hah! TIN MAN: (AGREES) Mm! And I'll see that you reach the Wizard whether I get a heart or not! DOROTHY: Oh, you're the best friends anybody ever had. And it's funny, but I feel as if I'd known you all the time. (REALIZES) You're just like Hunk and - and-and Hickory. But I - I couldn't have known you, could I? SCARECROW: I certainly don't see how. DOROTHY: (EXHALES SELF-CONSCIOUSLY) I guess it doesn't really matter. We know each other now, all right! SCARECROW: That's right! TIN MAN: We do! SCARECROW: Then -- to Oz? TIN MAN: To Oz! MFX: INTRO TO "WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD" THE TRIO: (SINGS) We're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz! If ever a Wiz there was. MFX: SINGERS AND SONG FADE OUT SFX: TRANSITIONAL PAUSE MFX: EERIE ... THEN IN BG, OUT AT [X] SFX: THE TRIO'S FOOTSTEPS SCARECROW: Uh, does anybody happen to know where we are? TIN MAN: That's easy. We're in a forest. DOROTHY: And I don't like it. It's so dark and - and creepy. TOTO: (BARKS, MOVES OFF BEHIND--) DOROTHY: Toto! Toto, come back! Stay on the path! SCARECROW: He sees something behind that bush. TIN MAN: (STAMMERS IN FEAR) And so do I! DOROTHY: I think I do, too. It's a lion! A lion! He's coming this way! [X] LION: (OMINOUS, COMMANDING) Stay where you are! (COMICAL ROAR WHICH SOUNDS LIKE AN ANNOYING YAWN ... THEN--) Put 'em up! Put up your fists! (ANOTHER ROAR) ... I'll fight you with one paw tied behind my back. I'll fight you standin' on one foot. Stand up and fight! TOTO: (BARKS WILDLY, CONTINUES IN BG) LION: (ANOTHER ROAR) I'll swallow you first, you little peewee dog! DOROTHY: Shame on you! You let that little dog alone! SFX: POW! DOROTHY SLUGS THE LION DOROTHY: Let him alone! TOTO: (STOPS BARKING BEHIND--) LION: (SOBS EXTRAVAGANTLY FOR TEN SECONDS, BLUBBERS) Now, why did you have to slap me for? (MORE SOBBING) I didn't bite him. (WEEPS) SCARECROW: Look. The lion -- he's crying. DOROTHY: (TO LION) Well, you tried to bite him. LION: (BLUBBERS) Well, you didn't have to go and hit me, did ya? ... (SNIFF-SNIFF-SNIFFLES) Is my nose bleedin'? ... DOROTHY: Oh, of course not. My goodness, you're nothing but a great, big coward! LION: You're right, I'm a coward. I haven't any courage at all! SCARECROW: (TO DOROTHY) Do you suppose the Wizard 'ud help him, too? DOROTHY: I don't see why not. (TO LION) Why don't you come with us, Lion? We're on our way to see the Wizard of Oz and get the Tin Woodsman a heart. TIN MAN: And him a brain! DOROTHY: And I'm sure he could give you some courage. LION: But wouldn't you feel degraded to be seen in the company of a cowardly lion? I would. (SOBS) ... DOROTHY: No, of course not. Here, you - you'd better take my handkerchief. LION: Thank you. (BLOWS HIS NOSE) Oh, you're bein' so nice to me! ... DOROTHY: Now, please stop crying. LION: (WHIMPERS) I'll try. MFX: INTRO TO "IF I ONLY HAD THE NERVE" SCARECROW: But - but how did you get this way in the first place, Lion? LION: Well, if you can spare the time, it - it was like this-- (SINGS) Yes, it's sad, believe me, Missy, When you're born to be a sissy Without the vim and verve. But I could show my prowess Be a lion not a mow-ess If I only had the nerve. I'm afraid there's no denyin' I'm just a dandy lion A fate I don't deserve. I'd be brave as a blizzard-- TIN MAN: (SINGS) I'd be gentle as a lizard-- SCARECROW: (SINGS) I'd be clever as a gizzard-- DOROTHY: (SINGS) If the Wizard is a Wizard Who will serve. SCARECROW: (SINGS) Then I'm sure to get a brain-- TIN MAN: (SINGS) A heart-- DOROTHY: (SINGS) A home-- LION: (SINGS) The nerve! MFX: SONG ENDS SCARECROW: Then let's be on our way without any more delay! TIN MAN: That's just what I was gonna say. LION: (CHUCKLES, TIMIDLY) Hip-hip hooray. MFX: INTRO TO "WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD" THE QUARTET: (SINGS) We're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz! If ever a Wiz there was. MFX: SINGERS AND SONG FADE OUT SFX: TRANSITIONAL PAUSE MFX: CREEPY, THEN IN BG WITCH: Ha ha! Little do they know, I, too, was hiding in the forest. I'll still get those ruby slippers -- and then my power will be the greatest in Oz. And woe to those who try to stop me! Heigh-ho, Broomstick -- away! SFX: WITCH ROCKETS AWAY ON BROOMSTICK MFX: TAG FOR WITCH'S DEPARTURE ... THEN ETHEREAL CHORUS, IN BG, OUT AT [X] DOROTHY: Look, everybody! Look! Emerald City! Oh, at last, at last! LION: Emerald City, eh? Gosh, it's all green. SCARECROW: And with turrets and towers and-- Look how big it is! DOROTHY: But how do we get in? This wall goes all around everything. GATEKEEPER: (OFF) It most certainly does! [X] SCARECROW: Look! At the top of the wall. DOROTHY: Oh, who are you? GATEKEEPER: That's my question. Who are you? TIN MAN: Well, uh, if you'll let us in, we'll be glad to tell ya. GATEKEEPER: Let you in, huh? Well, you look harmless enough. (CALLS, GRANDLY) Open the gates of Emerald City! MFX: FANFARE DOROTHY: We can go in! The gates are opening! GATEKEEPER: Well, that's the general idea of gates, isn't it? ... Kindly step forward and state your business. DOROTHY: Uh, we want to see the Wizard, please. GATEKEEPER: (STAMMERS) The Wizard? Oh, ho, but nobody can see the great Oz. Nobody's ever seen the great Oz. Even I have never seen him. DOROTHY: Oh, please. The Good Witch of the North sent me here. GATEKEEPER: Prove it. SCARECROW: She's wearing the ruby slippers she gave her, you see? GATEKEEPER: Well, bust my buttons. So she is. DOROTHY: Then you'll take us to the Wizard? GATEKEEPER: There you go again! Wizard! (FLUSTERED, STAMMERS BADLY) Well, ah, yes, of course-- Ah, wizard-- (STALLING) Meanwhile, you'd all better wait-- GUARD: I beg your pardon, sir? GATEKEEPER: Well, what is it now? Good grief, man, can't you see I'm--? GUARD: You're wanted, sir, in the public square. GATEKEEPER: Who wants me? GUARD: The entire population of Emerald City! There's something going on, sir, and I don't like the looks of it. (FADES OUT) SFX: TRANSITIONAL PAUSE BIZ: FADE IN CROWD MURMURING ... CONTINUES IN BG GATEKEEPER: Now, now, now! What's everyone so excited about?! WOMAN: Don't you see? Up there there in the sky! GATEKEEPER: Huh? Well! That's quite a trick, isn't it? TIN MAN: Dorothy, it's skywriting! SCARECROW: Letters of black smoke all across the sky. LION: (SCARED, STAMMERS) What does it say? DOROTHY: It's the Wicked Witch! It says - it says, "Surrender Dorothy"! WITCH: (OFF, CACKLES) WOMAN: Dorothy? Who's Dorothy? BIZ: CROWD IS CONFUSED AND UPSET MAN: The Wizard will explain it! To the Wizard! BIZ: CROWD IS READY TO MARCH OFF GATEKEEPER: (TO THE CROWD) Here, here! Nobody's going to bother the Wizard now! BIZ: CROWD QUIETS GATEKEEPER: The great and powerful Oz has the situation well in hand! I hope. So you can all go home! Go on, scatter! Ya draw flies! BIZ: CROWD RELUCTANTLY EXITS, DURING FOLLOWING-- DOROTHY: But -- if you please, sir -- we want to see the Wizard right away. GATEKEEPER: Certainly not. Not nobody, not no how. SCARECROW: But she's Dorothy. GATEKEEPER: The Witch's Dorothy?! No, not even you. DOROTHY: (TEARFUL) Oh, please! Please! It's - it's the only way I'll ever be able to get home. GATEKEEPER: Not nobody, not no how. DOROTHY: (SOBS) Auntie Em was so good to me, and I never appreciated it -- running away, hurting her feelings-- GATEKEEPER: What's that? DOROTHY: (WEEPS) Professor Marvel said she was sick. She may be dying -- and it's all my fault. GATEKEEPER: (ALSO WEEPS) I'll get you to the Wizard somehow. SCARECROW: (SURPRISED) He's cryin', too. GATEKEEPER: (SOBS) You see, I - I had an Aunt Em once myself. Oh, this is all highly irregular, but just follow me. (WEEPS) MFX: VERY SPOOKY ... THEN IN BG SCARECROW: Gosh, he just left us in this chamber. It's so dark and vapory, huh? DOROTHY: He said the Wizard would be waiting for us. LION: I'm closin' my eyes. (STAMMERS) Just tell me when it's all over. (WHIMPERS) MFX: UP FOR AN ACCENT ... THEN OUT WITH-- WIZARD: (BOOMING ECHO) Silence! TIN MAN: Who - who is that?! WIZARD: (ECHO) I am Oz! The great and powerful! DOROTHY: But - but we can't see anybody. WIZARD: (ECHO) Silence! You shall never see me! DOROTHY: But, if you please, we - we must tell you something. WIZARD: (ECHO) Nobody ever tells me anything! I know everything! You -- you're a little girl who wants to go home. And you, Tin Man? TIN MAN: Y-y-yes, your honor? WIZARD: (ECHO) Clinking and clattering for a heart! And you?! SCARECROW: Me, Your Wizardry? WIZARD: (ECHO) A billowing bale of bovine breakfast food begging for a brain! And you, Lion!? LION: (FAINTS) Ooooooooooooh. SFX: THUD! AS LION'S BODY HITS THE FLOOR DOROTHY: He's fainted! SCARECROW: Oh, Lion, Lion, wake up. The Wizard'll be awfully mad. DOROTHY: (UPSET, TO WIZARD) Oh, you ought to be ashamed of yourself! WIZARD: (MOMENTARILY STARTLED AT HER EFFRONTERY) I - I what? DOROTHY: Frightening the poor Cowardly Lion like that, when he came to you for help! WIZARD: (ECHO) Silence! The beneficent Oz has every intention of granting your requests. But you must first prove worthy! DOROTHY: Oh, we will. We'll do anything. WIZARD: (ECHO) Very well. Bring me the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West. TIN MAN: Oh, but-- But if we do that-- Why, we'll have to kill her to get it! WIZARD: (Echo) Bring me her broomstick and I'll grant your requests! LION: But what if she kills us first? (WHIMPERS IN FEAR) WIZARD: (ECHO) Silence! Leave the great gates of Emerald City --- follow the arrows marked "Haunted Forest" --- and hence to the Witch's castle. Now go! Go -- and return -- if you can! DOROTHY: (NERVOUS) The Haunted Forest? The Witch's castle? (DETERMINED) Well, I - I guess there's nothing else to do but go. SCARECROW: That's the spirit, Dorothy. Come on, Lion. TIN MAN: We're not afraid. We'll get that old broomstick. LION: (WHIMPERS LOUD AND LONG IN FEAR) ... MFX: OMINOUS ... THEN IN BG WITCH: (EVIL LAUGHTER) And they think I don't know about it. They think they'll take me by surprise. Ah, at last I'll have them in my power -- the little girl, her nasty dog, and the magic ruby slippers! (CACKLES MANIACALLY) MFX: UP, FOR A BIG FINISH SFX: APPLAUSE HOST: In just a few moments, we'll bring you Act Three of "The Wizard of Oz." I particularly want you to meet our guest for tonight, Paula Stone, writer-producer for M-G-M Radio Attractions. She'll bring us news of the world premiere in Hollywood last Wednesday of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's great picture, "The Magnificent Yankee." As commentator at the premiere, you interviewed the many stars who attended, didn't you, Paula? PAULA STONE: Yes, I did, Mr. Keighley. It was one of the most thrilling evenings I've experienced. Over a hundred stars were there. HOST: To cheer for Louis Calhern and Ann Harding, of course. PAULA STONE: Oh, yes. Everyone was so enthusiastic about the picture, and the superb performance turned in by Louis Calhern as Justice Holmes and Ann Harding as his devoted wife. HOST: There's a picture as rousing as a brass band. The distinguished career of one of our greatest men is presented in the authentic atmosphere of our nation's capital. Why, you actually feel the march of stirring events. PAULA STONE: It's an exciting treatment of our recent history, but it's also a beautiful love story. HOST: Yes, indeed. The deep attachment of Justice Holmes for his wife is something to warm the heart. Ann Harding brings dignity and beauty to her role in "The Magnificent Yankee." PAULA STONE: And she's completely charming and very lovely, too. Of course, as you might expect, like so many famous stars I interview from time to time, she gives credit to Lux care for her skin and just keeping it right for the cameras. ANNOUNCER: Well, after all, Miss Stone, it's Hollywood's own beauty soap, you know. PAULA STONE: Oh, yes, Mr. Kennedy. And Lux Soap in the big bath size is just as popular. I know I wouldn't be without it. There's nothing more luxurious after a busy day than a refreshing Lux Soap bath. ANNOUNCER: There's something special about the lather. Rich and creamy, even in hardest water. PAULA STONE: Yes, it leaves skin really fresh -- fragrant, too, with a nice delicate perfume. ANNOUNCER: No wonder screen stars prefer this satin smooth bath cake. Thank you, Miss Paula Stone, for being here tonight. Now, here's a shopping hint for the ladies in our audience. Get the generous bath size Lux Toilet Soap tomorrow. Enjoy its luxurious lather and delightful perfume. You'll discover why screen stars say it makes you sure of all-over Lux loveliness. Nine out of ten famous Hollywood stars use fragrant white Lux Toilet Soap. We pause now for station identification. This is CBS, the Columbia Broadcasting System. MFX: FILLS THE PAUSE FOR STATION IDENTIFICATION ... THEN OUT HOST: The curtain rises on Act Three of "The Wizard of Oz," starring Judy Garland as Dorothy. MFX: INTRO ... "OVER THE RAINBOW" ... THEN IN BG, OUT AT [X] HOST: Well, if Dorothy is ever to get back home to Kansas-- SCARECROW: And if I'm ever to have a brain-- TIN MAN: And me a heart-- LION: And me, courage-- HOST: Then Dorothy must first get the broomstick of the Wicked Witch and bring it back to the Wizard of Oz. But if the Wizard knows everything, the Wicked Witch, unfortunately, knows quite a lot herself. Now, in her bleak and dismal castle, she gloats over a newly-captured prisoner. [X] WITCH: (CACKLES) Excuse me for laughing, but it was so easy to capture you that I can't help it. DOROTHY: (BREATHLESS) At least my friends got away. Toto, too! WITCH: What do I care about them? It's you I wanted! You and the magic ruby slippers. I had every warrior slave in this castle on the watch for you. Now give me those slippers! DOROTHY: No, no! The good witch Glinda told me not to! WITCH: Fool that I am, I should know the slippers will never come off as long as you're alive! DOROTHY: You-- You mean--? WITCH: (SAVORING THE IDEA) Ahhhh! Now, how shall I do it?! MFX: OMINOUS, IN BG WITCH: I think I'll make up a special batch of poison. Yes! That ought to do it -- some nice, fresh poison! (CACKLES) MFX: UP AND OUT TOTO: (APPROACHES, BARKING) SCARECROW: Look, it's Dorothy's dog. Tin Man, Lion, look. TOTO: (WHINES FORLORNLY) LION: Oh, we're goners now, all right. He'll lead the witch's soldiers right here, to our hidin' place. TIN MAN: No, no -- he's come to take us to Dorothy -- up there, in the castle! SCARECROW: We can't fail her now -- we can't! LION: I'll go! Witch or no witch, [guards or no guards,] I'll tear 'em apart! I'll knock 'em cold! I may not come out alive, but I'm goin' in there! SCARECROW: (IMPRESSED) Oh, Lion, that's wonderful. LION: There's only one thing I want you fellas to do! TIN MAN: What's that? LION: (WHIMPERS) Talk me out of it. ... SCARECROW: Oh, no, you don't. Come what may, we're going to rescue Dorothy. TIN MAN: (MOVING OFF) All right, Toto! Show us the way! SFX: TRANSITIONAL PAUSE TOTO: (FADE IN QUIET WHINING) SFX: TOTO SCRATCHES ON DOOR SCARECROW: This is the room. Toto sniffed her out. TIN MAN: (CALLS GENTLY) Dorothy? DOROTHY: (BEHIND DOOR) Who - who is it? LION: It's us. We've come to save ya. Open the door. DOROTHY: (BEHIND DOOR) I can't. She's locked me in here. SCARECROW: Tin Man, your axe -- chop down the door! LION: But that'll make a noise and the guards-- TIN MAN: Who cares about the guards? (CALLS) We'll save you, Dorothy! (WITH EFFORT) We'll save you! SFX: THUMP! OF AXE AGAINST WOODEN DOOR ... CONTINUES IN BG DOROTHY: (BEHIND DOOR) She'll be back any minute! Hurry, please! TIN MAN: (WITH EFFORT) Here goes the door. Stand back, Dorothy! SFX: CRACK! AND CRASH! OF DOOR AS IT BREAKS DOROTHY: Oh, I knew you'd come! I knew it! (TEARFUL JOY) And Toto! Toto! SCARECROW: Oh, we'll have you out o' this castle before you can say Jack Ro-- WITCH: Going so soon? LION: (WHIMPERS) The Witch! The Wicked Witch! WITCH: Why, my little party's just about to begin. Guards, seize them! Seize them! BIZ: MURMURING GUARDS ENTER WITCH: Thought you were being pretty foxy, huh? Now I've got the whole lot of you. Let's see -- how shall I start the fun? You first, Scarecrow! (CACKLES) How about another ball of fire? SFX: FOOM! OF FIRE BALL SCARECROW: (QUICKLY) No! No, no, no -- not that! Not fire! DOROTHY: (SCREAMS) SFX: CRACKLE! OF FLAMES SCARECROW: Help! I'm burning! I'm burning! DOROTHY: I'll help you! This bucket of water--! WITCH: Water? No! No! Put down that water! SFX: SPLASH OF WATER! HISS OF STEAM! SCARECROW: Oh, thank you, Dorothy, thank you! WITCH: Ohhhh! You cursed brat! You've killed me! You've killed me! (GROANS) DOROTHY: Nonsense. I - I just happened to splash some water on you, too. WITCH: (GROANS) LION: (IN AWE) Look! The Witch! She's melting. WITCH: Ohhh, what a world, what a world! Who would have thought that a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness? I'm going. I'm going fast! (DYING) Oooooooooooooh. BIZ: MURMURING GUARDS TIN MAN: She is gone! Look, nothing but a little steaming puddle! CAPTAIN: (ASTONISHED) She's dead. You've killed the Wicked Witch. DOROTHY: But I didn't mean to kill her! I - I didn't know that water would-- CAPTAIN: You don't understand. Now we're all free. (YELLS, TO THE GUARDS) She enslaved us! But now her spell over all of us is broken! BIZ: GUARDS CHEER JOYOUSLY! CAPTAIN: All hail to Dorothy! The Wicked Witch is dead! GUARDS: Hail! Hail! Hail! MFX: "DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD" GUARDS: (SING) Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch! Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead! Wake up, you sleepy head! Rub your eyes, get out of bed. Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead! She's gone where the Goblins go, Below ... below ... below ... DOROTHY: (OVERLAPS WITH SONG ABOVE) Oh, thank you. And, if you don't mind, may I please have her broom? CAPTAIN: (GRATEFUL) Here -- take it with you. DOROTHY: (TO HER FRIENDS, HAPPY) Now we can go back to the Wizard! LION: And tell him the Wicked Witch is dead. SCARECROW: Onward to Emerald City! MFX: "DING DONG!" UP AND THEN FADES OUT SFX: TRANSITIONAL PAUSE GATEKEEPER: I still can't believe my eyes. You've come back -- back to Emerald City! DOROTHY: And we did exactly what the great Oz told us to do. Here! Here's the Witch's broomstick. SCARECROW: And now, if you don't mind takin' us to the Wizard-- TIN MAN: You see, he promised us he'd-- GATEKEEPER: (STAMMERS) But, uh-- Promised you--? Broomstick--? Hoo hoo hoo. What an unhappy situation. SCARECROW: Unhappy? After all we've gone through? GATEKEEPER: Oh, I'm glad there's no one else around to hear this. DOROTHY: Hear what? GATEKEEPER: Oh, little girl, there is no great and powerful Wizard of Oz; that is, I am the Wizard. DOROTHY: (PUZZLED) But he spoke to us himself. GATEKEEPER: I spoke to you. Oh, it was no great trick -- a dark room, a few smoke powders. Your own imaginations did the rest. SCARECROW: Why, you - you humbug! GATEKEEPER: Exactly. DOROTHY: (UPSET) Oh, you're a very bad man! GATEKEEPER: Oh, no, my dear; I'm just a very bad wizard. ... SCARECROW: What about the heart you promised Tin Man? LION: And Scarecrow's brain? GATEKEEPER: Well, anybody can have a brain; that's a very mediocre commodity. SCARECROW: Well, I don't have one. GATEKEEPER: Then, listen a moment. Back where I come from, we have great universities where men go to become deep thinkers and when they come out they know how to think just fine. And with no more brains than you have. SCARECROW: What? GATEKEEPER: But they have one thing you haven't got -- a diploma. MFX: GRADUATION MUSIC, OUT AT [X] GATEKEEPER: Therefore, by virtue of the authority in me, vested by the Universitatus Committee-um, I hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of T-H-D. SCARECROW: T-H-D? GATEKEEPER: Doctor of Thinkology; here's your diploma. ... [X] DOROTHY: (PLEASED) Oh, Scarecrow, how wonderful. LION: But, well, what about me? I'm still a coward, I think. GATEKEEPER: Of course not. You are merely under the unfortunate delusion that because you run away from danger you have no courage. SCARECROW: A simple matter of confusing courage with wisdom. Oh, joy! Oh, rapture! I've got a brain! (CHUCKLES HAPPILY) ... GATEKEEPER: Back where I come from, Lion, we have men who are called heroes, yet they have no more courage than you have. But they do have one thing you haven't got -- a medal. LION: Medal? MFX: MILITARY PRESENTATION MUSIC, OUT AT [X] GATEKEEPER: Therefore, for meritorious conduct and conspicuous bravery against Wicked Witches, I award you the Triple Cross. [X] DOROTHY: (IMPRESSED) The Triple Cross! LION: (MODEST) Aw, shucks. It was nothin'. (EMBARRASSED CHUCKLE) ... GATEKEEPER: You are now a member of the Legion of Courage. (TO TIN MAN) As for you, my galvanized petitioner, you want a heart. You don't know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable. TIN MAN: I still want one. GATEKEEPER: Back where I come from, there are men who do nothing but good deeds all day long. And their hearts are no bigger than yours. They're called philanthropists. But they have one thing you haven't got -- a testimonial. TIN MAN: Testimonial? MFX: A WARM AND LOVING "IF I ONLY HAD A HEART" ... OUT AT [X] GATEKEEPER: Therefore, in consideration of your kindness, I present you with this small token of our esteem and affection. [X] SFX: LOUD, SLOW TICKING! OF WATCH, FADES OUT BY [Y] DOROTHY: A heart! It is a heart. GATEKEEPER: Just remember that a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved. TIN MAN: (PLEASED) Listen, it ticks! My heart even ticks! (REALIZES) But - but what about Dorothy? [Y] GATEKEEPER: You, uh-- You still want to go back to Kansas, hm? DOROTHY: Oh, I do, I do! GATEKEEPER: I wish I could help you, child, but I can't. DOROTHY: (STUNNED) You mean I'll never get home? GATEKEEPER: But it - it's really rather pleasant here once you get to know the place. SCARECROW: And we want you to stay, Dorothy. You see, we love you -- you and Toto. DOROTHY: And I love you, but ---- what am I to do? MFX: FOR THE ARRIVAL OF GLINDA, OUT AT [X] GATEKEEPER: What was that? LION: Look what's comin'. GATEKEEPER: A bubble! Who's been blowin' bubbles around here? TIN MAN: Hey, there's somebody in it! DOROTHY: It's Glinda! Glinda the Good Witch! [X] Oh, help me -- help me. GLINDA: You don't need my help, child. You've always had the power to go back to Kansas. DOROTHY: I have? LION: Then why didn't you tell her before? GLINDA: Because she wouldn't have believed me. She had to learn by herself. SCARECROW: Have you learned, Dorothy? DOROTHY: (THOUGHTFUL) Well, I - I think that - that it wasn't enough just to want to see Uncle Henry and Auntie Em, and it's that if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard, because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with. Is that right? GLINDA: That's all it is, my dear. Now, your magic slippers will take you home in two seconds. DOROTHY: (RELIEVED) That's - that's too wonderful to be true. (INCREASINGLY WEEPY) Only, it's - it's going to be so hard to really say goodbye. I love you all so much. Goodbye, Tin Man. Oh, don't cry -- you rust so dreadfully. TIN MAN: Now I know I have a heart. It's breaking. DOROTHY: Goodbye, Lion. I know it isn't right, but I'm gonna miss the way you used to holler for help before you found your courage. LION: (SNIFFLING) I never would've found it, if it hadn't been for you. DOROTHY: And, Scarecrow -- I think I'll miss you most of all. SCARECROW: Goodbye, dear friend. GLINDA: Are you ready now? DOROTHY: (SNIFFLES) Yes, I'm ready. Say goodbye, Toto. TOTO: (BARKS) MFX: FOR THE MAGICAL TRIP HOME, IN BG GLINDA: Now close your eyes and think to yourself, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home." DOROTHY & GLINDA: There's no place like home. DOROTHY: There's no place like home. MFX: SWELLS ... FOR A TRANSITION ... THEN "HOME, SWEET HOME" IN BG AUNTIE EM: Dorothy? Dorothy child! Oh, wake up! Please wake up. DOROTHY: (TO HERSELF, HALF-ASLEEP) No place like home. No place like home. AUNTIE EM: It's Aunt Em, darling. Oh, Henry, look; she's openin' her eyes. DOROTHY: Oh, Auntie Em -- it is you. AUNTIE EM: Yes, darlin'. MFX: GENTLY OUT MARVEL: (APPROACHES) Hello, there! Can I come in? I just dropped by because I heard the little girl got caught in the big cyclone. UNCLE HENRY: Got a bad knock on the head, Professor Marvel, but she's comin' around now. AUNTIE EM: We thought for a minute she was goin' to leave us. HUNK: Sure had us worried, Dorothy. DOROTHY: (GASPS) HUNK: Why, you remember me -- your old pal Hunk? DOROTHY: Oh! HICKORY: And me, Hickory? ZEKE: You couldn't forget my face now, could you? DOROTHY: Zeke! I - I must've been dreaming. I was in a place far away, and - and you, and you, and-- You were all there. HICKORY: We were? DOROTHY: But -- you couldn't have been, could you? MFX: GENTLY MAGICAL, IN BG, BEHIND-- AUNTIE EM: Oh, we dream lots of silly things, dear, when we're-- DOROTHY: No, Aunt Em, this was a real, truly live place. And all I kept saying to everybody was, "I want to go home," and they sent me home. TOTO: (BARKS) DOROTHY: Oh, Toto! You believe me, even if nobody else does. UNCLE HENRY: Of course we believe you, Dorothy. DOROTHY: Oh, well, anyway, Toto -- we're home! And this is my room, and you're all here, and I'm never going to leave here ever, ever again, because I love you all, and oh, Auntie Em, there's no place like home! (SINGS) Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops, That's where you'll find me. Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh, why can't I? MFX: TO A FINISH SFX: APPLAUSE HOST: Good-bye to "The Wizard of Oz" and congratulations to our lovely star, Judy Garland -- and those remarkable characters from the Land of Oz. Judy, we can't tell you how much we appreciate your giving up Christmas with your family to appear on the Lux Radio Theatre. JUDY GARLAND: Oh, thank you, Bill, but I didn't really, you see. I brought my three-year-old-- My four-year-old daughter Liza; says three in the script, but she's really four. HOST: (CHUCKLES) LION: Oh, gosh. I'd like to meet her. JUDY GARLAND: I'm afraid you're too late, Cowardly Lion. Liza fell in love with the Scarecrow. He's teaching her to dance. LION: Where is he? Let him put up his fists! I'll fight him with one paw tied behind my back! HOST: Imagine, only three - uh, four - years old-- JUDY GARLAND: (LAUGHS) HOST: --and has two men fighting over her already. JUDY GARLAND: Well, that's because she's a Lux girl, Bill, just like her ma. HOST: Well, I can see you're bringing her up right, Judy. Now what are you girls going to do? Go home and eat more turkey? JUDY GARLAND: Oh, no, positively no more today. But I promised Liza, if she was a good girl, I'd take her to the movies tomorrow. HOST: Well, why not take her to see Esther Williams in "The Pagan Love Song," Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's new musical? JUDY GARLAND: Well, that sounds good. Liza loves singing and dancing. HOST: Then be sure she listens in next week, because we'll have another holiday special, two of Hollywood's brightest musical comedy stars, Ginger Rogers and George Murphy. And, we'll present them in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's recent musical screen success, "The Barkleys of Broadway." JUDY GARLAND: Oh, well, we won't miss it, Bill. Good night. HOST: Good night, Judy, and may your New Year be a very happy one. SFX: APPLAUSE ANNOUNCER: Who is this Hollywood star? LIBBY COLLINS: One of three beautiful sisters, she's written a best-selling book on charm. She's the glamorous mother of four lovely daughters. ANNOUNCER: A glamorous mother of four? LIBBY COLLINS: (AFFIRMATIVE) Uh huh. ANNOUNCER: How 'bout Joan Bennett? LIBBY COLLINS: Right! And the girls are always as perfectly groomed as Joan herself. Of course, she insists on Lux care for all their washables, as well as her own. Everything from dainty party dresses to two-year-old Shelley's gay cotton play clothes. Hollywood stars love gentle Lux because it keeps colors new-looking so much longer. Take a tip from Joan Bennett; get a big box of Lux Flakes tomorrow. Give all the children's Christmas washables that lovely Lux look. MFX: LUX THEME ... THEN IN BG UNTIL END HOST: Lever Brothers Company, the makers of Lux Toilet Soap, join me in hoping that you've all had a joyous Christmas. And be sure to join us again, next Monday night, when we'll present Ginger Rogers and George Murphy in "The Barkleys of Broadway." This is William Keighley saying good night to you from Hollywood. SFX: APPLAUSE ... UNTIL END ANNOUNCER: Our play was adapted by S. H. Barnett and our music was directed by Rudy Schrager. Stay tuned for "My Friend Irma" which follows over these same stations. This is CBS, the Columbia Broadcasting System.